Id fuck her. I just dont like how theirs a cover with that bitch hiliary on it. If more "progressive" characters looked like this, id complain alot less.

Putting a feminist super hero with Hillary.
Oh the laughs.

Lipstick on a pig

Also there's a fat girl

Probably Faith is how an Irish or Welsh guy would say Fat. KEK


Yeah but most fat people don't look like her. Try an obese apple, that's your average fat woman.

>Id fuck her.
Is this supposed to be a compliment coming from the average Sup Forums user?


6 or so months ago Sup Forums complained she should have been uglier to better represent piggus. Now this.

That poor naive soul.

Sup Forums ain't one person

Been done.

OK, that's funny.

/fit/- fat people hate general
Sup Forums muh bbw-bbq waifu

This is the comic where the fat girl has some hunky, fit boyfriend right?

Are there refugees of the FPH ex-subleddit on /fit/?

Why is that strange when there are like 5 sitcoms on tv that have fat or ugly old guys with hot wives?

Those sitcoms are strange too.

live action Faith movie
starring Melissa Mccarthy

Generally those men were attractive at some point in their lives, only slumping when middle ages hits them and they've dealt with kids for twenty years or so.

>Its ok in those situations because those guys are older

Kevin James was at most mid 30s on The King of Queens and his wife was a hottie. I don't think he was skinny in his 20s, either.

James also slimmed down quite a bit and worked out in one of the later seasons. It obviously didn't hold for very long, but it's not like he was a total slob the whole time.

The point is that if this were a comic about a fat neckbeard using fedora superpowers with a 10/10 girlfriend then it would be the cringiest thing in the world and would be ridiculed as beta power fantasy.

>in one of the later seasons. It obviously didn't hold for very long

What. Him being slim for ONE of the LATER SEASONS does not fucking make up for every other season having a fat guy with a hot wife.

She was also a big bitch and inflicted her crazy dad on him. Also got fatter too.

According to the show, he was a muscular, handegg-playing hunk in his youth, which is irrelevant because she met him much later in her life when he was already fat and a loser.

As mentions, she also had a terrible personality and came as a package deal with her crazy dad. I also remember seeing in a flashback episode that she slept around before she met Doug.

So at least in this show it makes sense. She didn't settle, someone like Doug: a nice guy who is also a pushover, is the best she could hope for under the circumstances. And for Doug, being fat and having a shitty job and no ambition, having someone as pretty for a wife was an accomplishment.