What is the most likely outcome of the Syrian Civil War?

What is the most likely outcome of the Syrian Civil War?

europe getting raped by refugees

A lot of dead Syrians, chaos an disruption in the middle east, refugees everywhere, ISIS finally goes down but true belivers still cause a shitstorm for years.

Either Russia or the USA has more influence over the country in the end.

Fakest pic ever

Someone finally uses a nuke
[spoiler]Hopefully with the samson option[/spoiler]

More Clockmeds


I'll add Greater Israel another outcome.

Australia being absolutely fine, since we're not self-centred cunts who need to be eliminated.

*cough, cough* America

Russia's been cucked by alpha man Erdogan

Hopefully ISIS gets destroyed and after that, Assad killed

dead muslims
it's a good thing

more beating around the bush about Islam

Syria and Iraq severely weakened, up for grabs for Israel, Turkey/Kurds and Iran.

Meanwhile Europe is permanently changed. My generation of white Europeans are completely fucked since our cost of living is going through the roof — housing problems just to name a quick example and let's not forget the decline in real disposable income as a result of increased taxation — while the surplus in labor from the immigration drives down wages.

Kurdish independence in northern Syria, Islamic state defeated, rebel coalition government with al-Assad, Assad loyalists being the most powerful of the two

You're our favorite Anglo brother, don't push it bogan

100% chance I won't care as long as they don't come here.

the lion bashar al assad conquers turkey and the whole middle east while creating Greater Syria, which will neighbour Putins Russia
The roach sultan Erdogan will be punished

nice try britcuck, nice try

you mean SECOND favorite
*cough* pic related

Turkish domination

araps, k*rdroaches, """persians""" all given the BTC on a daily basis

Your flag should be this, you're basically British anyway

Fuck dad, he's old and becoming more and more senile
We gotta get him into a good home and divide his assets before our step-faggot Canada can sink his brown hands into dads legacy

Most likely it will spread to the rest of arab world
Egypt next

Who helped you push the Japs out of the south?

I thought Egypt was already full of unrest
If Muslim extremists begin shelling the Pyramids I will lose my fucking mind
Idc if they kill their own and spill tar down a babies mouth but the second they start fucking with artifacts is when it goes to far

eat shit, nigger

>Australians fight Japs
>Get heads cut off
>Uncle Sam to the rescue

Lmfao you guys have been a military joke since Gallipoli

See what I mean
Dad thinks I'm black



>I thought Egypt was already full of unrest
They kinda halted by starting giving away gibs from their dwindling budget. But it won't last long.
>begin shelling the Pyramids
Thankfully the wise Pharaohs knew their people so their memorials are mostly egyptian-proof. Anyway brits already stole anything of value in 19 century.


close enough

Ahh yes I remember this. Can you post the full info graphic plz Russiabro

I'm losing sympathy because the fall out is hurting the West now.

Always remember Hillary caused this chaos

Idc about the contents, the structure is the history of Man

UK is great and all but AU is my favorite Anglo brother too.

Dead Syrians

>Face and hair dusty as fuck
>Clothes aren't
>Neck has 0 dust
>No dust whatsoever in blood
>PERFECTLY horizontal blood spatter
>like that shit is literally in a perfect line when his skull isnt

who else will give us freddo frogs

>More dead Syrians and Iraqis.
>Instabil region.
>Assad still on top or curtained to the alawite areas if Syria gets split up.
>ISIS gone but not dead.
>A majority of The rapefuges will not return. home.
>Europe still cucked.
>Turkey either in civil war or Erdogan still rules.
>Kurds are still fucked.

Of course you know the plan Ahmed


I dont think ISIS would stop after Assad, a cultural upheaval would be necessary

>IS Defeated
>Assad and Kurds have a peace negotiation and Kurdistan is formed from Nothern Syria.
>Assad restores Syria and is now fighting FSA at a lower scale

Kurdistan-Turkish War and Kurdish Rebellions in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey will be active will be the effect

>Be shit peasant country
>Fucked by japs, Russians, and Americans for half a century
>End up an economic superpower with a massive army

Korea could colonise Australia in a month, if they didn't already know that picking on the poor white trash leads to a curb stomping from the big white people (USA)

Nuclear war between US and Russia.

Or Syria getting a central bank

I am hoping for the first one, obviously the superior of the two.

>Korea could colonise Australia in a month

Sure you've got the men, but you don't have the boats nor the planes to get them there

>korean strategists

Wait 5 years, we'll have the F35 instead of the Super Hornet. That way we won't stand a chance