Ukrainian language written in Latin alphabet?

Ukrainian language written in Latin alphabet?

Would be great

Attached: ukrlang.jpg (722x467, 32K)

Attached: 0e9.jpg (600x600, 27K)

>Ukrainian language written in Latin alphabet
polish already exists, Gžegož

fuck off you dumb, we are Western Slavs, not like you Yugoslavians or another mixed shit

kto z ua?

wow i am sure that surely shows the bulgarian oppressor

> Yugoslavians or another mixed shit
wtf man, aren't most poles huge fans of either croatia or serbia?

croatia but comparing polish to ukrainian is a huge insult

Serbs suck Russian cock so I doubt it. Based on positive things about vacations in your country I'm guessing a lot of people like Croatia.

but most nationalist croats love both poland and ukraine, and assume you are like brothers or something

barely ten years as somewhat rich and already ignorant

it's about language m8
don't be so sensitive

So adding Polish and some made up words to Russian doesn't make it different enough? They need to change the letter aswell?

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but polish spelling really disgusting, especially digrapths when you already have letters for some sound

german is worse

Ukrainians who forcing latin alphabette are pathetic cargo-cultists.

Киpилиця пoнaд yce.

If it happened I hope they woulded choose Czech version not Polish

Why tho? Kirilica was made specifically for Eastern Slavs.

Because it'll be easier to adapt for Ukrainian immigrants in Polish climate.

>not literally having 50+ different ways of spelling the same sound

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What annoys me is that German doesn't have a ž/zh sound and just uses š/sh instead.

I am one but I'm not really Polish but Croat.

Rashka must be pretty bootyblasted after Kazakhstan pulled it off.

Poles always felt superior to Ukrainians, even when they were poorer.

Same about Belarussians, Russians or Lithuanians

We wuz Sarmatians n shiet!

Never change, bros.

>hohols are ready to abandon their 1000 years' tradition of using Cyrllics just to seem a little bit different from us
feels good to be so important in someone's lives

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I put my support in the occupation of Ukraine and its handling by the Polish regime and the use of Ukrainians and slave workers to achieve Polish prosperity as well as Polish colonization and the exploitation of Ukraine. A common belief throughout the Polish aristocracy was that the Eastern territories, which is populated predominantly by Ukrainians and party absorbed by Poland. but taken from the Poland after Partitions and World War II, should be colonized as the Polish Szlachta had once done in the Renaissance. I have stated, “It is essential that we begin systemic colonization in Ukraine. But I have no fear that this will not occur.” I held the usual aristocratic beliefs that was typical of late imperial times.

Attached: polacks vs ukrainians.jpg (794x890, 185K)

Nigdy nie mogę wyjsć z podziwu nad głupotą narodowych kurwów nieudaczników, którzy nie pamiętają, co się stało w 18. wieku. xD

They also have 500 years of writing in Latin

Przecież nikt na serio nie chce tej Ukrainy

Attached: 220px-Ruskoje_wesile_Lozińskoho_(1835).jpg (220x346, 31K)

Ukraińcy mieliby lepiej pod Polską niż pod Rosją. Sami nie możecie istnieć, tak jak my, Polacy. Jesteśmy miedzy dwoma skurwysynami: Niemcami i Rosją, jedyna droga to połączenie się w jedną siłę.

Ale do tego jest potrzebna jeszcze Białoruś.


any Slavic language written in Latin alphabet looks like absolute shit except maybe Czech and Slovak. prove me wrong

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To po co Kozacy się buntowali i tylko osłabiali Rzeczpospolitą, przeciez byla propozycja Unii Hadziackiej (Trzech Narodow)? I tak potem durnie wpadliscie pod bat Carycy haha, taki to los kozaka

Nie jestem Ukraińcem, ty ociężały umysłowo cebularzu.

Dzisiejsza Ukraina to Rzeczpospolita w 18 wieku, tylko zamiast rodów magnackich masz klany oligarchiczne. Roszczenia terytorialne wobec Ukrainy to proszenie się o przeszczep raka.

A chcesz wpierdol?

Cho na solo

What do you have against Slovenian and Croatian?
Did you mean that Polish looks bad? They could really use some of those Czech diacritics.

they need to use õ for ы. otherwise i wont accept it as a real language

>Roszczenia terytorialne wobec Ukrainy to proszenie się o przeszczep raka
a kto kurwa chce anektować jakiekolwiek ukraińskie terytoria? Wystarczy, że z Podlasiem i Lubelszczyzną mamy problemy, bo sama bieda europejska.

>Wystarczy, że z Podlasiem i Lubelszczyzną mamy problemy, bo sama bieda europejska.

