Bring back Vinceposting

Bring back Vinceposting.

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The funny thing about KitKats is that they take breaks. I don't.

>Some people say it's not the size of the boat but rather the motion of the ocean. Well guess what, Ray? I can't even swim. Never even had a bath.

Bring back anvilposting first

Poo poo pee pee tee hee. Caspere knew this.

>no more MMMMMMMM-posting
>no more uno-posting
>no more hmmmmm-posting
>no more temposting
>no more ape-posting
I could go on

>They say Rome wasn't bulit in a day, however its not even going to me that long to wipe your misribsl arse off this earth.


>My father used to tell me about how he trained his dogs to keep the pack safe from the wolves.Guess what Ray, I am the wolf, you are the sheep and I see no fucking dogs here.

>tfw not very good at english
>tfw can't form the exact sentences i want

You're doing fine. :)

Guess what user, I see no fuckin' fine here.

thank you my kind friend

My father used to tell me that good things come in twos. Well guess what Ray? I'm one bad motherfucker.

i legitimately can't tell which ones are fake and which are real

What's he up to these days?

>tfw I liked S2 a lot

Being in the minority really sucks sometimes.

Vinceposting requires a state of mind too advanced for the average poster on this board. It goes way beyond checking dubs or calling each other big guys. Very few posters have ever done it properly.

Who should he play in the MCU?

s2 finale blew s1 out of the water

Hell yeah

Same. I loved both.

I really liked both seasons. I'm pissed that it's taken this long to get season 3 going after the exaggerated backlash.

They say every dog has his day. Well guess what Ray, it's fucking nighttime.

>exaggerated backlash.

It was fucking disgusting the way they jumped on it. It's definitely weaker than season 1, but it didn't deserve to be brutalized the way it was.

>They say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Well you know what, Ray? I'm holding a dove and I need you to check my pubes.

>"It's an age old argument, Chicago deep dish or New York style pizza. Well guess what Ray, I'm the fucking pizza guy."

You think you know life, Ray? Try shitting in a street corner in India and tell me where the paper is. Just try it.

What the fuck are you talking about

I don't think anyone defends season 2 as much as Sup Forums does (contrarian fags that we are)

Agreed, it is sort confounding. It's not exactly "guy that fucks up idioms" - although that works sometimes. It isn't even necessarily wrong, I think. Certainly unintentional.

Braffposting had some brilliant instances.

All we have these days are literal cut-n-paste spamposts.
WDHMBT will never be clever, in any meta-dimension.

and Sup Forums is minority

I like this one a lot


You think Vinceposting is your ally, huh Ray?I was vinceposting in my mother's womb, Caspere knew this.


Best music interview ever.

you got me

By the time I got out of my mother's womb, Ray, the only thing the light was to me was BLINDING.

Am I doing it right?

This fucking guy's hilarious.

Season two was worth it for this meme alone



Ray, I'd love to sit down and chat, but that's good upholstery and I'm up to my collar in shit.

The expression is good things come in threes though

im stealing this one

S2 had potential, but it just needed more focus/less characters. I honestly didn't know what was going on most of the time. Highways or land prospecting or something? Focus it more on Vince and Colin, cut out War God, have Adams actually get naked/gang banged at that orgy and it would have been much better.

Never do anything out of hunger. Not even eating.

I thought it was "good things come in pairs"

You don't know pain, Ray. You don't know what it's like being an only child and getting doublemint gum for your birthday.


Season 2 went to shit when gay biker cop went full retard and knowingly walked right into a trap. wtf was he thinking

You thought wrong

About dicks, probably.

You think we're a team? Like we're the goddamned Superfriends saving the world? Well guess what, Ray. This may be a world of heroes, but I don't see anybody getting saved.

Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!

What did he mean by this?

Probably, guy was a fanny faggot

his shoes were too tight

>Agreed, it is sort confounding. It's not exactly "guy that fucks up idioms" - although that works sometimes. It isn't even necessarily wrong, I think. Certainly unintentional.

I take it as a man with average intelligence thinking he's a philosopher, and just spitting out whatever thing that pops in his head that happens to sound somewhat clever.

It's like that movie with the dinosaurs and the park, Ray. No matter how much money you put into things, some fat fuck is going screw things up. Casper knew this. He had the Blu-ray.

Not gonna lie, I fucking loved the gunfight that followed.

>Ray, they say that when your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Well I'm a fucking drill and things are starting to look real screwy around here.

>from the writer/director of Bone Tomahawk
Shame he got Vince. I loved Bone Tomahawk and hate Vince.

When I was 7 my dad gave me an egg. He told me to take care of it and keep it safe. I did, I took it everywhere and cared for it like my own flesh and blood. One day it hatched and I a baby chick emerged. It was so small and frail. It's peeps filled the grimy apartment. A bleak glimmer of hope in an otherwise toxic childhood. Then one day my sonuvabitch father came home with one of his flavor of the week hookers. His breath smelt of bourbon and stale cigarettes. You know that kind of negative energy you can just feel In the air, Ray? The kind where you just know someone is going to do something so fucked up you can't even comprehend it until it happens? Well my dad burst in my room and snatched up my chick. He took it into the kitchen and made his hooker stomp on it. He watched and kept demanding she smush it more and more. Masturbating furiously. I looked on with horror, Ray. And from that day on I never let anyone pick up the check. I always pay for my meals no matter what. I don't owe shit to anyone. Fuck you Ray.


