Red pill me on the first World War

Why was it fought? Who fought in it? Were Jews involved? Who really assassinated the Prince?

I love how you people play a video game and get confused about basic historical info. Amusing.

For fucks sake another thread about WWI has been up for 4+ hours and it barely has 100 replies.

Take your memetopic there faggot. Try the catalogue+search function

Hmmm. Its been a while since I've been in 999th grade but if my memory serves me correctly an angry Serb was pissed about something so he assassinated Austria Hungary's archduke Franz ferdinad which essentially sparked a fermented bomb of years worth of dickwaving between France and Britain and Germany and russia. And USA was like leave me out of it but by 1917 we were neck deep in shit.

And then Germany got btfo and became spiteful and set the stage for ww2

>Why was it fought?
Because Germany, while doing nothing wrong, peacefully attacked Russia, France and Belgium fot some reason
>Who fought in it?
Black people mostly
>Were Jews involved?
Yes, they funded Germany and stabbed France in the back
>Who really assassinated the Prince?
A German agent

So EA can make shekels off of it 100 years later.

Why are you such a babby?

>Why was it fought?
Austro-Hungary wanted to annex Serbia after the Serbian government wouldn't denounce - and even actively praised - the assassination of the Habsburg crown prince. Interventionist Britain got involved, then everything went to shit.

>Who fought in it?
Pretty much everyone.

>Were Jews involved?
Germany sent Lenin to Russia to foment the October Revolution.

>Who really assassinated the Prince?
It's not a secret.

Look up the Berlin Bagdad railway.

In short, ww1 was over oil.

>Interventionist Britain got involved, then everything went to shit.

Pretty sure everything had already went to shit the moment Germany attacked France and Russia, turning a local conflict into a major war

Ww1 was fought because Germany wanted to be the world's superpower and Britain and France wanted Germany to be irrelevant.
Jews brought America into the war for Britain in exchange for Israel.

surprisingly honest..

That's because Russia was allied with Serbia, and France was allied with Russia.

Nevertheless, Germany could have won the war were it not for Britain.

Why was it fought?
We were kind of mad at what the krauts did in 70 and we had to get revenge. At this point it was clear that whatever country lost that particular war would be lost forever.

We both lost.

Ruskies did more wicked shit than us but no one care.

>Were Jews involved?
For the eternal Anglo, this was a war to preserve the domination of the fields of Industry and banking over the world. You tell me.

>That's because Russia was allied with Serbia, and France was allied with Russia.
Germany drew the first blow

>Nevertheless, Germany could have won the war were it not for Britain.
Yes, but it still would have been a massive war given that France managed to make their plan for a quick war fail before British help even arrived
I'd say Germany would have won late 1916 and millions would still have died

Millions more would have lived. Still, the powder keg that was Austro-Hungary would have inevitably gone off soon after the war's end.

>Germany drew the first blow
Depends on how you look at it. I think it's safe to say that if had Serbia been less vocal about their praise for Princip, and stirring anti-Habsburg sentiment in general, much of the bloodshed could have been avoided.

Still, I'll grant that monarchs in Europe at the time were not the least bit humanitarian and still thought of the world as one giant playground, so they deserve the most of the blame, if anyone.

In short, I think it's important to note, for OP's benefit, that World War 1 was ultimately a waste of human life, which amounted to nothing but the rise of communism.

>Nevertheless, Germany could have won the war were it not for Britain
Not if Italy and the Ottoman empire were doing the same.

Italy didn't manage to accomplish an awful lot during the war. And if Britain never got involved, then what need would there have been for the Ottomans?

We got to send people in the Alp because Italy was there. It weakened us.

Britain only send a tiny professional army at the start of the war.

Yeah no. The Russians very quickly moved armies from Poland into East Prussia. It caught the Germans a bit off guard and they ended up having to transfer a few divisions from the Marne to deal with them. So the Russians attacked first.

Germany declared war first, then Russia moved before them

Yes after Germany asked Russia to stop mobilizing their forces and amassing them on the German border.

The blacks of France and England fought the blacks of Germany. The Ottomans were white though.