Final Crisis Pt. 2

I'm really sorry for posting this so late. Hopefully it will survive till morning. The rest of Final Crisis. Also there's a chance I might be able to storytime some staff during my office hours.

PRevious thread here.













I think I'm going to storytime Morrison's JLA tomorrow when I'm finished with FInal Crisis. Also would kindly apprAeciate some bumps.


Had to resize this page.

And this one.











Jesus this whole thing is a giant clusterfuck, how does any writer or company keep up with all this stuff?




Notecards and binders. Lots and lots of binders.











DC is know for being super organized. The hypercrisis is somethimg the top brass are all aware of and behind.





















Talia sets off my milf fetish so hard, but I know full well not to stick my dick in crazy. Bruce really should have known that was gonna bite him in the ass.





it was retconed to rape so its fine



I don't even know how to respond to that. What the fuck is up with comic book editors? How do they allow shit like that to go through? Or Sins Past? Or OMD? Or New Avengers Vol. 2? Or one of my personal "favorites" Justice League: Cry for Justice



is that supposed to be Tim?



Looks like. Or maybe a grown up Damien, but more likely Tim. Or maybe it's just the idea of a dead robin considering that it's happened more than once.




I don't understand how people get confused by this story.

I took it as that's where Dick ended up when killed by Joker. It looks more like the circus attire then the Robin costume

that makes more sense I thought it was Tim because his first appearance he is wearing a red sweater vest

OP are you kill?

No, it's Dick. See Joker captured Dick and killed him, and they didn't find the body. But then Bruce finds it in that well.

Here you go, user.

comiclet detected

>how does any writer or company keep up

Nah, coke or Adderall would be more useful here.
Shrooms would be more useful for coming up with the stuff, but Morrison hasn't used any since about the time of Doom Patrol.




Sorry for the pause. There was apparrently malicious code





