What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Tfw Whites are more related to monkeys but are still more intelligent.
Thanks Harambe.

It's an elaborately worded NO U

It goes: Jews >>>>>>>>>>Asians>Whites & Blacks close last. Prove me wrong.

>having the Rhesus factor is the same as being a rhesus monkey


He is referring to White Brazillians. Can confirm.

Smallest dicks?

I cannot believe niggers are this retarded.

>tfw no monkey gf

having a tail yields the benefit that you can fuck yourself in the ass very easily.

>What did they mean by this?
That's easy. While whites can simply rely on statistics and facts to discredit niggers, niggers have to make shit up to discredit whites. Niggers are also dumb enough to believe it.

We are responsible for modernizing Asia. If we didnt help both of those groups do you really think they wouldn't still be backwards? Jews are pretty much European we bred with them so much. A definite reason they are even near our level because the Israeli iq tests don't look good

You can post a painting of a black slave washing a Turkish sultan's wife & they think it's Black people teaching Whites to bathe

Don't be surprised if some Nigger asks to see your tail


>humans share 95% dna with chimps
>50% with bananas
>only 4% with neanderthals


I remember 10 years ago, looking at threads like this thinking "surely, no one is dumb enough to take these memes as fact" - but surely there are at least 30 million people on twitter that think images like this are fact.

I guess this image wasnt just a joke either.

degrees of inbreeding ?

Just, show them the IQ charts.

TMW they openly admit that monkeys are smarter than them.

Also we saiyans now?

kek, niggers really are the kangz of projection

Damn rhesus monkeys are smart as fuck. Landing on the moon 'n and putting gorillas in chains for centuries 'n sheeeit.

Hold up just a moment chap. Are you saying that we used to be fruits and the like?

I'm calling bullshit, less than .1% if whites are born with tails in the modern era, it was significantly higher in olden times.

Also, blacks have a 96% chance of being born niggers.

Niggers are so childish minded. They literally get scared for life if you call them names. Who does that... other than a people who hate themselves to begin with.

who is this devilish looker in thumbnail?


niggers were always this dumb

t. knew lots of stupid niggers online circa 2002

This naivety is the problem. We should all be vigorously taught that people indeed are dumb enough and dumber to think and do the things you think are too dumb for anyone to do or think. So never, ever, for the love of God, troll people like that. It will backfire.

got me

The neanderthal part is actually correct, although I don't know if it's as high as 4%

Neanderthals roamed in Europe, but not in Africa where homo sapiens originated. So when homo sapiens arrived in Europe, they interbred with Neanderthals. 2bh Neanderthals were pretty smart so maybe that's why we're smarter than niggers. Who knows.

Picture related


haha lol

Its too late, its already seeped into reality. Soon "cuck" will be a profitable trend in the UK and politics will be decided by whichever facebook memes get the most likes. I want off this ride.

Wait. Of course we share like 99% of dna with Neanderthals. But I read a statistic of how much they affected our dna by interbreeding and it may have been 4% or smaller. I don't fucking know. Don't judge me pls.

So you be sayin we wuz monkeys n shiet?

Whites made the civilization you're in, you FUCKING NIGGER!
If it weren't for whites you would still get beheaded in your prehistory style African tribes or sold as a slave by your father or tribe chief.

Correct in the sense that most races share Neanderthal dna. Asians being one of the more dominant links.



>haha lol

Oh, the ironing

He also famously said you should be suspicious of quotations circulated around oriental philosophy debate societies.

the biggest perk neanderthal DNA added was a proficient tendency for creativity, valuing cooperation and teaching each other to survive. The cold climates are harsh and cooperation and creativity is paramount to survival.
in the moderate climates you could survive more easily just by being stronger.

I lost my both my tails

I've always wondered. How the shit did they cross large bodies of water to get to Australia & South America etc.? Could they understand buoyancy and build rafts then?

>South America
Are you retarded?


Probably some island hopping crazy motherfuckers. They get more inbred and crazy the further south you go 'til you get the abos.

The melanite empire had advanced technology and spread out over the planet before whites took their power away and enslaved them.

Consider the amount of DNA that neanderthals and homo sapiens sapiens have in common. It will be >99%. Of the DNA that homo sapiens and neanderthals have, homo sapiens sapiens has 4% in common.

>South America

As you can see from the map, they travelled from North America. All you have to do is cross the Panama Canal.


Again, look at the map, they crossed from Indonesia. Guess they were able to build rafts 50,000 years ago.

Also look how New Zealand wasn't colonised until only 1,500 years ago according to that map (so, 500 AD). Although according to Wikipedia it actually wasn't colonised until 1250 / 1300 AD, only 700 years ago, so I don't know why the map says 1,500.

