How do we fix Japan's fertility rate user?

How do we fix Japan's fertility rate user?

Attached: DRosBgXXcAUmCSS.jpg (866x546, 61K)

Attached: Fertility rate, total, 1960, 2015.png (790x3075, 179K)

Sacrifice your sister on an Aztec temple

more immigrants from africa and middle east. It's the only progressive solution and Japan needs some diversity, that's the main reason why it's stalling in population growth.

Japan should colonize Mexico if they need more workers


It fine because Korea have lower fertility rate, so Korea will go extinct before Japan do.

That's easy. We have a million Nissei's and Sansei's (2nd and 3rd generation full-blooded Japanese) living in South America.

We can always call on them to come back to the fatherland and apply what they've learned in South America and breed like the hispanic rabbits that they've become.


1945-1953 again

block all porn the way how is cp blocked, block all erotic advertising everywhere, block all sexual toys, block all condoms, resettle them to empty space or import immigrants from undeveloped countries which fertility rates are high

>block all porn the way how is cp blocked, block all erotic advertising everywhere, block all sexual toys, block all condoms
none of that is even correlated to fertility rates, not even condoms after the pill was invented (by a Mexican btw)

Invite more Indians, duh?

Killall hikikomoris

Kill yourself a capitalist dog.

To begin with, there is too large population of 120 million people in Japan where the inhabitable land area is only 37%.

We really hope another war will not break out

they literally just need fuck each other oh my god

Import 2 lakh Indians

fucking is not correlated to fertility rates because of contraception methods.

There's nothing wrong with japans fertility rate, as you can see in this image it's higher than around 40 other countries. This meme is blown totally out of proportion

Not to mention that japan is already overpopulated

pay me to move there and i'll breed the countless jap chicks that will slobber over my white dick for the low rate of 100k a year

The birthrate is fine, they'll all turn into cyborgs soon enough anyways. What we need to hope is that Africa adopts their birth rates