Tfw HarryPartridge is making another Skyrim parody

>Tfw HarryPartridge is making another Skyrim parody
>He's not making another Starbarians episode

I guess it's ok. He's usually pretty cool about this.

Of course he is. Every time he does Bethesda gives him free stuff. It's like how South Park have an episode dedicated to video game consoles every gen and occasionally make episodes dedicated to new games they want.

He'd be stupid not to.

What kind of cool stuff do they give him for advertising their game?

sometimes money, and other goodies that come from Bethesda that you could get only at Bethesda

We're not pretending we wouldn't do the same if we could, are we?

Fuck me, if I had the ability to draw or animate or something I would sell out in a fucking attosecond. Don't act like you wouldn't do the same.

I believe that this is why you don't draw. You've no passion for anything but money.

Holy shit, he's alive?
I unsubbed like two years ago, though he was gone for good.

Advertising for Skyrim is one thing but doing it for piss filter, no mods, full price five year old skyrim? For barely a wage?

Fucking hell that's sad.

If I drew for a living I'd obviously have some kind of passion for it, why not scoop up some free goodies for it.

At the end of every ATHF episode they state "ATHF PLAYS GIBSON GUITARS" despite having, what, one or two episodes with guitars? They're trying to get free shit, but you don't call them unpassionate.

fucking sellout hack faggot

>We're not pretending we wouldn't do the same if we could, are we?
I'd honestly just start a Kickstarter so that I could get money from the same people I'm supposedly providing a service to. I'm not a big fan of the idea that something purporting to be a form of entertainment is actually an advertisement for something else.

>other goodies that come from Bethesda that you could get only at Bethesda
Why would you ever want anything made by Bethesda?


I'm ok with this, I started playing Skyrim 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to put it down. Ive been playing as a cat mage

It's his money, I don't care. As long as it looks good.

Actually the only problem I have with this is that it serves to remind me TES VI isn't coming for a long fucking time...

>says he'll try to do more stuff
>stays silent forever
>comes back with this

He's clearly just fishing for a free copy of Skyrim Remastered.

If he bought it on Steam, he'd get it for free. No, I think it's for something else...

Unless you know, he wants it for one of his consoles.

I usually am not rude enough to assume people are that stupid.

is he making one about the sex mods?

Even so, I think he would ask for more than just Skyrim: Your mods don't work edition

>the sex mods
You're gonna have to be way more specific.

Maybe he just really likes TES

He does.

>Just fishing for a free copy of Skyrim Remastered

Why would he do that when he could do a commission for 500$?