Land bridges are the most widely accepted theory afaIk, at least in regards to Australia. Landmasses are always changing.

>mfw more niggers making shit up to feel better about being subhuman

So hol up a moment, is this nigga sayin we crackas wuz Saiyans 'n shit?

I couldn't fucking care less. White guilt might be very prevalent today but blacks will always hate being black

English education
Channel was done by white man and chinesse workers

To add to this, it also explains why aboriginals look so very different and were for the longest time considered to be subhuman. Isolation and harsh conditions can rapidly change a population of any species.

>colonize Asian lands and fuck them dry out of resources
>dominate Asians with communism and nukes
>somehow worse than Asians
Fuck off.

>whites have 4% superior neanderthal dna
>blacks probably have 50% homo erectus dna




>ignorant idiots everywhere think neanderthal ancestry is a bad thing

It's literally the main reason we're so fucking superior to everything else on Earth.

Asians are retarded

There's a lot of Asians here in California, take any upper division university class and you'll see they all cheat. That's they only way they pass the class

Not necessarily, our ancestors (assuming btoh of us are Europeans) also had to overcome several bottlenecks during their emigration from Africa, this meant having a severely limited genepool, which allows for rapid mutations given the right conditions; Europe at the time just happened to be harsh enough to cultivate the development of the right allele clusters.

so can i sue for reperations against homo sapiens if i identify as neanderthal?

yeah, sure.

My punctuation is fucked up here, apologies.

To add to my original reply though: You're absolutely right that neanderthal ancestry is a benefit in terms of intelligence, didn't mean to deny that. After all, we may have picked up MCPH1 from our neanderthal ancestors. It's just not the only factor at play.

>assuming moth of us are Europeans
Heh, laughed at that one, Danebro. I am indeed (pic related).

You make a good point. Europe is pretty much god-tier when it comes to geographical evolutionary factors.


>parents didn't cut off my tail
>But they circumsized me



At least you get to whitewash Jewish qt3.14s who fell for the diversity meme being perpetuated by their grandpas?

Oh yeah. Well then they didn't have any obstacles.

Slavs>everything else

Prove me wrong

Neanderthals had a bigger brain than humans. So this justifies whites being smarter.

>Anglos have conquered more land than anyone else in human history desu.

Whites are a mixed breed and damned proud of it
Fuck pure humans

Fuck. I thought everyone had tails?

thats ur dick

>Originally, the African body did not require the formation of antigens. The Europeans however did! The anti-bodies that formulated to support those antigens (blood type A-B antigen) caused the red-blood cells to clump up. And that clot is called agglutination. Cellular agglutination is a prelude to cellular hemolysis (or red blood cell breakdown). And strictly on the basis that type A-B antigens in the cells make the cells susceptible to agglutination, those particular antigens are classified bio-chemically as agglutinogens. And it is on the basis of the presence or absence of agglutinogens in the red-blood cells that blood is FALSELY grouped by the white medical science establishment as O-A-B for the purpose of transfusion.

>But one of the biggest kept secrets in the “white” world of medical science is the other blood group, a group that is exclusively "European". That group is called the RH-FACTOR. The RH stands for RHESUS, and rhesus is short for RHESUS "MONKEY". The RH-factor is a plasmic agglutinogen anti-body first found in the blood stream of Rhesus monkeys whose origin may be in North Africa and Asia, but whose species foundational root is equatorial central Africa. According to white geneticist and bio-chemist, that agglutinogen anti-body was found to be of hybridic structure, which supposedly classifies the RHESUS-Monkey as a "macaque-mullata", which means mixed origin or mixed breed or produced by genders of a different species. Now first and foremost, mix breeding among any animal species NEVER happens, and is scientifically UNNATURAL! As to say, you never see a Wolf breed with a Hyena, or a Lion breed with a Cheetah.

Oh sweet.

Thanks burger! You are my greatest ally!


I'm not actually circumsized or have a tail.


so what you're saying is that humans actually evolved from monkeys, and negroes are a different species entirely, coming instead from apes.

As if there's something wrong with descending from Neanderthals.


White people are Neanderthals with a little H. sapiens admixture. Can't find the original video, but this one is just fine too.

Check this also.


Aliens are real

Did he manage to gather all the dragon balls?

only 4%?
Neanderthals were by far the smartest.

rh - means the rhesus monkey factor is missing. most people are rh+ and have the rhesus gene.


Here we go again...

So who else here was actually born with a tail?

I was born with a tail, sometimes it gets hard and when I rub it white stuff comes out the end, is this normal?

>4% Neanderthal DNA
History repeats itself
