Talia resurrected Tommy in a Lazarus Pit and turned him into Prometheus while forming her own League of Assassins...

Talia resurrected Tommy in a Lazarus Pit and turned him into Prometheus while forming her own League of Assassins. She's using Prometheus/Tommy to get revenge on Ollie for killing her father and disbanding the League.

Or at least that's my theory.

Also, who was that asshole Church hired to kill Ollie?

Guy who played Tommy is the lead on another show on another network so unless they recast Tommy it's not him

Well, shit. There goes my while theory.


when are thye going to introduce Damian Queen?

Ugh. That's making me think of Final Crisis ver. CW and I don't like it.

>who was that asshole Church hired to kill Ollie?

Can anyone answer that question?

I have no idea who he is, but that suit was probably Arrow's best costume since Deathstroke in season 2.

Prometheus is Oliver's Uncle, who blames Oliver for his brother's death. His real name Oliver Queen

In all seriousness, do you guys even care that Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow are completely changing the character to such a way that nothing about them resembles the original character besides name? Basically what I'm asking is, what's the difference between this and turning a character into a different race, which often rustles Sup Forums's jimmies?


No. NO. C'mon. No!

We get most of our complaining about it when its first revealed. Then we mellow a bit to see if it actually works, then we go back to harping on it.

He is Artemis father here too i guess.

His name is Scimitar.

While the name is from nowhere in DC, he's apparently based on a major DC character.

Really? My idea was better

He's based on some canon DC character, it's just that nobody knows who it is.

Sure, except he (probably) died in the same episode he was introduced in.

Rustam have scimitar but... Well he is clearly not rustam

It could still work if they keep him masked for most of the season, which they probably will.

He could guest star a few times and it could work.

Still could work. Use another actor for when he's in the suit and has a different voice. Only use the actor occasional circumstances like when they reveal who he is.

You guys told me the writing this season was better.

All they did was end Ollicity, it's still pretty sub-par.

>Church knows your identity

>Arrow doesn't find this an issue

>Someone conveniently kills him

What was Ollie's plan if he just started telling everyone in prison?

Serendipitous, indeed.

He was probably going to have Human Target take his place again while he was out as the Green Arrow, like he did with Diggle to fool Lance.

A better question is this: the Legends traveled to a future Star City and met John Diggle Jr, while in the present Jr was Sara. Jr didn't even exist until Barry ended Flashpoint. So, did the Legends travel to a post-Flashpoint future? Furthermore, why didn't Rip tear into Barry for fucking with the timeline on such a massive scale?
