Why doesn't Ray just go to the future and grabs one of his own suits?

When Hawkman died why didn't they just go forward 20 years and pick him up again

When they were in the time bubble at the end of time and went into the timestream why did the leader of the time corps think they went into the nonexistent future

Why did Savage's alterations to the timeline randomly make items in the time ship move around

Why didn't Savage know he was going to be stopped/interfered with on the second and third detonations after the first one was foiled

Why can they only try to kill the Legends in the crib once and never again

The answer? Shit writing.

He'll get another suit. And very soon. He'll be suited up for the Invasion

>When Hawkman died why didn't they just go forward 20 years and pick him up again
he died in the time stream and there was no way to tell where or when he would pop up again

>When they were in the time bubble at the end of time and went into the timestream why did the leader of the time corps think they went into the nonexistent future
the future past the end of time is a hellstorm of fucked up physics and environmental conditions the perfect place to hide. the time masters thought rip would go past the last second of the current universe and hide. past "the last second of time" is the universe undergoing the big crunch and preparing to under go the big bang again.

>Why did Savage's alterations to the timeline randomly make items in the time ship move around.
subtle hint that the time masters were working for savage. how does a group unconnected to savage be altered when savage changes something.

>Why didn't Savage know he was going to be stopped/interfered with on the second and third detonations after the first one was foiled
changes in time have to ripple forward in time and are not instant..

>Why can they only try to kill the Legends in the crib once and never again.
because after you try that shit once and fail steps will be taken to prevent it.

where is superman

>he died in the time stream
No, he died at Savage's hands. Even if he had died in the time stream they had pretty explicitly picked him up from the year 2016. They explicitly reincarnate as soon as they die. Jump to 2036 and he'll probably be awakened and waiting for you.

>the future past the end of time
Did not exist, at least in season 1 where the quote is from.
>the time masters thought rip would go past the last second of the current universe and hide. past "the last second of time" is the universe undergoing the big crunch and preparing to under go the big bang again.
Hey look at all this stuff you pulled right out of your ass.

>subtle hint that the time masters were working for savage
Bullshit, it effects items that were picked up by the crew and Rip gives a totally different (but equally retarded) explanation

>changes in time have to ripple forward
Savage isn't jumping through time to be at the three locations and times, he's fucking waiting.

>because after you try that shit once and fail steps will be taken to prevent it.
By whom? The fugitives you're trying to kill? The time masters you're serving?

It was a nice try, user, but you can't wave away how fucking retarded this show is.

2016 Hawkman might not have been important to the timeline but 2036 Hawkman might havebeen

So go another generation forward

They didn't even try.

It literally never occurred to them.

Then when they ran into a brainwashed Carter they all gasped and went "WHU-BU-HOW THAT DUDE DED!" like a bunch of retards

since ray needs a new suit why dont they take the chance to give him a costume closer to the comics atom and less iron maney

I got them impression that both of them have to die before reincarnation happens. Otherwise they would end up with massive age differences.

yeah that really pissed me off. Their entire existence is based off of endlessly being reborn. Why is it so shocking to them that he did the thing that he has done for hundreds of years?

But this was in the distant future. Hawkgirl of their time would have been long dead of old age. Like how they say all those statues of Ray. If he's long dead, then so is she, and so she can be reborn.

I think that may be the approach they were going for

But now Ray's gonna be Citizen Cold so who the fuck knows.

Because as a scientist he understands importance of preserving space time continuum.

But what the fuck do I know, I dropped this shit show in 3 episodes.

But won't be. All the trailers so far that show brief clips of the big crossover have Ray back in the Atom Man suit. Hell, even OP's pic is from when they were filming the crossover.

This season of Legends is fucking shitty

They're not even trying to find a bad guy or anything. I'm not sure they even have a fucking mission. Last week's episode was just "WHOOPS, RAY FELL OUT OF THE SHIP LOL"

>They're not even trying to find a bad guy or anything
Eobard and Darhk
>I'm not sure they even have a fucking mission

Finding Rip and the "mysterious time traveller" that killed Hourman, while policing the time stream since they got rid of the ones who used to do that job.

They don't need to spend 13 episodes on one bad guy. Like all time travel shows, this show works best doing small arcs in fun time periods.

Didn't Carter die in the 1980s?

Shouldn't there have been two Carters running around since he died in the past and probably got reincarnated then?

The biggest one is why Rip didn't just travel to the moment Flash and Oliver zapped Savage to dust so he could just take the ashes somewhere Savage couldn't get out of once he regenerated.

not true remember the old barista in season 1 they dont always end up together but they are destined to be together also they usually just die at the same time at the hands of savage

Well that just opens a whole other can of worms that the show never dealt with.

Yeah, Savage can't die and will just regenerate, but he can clearly be incapacitated.

The first time they "kill" him in the show they should've taken his body onto the ship, dismembered him, and scattered his parts across the void of space. It'd be pretty hard to come back from that.

>why don't you just go to the future and fuck yourself

because then how will his wizard powers kick in

No more retarded that Dr Who but everyone loves that shit.

That show is also charming, intelligent, and self-aware; three things Legends is not.

>That show is also charming
Used to be
Not really, but is COHERENT
>and self-aware
This is the worst thing about legends.

>My reason why one show is shit doesn'tt matter for shows I like

Eh its getting pretty bad lately