When are we gonna get another good Batgirl run?

When are we gonna get another good Batgirl run?

You just did.

Never, you're stuck with Babs from now on and you'll like it.

Barbara will never be a truly great Batgirl.

Year One is as good as she'll ever get.

The fact that Year One exists shows that a good Babsgirl is possible. Why can't we just do that again?

Because we all still remember how great she was as Oracle, Arrow tried to make us hate the concept by making their Babs in an Oracle, but it didn't work, and now Babs is DCs face for sjw feminism so they just can't get rid of her and replace her with a better character.

Why is Steph listed there? Her run was wank of the highest order. Almost as much as Bab's current run.

Rebirth Batgirl is having an impressive drop off rate; perhaps we'll get a new team soon.

Am I the only one who liked the Burnside run?

I mean, there were some shit stories. That whole Babs-Luke-Dick thing was awful. But the costume and art style and lighthearted take on Barbara was pretty great. Distinctive.

>But the costume and art style
These were terrible

> lighthearted take on [Batgirl]
We already had this with Steph

I've said it many times before and I'll say it again. Barbara went through too much character progression as Oracle for this to work for anyone familiar with the character. All of her best character work was as Oracle, and she was pretty versatile still finding new ways to develop as late into the game as Steph's Batgirl run. She was a mentor, a leader, and a respected member of the entire DC universe.

Making her Batgirl again was a disservice. The wheel chair was the best damn thing to ever happen to the character.

I think Babs becoming Batgirl again could work, she just can't be a bubble teenager. You have to show that she's matured (without going full grimdark like Simone)

I think my problem is she's just beyond that. She does more good as Oracle. She was the glue that held the entire community together. She wasn't just running her own team, she was helping coordinate the league, the entire batfamily, and spent time helping various smaller heroes get their footing.

It was a more important role than street-level hero. I get why she's Batgirl again but I still think it's a mistake. I think the Burnside run did have its moments but I think it had a lot more missteps. It worked better when the did little stories, and floundered on it's over arcing plots.

That said how bad is Larson's run? I haven't read Birds of Prey or Batgirl at all. I have both issue ones sitting on my desk sealed. I didn't have much faith in either.

After Barbara stops being Batgirl.

>That said how bad is Larson's run?

It's incredibly forgettable and it's hard to even have an opinion on it.

Babs Tarr is wonderful, but the writing wasted her art.

I'm sad her next project is also with Fletcher and Stewart.

So Batgirl of Burnside basically turned Babs into Steph, right? That's the impression I got from it.

Which isn't to say that's a bad thing, necessarily. Steph is awesome and I don't think I've ever read a Babs run worth a damn.

The costume works for a year one type of story where she is not in the bat senpai proper.

>So Batgirl of Burnside basically turned Babs into Steph, right?

People keep saying this but it's not really true. Babs was turned into an oversimplified Steph that was constantly thinking about boys and Twitter. Also it was generally just much more poorly written than what Miller produced.

If Babs is Oracle (assisting batman) and Batgirl at the same time it would be great. She's only good when she's involved with Batman.

In a decade or so's time the people who read comics in the 80s and 90s will be the ones writing the comics, and Wally will return as the flash, Hal will turn evil and Babs will be crippled.

They should go back to Babs being older than Dick but younger than Bruce again, and call her Batwoman.

She was a worse Steph than Steph. Thing is, Barbara was in her late twenties, early thirties. She is older than Dick. What in the seven hells is she doing as wacky cutesy teenage air head?

She is a grown ass woman with more experience than most and a career as the intelligence service for the entire cape community. She should be on the same level of seriousness and awesomess as Dick and Bruce.

Miller's run had two missions going forward. The first was that Steph was the family fuck up and he wanted to finalize her character development into a true hero in her own title. Redeem her in the Batfamilies eyes. The second was that Barbara had been a bit of a turbocunt as of late and he wanted her to mellow out a bit. He also wanted to do for Wendy what Ostrander and Yale did for Babs.

Simone, as poor as her run was overall, also had a good statement. She wanted to show the effects PTSD has on the psyche. She had a clear goal in mind when writing her story. And while part of it felt like classic Gail Simone, some part of it felt like Gail saying she hated Barbara being Batgirl again. Her work on Oracle was something she'd been thanked for in person time and time again because it helped a lot of people stuck in wheel chairs move forward.

Burnside's mission statement was "Batgirl should be fun" And that was it. There was no meat to it. Just "fun" and empty fun is hardly ever a good idea. The two big arcs being incredibly similar in nature (Both dealing with Babs memory being fucked with in different ways) shows how unprepared they were going forward.

And even if I dislike Simone's run I do feel like the first arc essentially ending with her more cynical Batgirl being an over the top villain was pretty disrespectful.

>it's a "omg the original is bad my favourite OC is better!" episode

The current one is pretty good if you see nuBabs as on OC rather than a continuation of previous stories.

The Oracle that you're describing really only works in a large, long-established DCU. You've basically laid out the argument for why DC was right to revert her to Batgirl when they went for the 5 year timeline in New 52. Better Batgirl than written out of continuity like Cass and Steph or desperately trying to cling to relevance like Tim.

I've read somewhere that Burnside was only supposed to be a few issues but was continued because of the positive reception. That could explain why it was so shallow.

>Am I the only one who liked the Burnside run?
If only.

post cass

she is cute and hot + her dad is a criminal. enough points to overlook her triggering dominos and fucking up the city

When the art gets better
no new pics makes it boring. pass
you could have lighthearted take without shitting over everything. she was lighthearted in "The Batman" without it being retarded or shitting on everything bat related

One day when they stop using her as a prop to steal in tweens

As soon as clickbait stops making money and SJWs become irrelevant again.

90s kids will make the best things

I thought it was fine, way better than Simone
s run, but leave it to Sup Forums to get triggered

Because that only worked for a scrappy newbie Batgirl with great art in a nostalgic, light-hearted Gotham. Such a condition is inherently transitory.