Sam jestes biedny, Podlasie i Lubelszczyzna wyglądają lepiej niż tzw. Polska A

Why though, Slav languages written in Latin look like trash

>Podlasie i Lubelszczyzna wyglądają lepiej niż tzw. Polska A
t. Polak B

(chyba w kosciele dobrze wyglądają)


>let's just dismiss our millenia old history just to please some white fags

I'm not even a nationalist but I would jump ship if that happened to my shithole

Zamknij tam mordę ty burgerze jebany, sam nosisz język jakichs angielskich kolonizatorów dzikich ziem, ja chociaż mówię w języku moich przodków.

chyba cie pierdolło Mykoła


>millenia old history

Nie, porównaj sobie przeciętne podlaskie miasteczko z przeciętnym miasteczkiem w Wielkopolsce

Na Podlasiu wszędzie asfaltowe drogi, nowe chodniczki, ładne domy. A na zachodzie to stare rozwalające się poniemieckie domy, żwirowe albo brukowane drogi, bieda aż piszczy.

Actually you just proves his point

t. mongol

Boland should switch to cyrillic. It looks disgusting in latin alphabet.



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You should switch to French

>Be one of the regions visited by Cyril and Methodius
>Throw that away because of contemporary butthurt towards Rasha

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no co? czysto, zadbanie, nie ma typowego dla jakiegos sląska pierdolnika

El alfabeto latin debe reservarse para las lenguas romances

>Na Podlasiu wszędzie asfaltowe drogi, nowe chodniczki, ładne domy

Attached: kondon.jpg (408x492, 56K)

El ogro...


zresztą nawet nie jestes polakiem Mykoła, mieszkańcy Podlasia wymieszali sie z Rusinami i macie wiec ich mongolską mentalnosc untermenscha, jestesmy praktycznie członkami innych ras

Attached: podlasie.jpg (600x450, 96K)

>zapostuj zdjęcie ze skansenu
>to ma cos udowodnic

an improvement actually

o kurwa

>oni wierzą w mit Polski A i B
taa, widzę, że kółko czytelników wyborczej

ale idź chwalić Bandere gdzie indziej


prawda boli co robaku? Jak to jest wpierdalać suchy chleb? Dosłownie jedyne województwa co cokolwiek zrobiły dla kraju to Wielkopolskie, Małopolskie, Mazowieckie i może Swiętokrzyskie całą reszte trzeba sprzedać ruskim z którymi macie wiele wspólnego mentalnie, kulturowo i genetycznie

Ukrainian is literally just redneck Russian so if it's going to drop cyrillic then Russia might as well, too

Ale nie pluj tyle bo Aids'a roznosisz

ej spokojnie ziomek, posuplementuj trochę witaminki D, bo widzę że za bardzo bierzesz niektóre rzeczy

suchy chleeeeb, suchaa woooooda

>cebulaki ze wschodniej polski czują się bogate
gdyby nie EU to byscie wyglądali gorzej niż ukraina
a teraz idźcie głosować na PiS jak dobre robaki bo dajo 500+

Only if it's Croatian-Bosnian Latin script

ja zagłosuję na ONR bo cię nie ljublju

jestescie kurwa gównem polaczki

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co udowadnia

skąd znasz mój fetysz?

Co jest złego z jego ryjem? 'Bielszy" od 60% Niemców.

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tak ci mówią na Podlasiu Sasza?

Is this supposed to be an insult?

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he looks kinda like Putin

He IS Putin

Attached: ____288_500x317.jpg (500x317, 43K)

Russkiy, could you tell me of what ethnicity is Putin? He looks kinda Asian, but I don't know much about Asiatic nations in Russia.

He is unironically a finn larping as russian.

Botex nationality. He looked like a proper slav in 2000. Too much facial surgery turned him into K-pop udmurt like Frankenstein's monster

Attached: 1551872.jpg (1086x1600, 130K)

Botoxed buryat

>moving from cyrillic to latin
>changing alphabets at all
Biggest dick move
>hey want to ensure that you won't be able to read anything written before this language reform?

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they don't have much to read. ukraine is a pretty fresh nation

Ukrainian language is older than Ukraine, though.

haha. good one.

volga german

real Putin has been dead for 18 years so far

wow, nice theory

what is ruthenian? are you historical illiterate?

mmm these words look the same

have you ever thought that modern ukrainians have nothing to do with ruthenians?


Attached: full list of Putin clones.jpg (724x1024, 208K)

>modern ukrainians have nothing to do with ruthenians
lmoa what
they magically appeared in the same place with same language and same traditions?

more like their nationality was artificially created by austrians. same with belarussians, albeit soviets created their language

wow, please could you translate it into Latin alphabet (it can be in Russian language)?

>ukr*inoids trying to be more western
you must go back andreyi. hope your boss isnt holding your passport.