Tfw Hillary might actually won

>tfw Hillary might actually won

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Pls no


I think we need PewDiePie to join the alt-right or at least move closer. Look at how handsome he is, a handsome swede, he reminds me of my brother. I will try to work on him maybe, but I think he would get too many messages for me to ever get his attention. Working together we can reach this goal, then stick Hillary's head on a pike.

Why is Pewdiepie posted on here so much?

You cannot deny he is handsome, and handsome and or intelligent people do well to be on the right. If not now, then it will be later for him.

He does look dead inside or at the very least super depressed. Did he get redpilled or in the process?

I don't think he is currently, but he has been getting a lot of attention here lately. So maybe it will happen soon. I know I will try for it.

what are you a grill or some kind of faggit ?

The socialist media (which is almost all media) is in the tank for Hillary Clinton, hip deep.

>Donald Trump did not steal your money and run the debt to what it is right now.

>Donald Trump didn’t raise your taxes.

>Donald Trump didn’t quadruple the price of food.

>Donald Trump isn’t stirring a race war.

>Donald Trump didn’t leave U.S. personnel in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.

>Donald Trump didn’t send the U.S. Navy to fight for al-Qaeda.

>Donald Trump didn’t arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.

>Donald Trump didn’t provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

>Donald Trump didn’t give our military secrets to China.

>Donald Trump didn’t remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia.

>Donald Trump didn’t betray our veterans.

>Donald Trump didn’t cripple our economy

>Donald Trump didn’t increase our debt to $20 trillion.

> REPEAT: Donald Trump didn’t increase our debt to $20 trillion. We can never recover from that. Your grandchildren will be beggars in the street because of Obama.

>Donald Trump didn’t ruin our credit – Twice.

>Donald Trump didn’t double African-American unemployment.

>Donald Trump didn’t increase welfare to a record level for eight years.

>Donald Trump didn’t sign a law making it legal to execute and imprison Americans without due process (Lindsey Graham, the sissy cuck from SC was also behind that).

>Donald Trump didn’t steal your rights, violate U.S. constitutional law or commit treason hundreds of times.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton did all of the above.

And yet, Wolf Blitzer, George Stephanopoulos, Chris Matthews, ABC, CBS, NBC, et al call Trump worse than Hitler, nonstop.

The media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

No I am a straight male. 2 and 2 makes 4, pewdiepie is handsome, these are facts that say nothing about me.


i cannot even imagine what 8 more years of pervasive liberalism may inflict on this once great country

People actually visited his house and shit and he got sick of it.

> I will try to work on him maybe, but I think he would get too many messages for me to ever get his attention

What did (you) mean by this ?

Hillary is doing pretty good in election polls, especially in new England

Pretty much already know she's going to win.

Imagine this scenario:

>Hillary under the pressure of the debate begins slurring her words.

>Then she gets hand tremors.

>Then facial tics.

>Then she starts shaking so hard that she is vibrating at the podium.

>Before flopping onto the stage floor.

>Bowels and bladder releasing simultaneously as on-scene paramedics try to prevent her from swallowing her own bumpy tongue.

Based Trump stands there shaking his head at what the Democrats will vote for.

And the world is watching.

I mean he gets probably millions of messages, will he ever see any messages of mine trying to red pill him? That is why it would have to be a group effort. And if he rejects it, then he doesn't deserve it.


you did take time to explain it, okay i believe you.

Damn that is fucking horrible. Being ambushed ar your house with crazy fans

Who here a Trump supporter but will pretend to be a Hillary supporter and shit post here if Trump loses? I can't be the only one?

Considering he's had Hitler in his videos popping up here and there, and how he had "Jews ___ Die" in another one of his videos, I'd say he's in the process. Requesting the screencap of the Jews Must Die video.



Don't let it happen yanks!

What will happen if that bitch wins:

-Illegals will flood the US, whites will finally become the minority
-White flight from the US
-Shittier living conditions accelerates the white flight, which will make living conditions worse, the circle is complete
-Shitskins and nignogs start to riot since the welfare is getting smaller and smaller
-The bitch wants to prevent a race war, so the liberal hawk interventionist insticts kick in
-Avoid responsibility, start to export democracy, to countries that are not fucked up yet (V4, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia)
-This means the US will meddle in China's and Russia's sphere of influence, two rising great powers won't tolerate this from a rapidly declining, former great power
-Tensions reach critical level, the US fucks it up and gives the spark for World War III
-The grand finale of human history

This is my worst case, possible scenario.

US policy remains the same it has been since before I was born