>When I was a kid growing up, we didn't have much other than black eyes and empty stomachs. You know, the other day I just thought about this kid I used to know back then, Wyatt Chuwont. Little shit. Had another friend named Wyatt. In fact, those two were best friends. Other one was named Yunid. Polish or Russian or some shit. I think both were.

Let me tell you Ray, this kid gave me the run around every single time I saw him, because he knew that he had stolen. My 1941 Play Ball Joe DiMaggio. Only thing I got at Christmas that year, only thing I wanted. He took it, Ray, and he ran. He didn't leave the city or the state or anything like that. He was just a kid, after all. It was more like he ran from mousehole to mousehole. He was always there, Ray, but always "not." I found out his mom always bought fresh herbs at the little corner store every other Wednesday, so I waited. She walks out, and I see she has a kid in tow. So I grab him, I spin him around. Wrong Wyatt, I got Yunid. Turned out he took over helping the other Wyatt's mom out, but... it was in exchange for my card. Which he had on him.

Caspere knew it, Ray. He knew that you can't always get Wyatt Chuwant, but if you try some thyme, you just mind find you get Wyatt Yunid.

Now that the dust has settled, can we admit S2 was one of the most catastrophic seasons of any shows, comparable to Twin Peaks S3?

I know it's fun to be contrarian, but c'mon.

ghost greek letter pointing

is this real?

Only because S1 was god-tier does S2 seem bad. It's good television if you don't compare it to the best television ever.

I liked how sincere it was about the noir detective stuff, even Vince's ridiculous monologues. Everything is too self-aware these days.

that was embarrassing.

That’s what pain does. It shows you what was on the inside, and inside of you is pure gold. I know that. Caspere knew that too.

>comparable to Twin Peaks S3
We got another one, Mark.

I thought the first half of the season was incredibly mediocre and the last half was great. HBO should've given nicky pizza more episodes or more time to map out the whole storyline, there were a lot of really interesting aspects to it but they weren't fleshed out enough

OK this is a pretty good one.

>Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That's what they always told me, Ray. Do you know how many dicks I've sucked since then? And do you know what I got in return?
>Never do anything out of arousal. Not even fucking.

>I ain't gonna tell you anything you wanna hear, and prison will give me plenty of time to look at guys I don't like.

Honestly this movie looks fucking great.

I think the problem was that season 2 didn't have 1 single director, so it didn't have the consistency of S1 and end up being a mess. Fukushima did a very good job keeping the tone and the rhythm in s1

>Ever hear the story about the big guy and the small guy, Ray? Well long story short it didn't turn out well for everyone. That's just the way this world works, big guys and small guys. Thing is, Ray, I'm the fucking plane.

Ray the way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

I thought it had too many main characters too. There wasn't enough time to develop them while also developing the main plot.

In the midst of being gang-banged by forces unseen, I figured I'd drill myself a new orifice, go on and fuck myself for a change.

Just take out gaycop

Ray, there are only two kinds of people in the world. Those with loaded guns and those who dig, and I'm the only guy in town with a gun and shovel store.

Problem solved.


Ray have you ever been Lynched? Well I have. And lemme tell you it's like waking up and finding out you're the seeing-eye dog who went deaf.

Its a dog-eat-fog word, Ray....and im the fuckin Chinaman...

Wasn't this a real one?

>I don't like rollercoasters, Ray. I can't trust anything that straps me in, forces my hands in the air, and turns me upside down. Following every slow rise comes an immediate plummet. No, I never ride rollercoasters, Ray, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid to build one.

I felt bad for vince he couldn't fuck his hot wife

He never gives me the Thumbs up

Some people like ketchup. Some people like Catsup. Well guess what, Ray. I'm the Tomato.

WHy didnt he just give the guy his trousers and then walk away

they were driving for like an hour at most he wouldnt have died

He had the diamonds in his suit. That's why he refused to give it up. That money was meant to give his wife a future.

My grandfather told me "only a life lived for others is worth living". I've been living for others my whole life, and you know what I found out, Ray? They're all fucking dead.

still better to hand it over than die and lose them anyway

I haven't had a good nights sleep in months, and you know what I'm realizing? I've been asleep my whole life.

The 1% chance of him successfully protecting the diamonds was worth the 99% chance of him getting killed. In his mind, if he couldn't give his wife the future he promised, then he may as well just die.

It was not a rational or smart decision, but it was the only decision that Frank would make in that situation.

It's atmosphere, although interesting, felt rather contrived. Further, it had too many characters and it failed to capture the confusing-story-that-keeps-getting-more-complicated film-noir trope and ended up with a retardedly complex story.

They say a cat always lands on it's feet Ray. What they don't say is what happens if it only has three legs?

Is there any backstory on S2? It's so different compared to S1 structurally let alone stylistically. It also seems so much more amateurish.

I get the vibe that this was like an earlier series he wrote and never had made, then after the success of S!, HBO decided to film it. (or something like that)