How come Han became a smuggler again after Episode 6 according to the new canon?

How come Han became a smuggler again after Episode 6 according to the new canon?
There was no empire, what was the point of smuggling?

He needed the credits

Im sure theres illegal shit to smuggle still, just cause the empire is gone doesnt make everything legal.

The point was to evade any form of character development.

leia looks like she is having a bad flashback

Did you watch the movie? Because the universe is still fucked up even though the Number 1 and 2 are dead at the Empire.

The New Order was something the movie did right. There's still thousands of Star Destroyers and TIEs and Imperials guys and Stormtroopers out there with no skill set other than warring. Everything isn't going to be rosy because the head is knocked off, everything just becomes more chaotic.

because it's easier than coming up with a new vocation for him

I really didn't get that idea from the movie, I mean the First Order seemed pretty small (they didn't explain how big it was). And we didn't learn much about the new Republic either. Are you referencing the books? I only read a few new comics.

Because TFA is a reboot not a sequel and toys dont sell as much if they do something new

>Why are there still Xwings

>Why are TIE fighters not Interceptors

>Why is everything so square and ugly looking

>Why are there no aliens from the previous movies


how come ________ happened again after _________ happened in the OT

Episode VII, what trash.

Do you think the New Republic just said "OK COOL, NO LAWS NOW." Are you retarded?

To be honest, yes. I got the idea from the movie that the New Republic didn't really enforce the rules and that's why the First Order became so powerful and why the Resistance had to exist as the only (?) armed group that wanted to keep things safe.

Because the jewish filmmakers behind the camera just wanted to remake a Hew Hope, and in a New Hope, Han Solo was a smuggler, so he had to become a smuggler again. Don't worry about why, just fill in the blanks yourself! Make excuses for awful shitty writing and try to justify it as hard as you can!

end it now, user

How did you not get that idea from the movie? The nature of the First Order and New Republic are deliberately not shown and everything we do see is characters who live on the outskirts or smuggle. It's called showing instead of telling.

>deliberately not shown
>showing instead of telling
What did he mean by this?

>are you retarded?
>to be honest, yes

Well at least you said so up front so the rest of your reply makes sense.

You are not really explaining anything for someone who's allegedly so smart. Enlighten us, genius.
You are saying the New Republic doesn't care about the First Order because they are too busy enforcing their anti smuggling laws?

Every time I see threads about this movie I remember how terrible it was on a lot of levels. Why the fuck did they decide to kill Han without having him, Luke, and Leia at least in one scene together?

Haha, I love how Harrison Ford is trying to look like he's happy to be here while we all know he wants to die for real, not just his character. Carrie looks like she's not there.
She's not a princess anymore, she's a general now, YASS QUEEN, she's dressed like a potato bag

you have a good point, the new trilogy should have shown how the new republic couldn't keep shit together and how the slumlords took over most of the galaxy

No that's not what I'm saying at all. And the burden of proof isn't on me because I'm not the one who said "but muh New Republic has no laws." Never reply to my posts again, shit stain.

Kys. You have no arguments to defend your shit movie making no sense.

Star Wars The Farce Awakens makes more sense if you see it as a retirement home documentary consisting of old people desperately role playing their youth again even if their professions make no sense in today's world.

>Carrie looks like she's not there.
She isn't, anymore.

That's true though.

Because Episode 7 was a sequel to Episode 4, not Episode 6.



got eem

1. Not my movie.
2. I'm not even trying to defend it.
3. You are a child.

How come the technology in the prequels was superior to the original trilogy?

Also how come Poe was it? is a resistance fighter? How come the New Republic didn't go all out war with the first order?

It wasn't superior, it was just better looking because they weren't at war until Episode 2, then because the Republic was mega rich. And I guess then the Empire didn't care about aesthetics and the Rebels were poor.

War drives technological advances, The Empire was perpetual war, it should of been comparing the present day to the 1970s

He said after Episode 6, not a sequel to Episode 6.

Please don't compare real life to Star Wars, you will "justify" the fact that they still use X-Wings and Tie Fighters in Episode 7 despite how it's boring as fuck.
Either way I don't see what's more "technologically superior" from the prequels compared to the OT.

>should of


This is why you're still a virgin

because he was a fucking washout white male loser who couldnt handle a universe without a white male patriarchy in place.

he couldn't compete with POC women and POC aliens so he went back to doing what he knows.

lol I haven't been a virgin in over 20 years

Lol, if that's true you're anywhere from your late 30's to 40's, truly pathetic to be on this board at that age. Thank's for correcting everyone's grammar, dad.

Because it's a reboot, so Han solo must be han solo, and let's add some jewish subversion by having some fucked up family story.

>He thinks he can escape.

I'm 40. And when I was young like you, I thought it would be pathetic to still be on Sup Forums at the age I am now. When you are 40, you'll tell youngster the same thing I'm telling you now. And if you don't correct your dumbfuck grammar errors, no one will ever take you seriously and you will have a very difficult time finding a good job.

Jesus fucking christ, how is a family subplot "jewish subversion?"

no one else wanted to transport space tentacle monsters to that japanese anime weebu planet

it's a subversion of the classic tale that was the original trilogy, there was nothing to add, everyone gets married and live happily everafter. Making another one in which everyone is fucked uo and divorced, failed Luke etc, is subversion.

Literally no one got married in the original trilogy.

But you'd imagine they do

>There was no empire, what was the point of smuggling?

he was smuggling drugs
rebels were the bad guys all along

The new movies aren't canon, just high-budget fan-fiction.

If it wasn't written by George Lucas it's not canon.

>just high-budget fan-fiction.
Implying the writers are fans. it's even worse, it's high budget shlock made by a committee of cunts who never liked or watched Star Wars to begin with.

But that's not what TFA even set up at all. It failed in every possible way of explaining shit.
