Has an episode ever been so irredeemably shitty it ruined an entire show for you?

Has an episode ever been so irredeemably shitty it ruined an entire show for you?

CatDog sucked

This doesn't really match the criteria but it is difficult to want tobrewatch Avatar when that episode with the play already exists.

it was only okay ranging to boring. I get that others might dissent from my opinions and that's okay.

Avatar state! Yip yip!

why do so many cartoons like to shit on cats

Because dogs are always happy to see you. Cats really don't seem to care.

wasn't that bad

cats don't do anything to deserve pain though



My cats come greet me at the door every time i come home. Not all cats are the grumpy pices of shit media has made them out to be

>Writers are insecure attention whores.

Slap stick writers are a bunch of dogfags. Tom deserved better.


>Because dogs are always happy to see you

10 year old me has 13 stitches that would disagree with that

The PPG reboot could've been at least okay-ish if it hadn't been for the episode where the PPG twerk. There was literally no saving it after that.

Don't go on /an/ and say that. You'll get 15 edgelords jumping down your throat saying that cats are vermin and bragging about how many they've intentionally run over.


/an/ literally has degraded the past year due to the anti-cat shitposters
it's not a good place desu

It's in top 3 worst 90's nicktoons for sure.

I could never stand the show because of how miserable Cat was. And Tom and Jerry and Ekk the Cat never bothered me.