What the fuck was her problem

what the fuck was her problem

She's a whiny, pretentious liberal feminist who ruins everything

She works in the entertainment industry

she basically works for buzzfeed

Shes young and pressured to succeed in america to abandon her shitty immigrant displacement upbringing.

Oh wait I forgot theyre all a bunch of chinks that speak bostonian.

Wait. Thats basically the same thing. The lesser immigrants just accept America's gang culture and drink themselves to death. The ones like Diane move to the coastal cities to become techies.

Anyways, I know a lot of Dianes.

t. bay area numale punisher

she's like 35

i dont know

she thinks of herself as an intellctual "different" liberal hipster-type but married a popular, shallow celebrity hunk (at least that's what he is in-universe). all of her story shit after season one is trying to reconcile these two things, which she can't

She lives in California

She sees the world as a horrible piece of shit where everything is awful.
The world gives her very few reasons to believe otherwise.

Super Depressed and hates the fact she's depressed despite living a life of luxury + the fact she's very aware that despite being a center-left liberal woke type she's a massive fucking sellout on her own values when push comes to shove.

That being said, I can't blame her with Mr Peanut Butter, I would kill myself if I had to hang out with him and Todd longer than 10 minutes.The fact is Diane, being a insular, intellectual type, just has no real chemistry with Mr Peanut Butter who's a ultra-extroverted, colossal retard.

My prediction with the series still stands after this season, it will end with Diane and Bojack not in a relationship, but in a very deep close friendship realising they are basically the same and can find true support in eachother.

>they get mad at cartoon women

Who cares? Bojack Horseman should be boycotted until they can find an Asian actress to do her voice.

>i know a lot of dianes

i bet they're just thrilled to know you

Frack me Mr.Peanutbutter!

dude asian daria lmao

is she not a liberal and not a hipster? i feel like both of those terms are accurate

The core idea behind her character is basically someone who is driven by a deep desire to have positive, meaningful impact on the world to the point where that very drive ends up being her demise and suffering. Recent example: She is so fixed on the biggest possible picture about fracking and gun issues that she completely misses how it could impact her directly.

This season sucked so much ass. I havent seen anyone rip this apart yet and its shocking. Am I the only one thinking this? Why the fuck was it such a shit show?

Why don't you rip it apart yourself

she's a nufemale

That's literally her character

Holy shit this show was ruined by preachy liberal bullshit. Thanks for ruining my favorite netflix show libcucks.

she didnt post on Sup Forums with the other faggots

Basically how I'm feeling about it, I'm gonna stick it out and finish it but by the end of episode 3 all the not so subtle political statements are getting really annoying.

I had to stop at episode 5 after they claimed that America hates women more than it loves guns, bans guns in California, and proclaims (literally says this) that they passed reasonable gun control laws. I think it was episode 5. I wasn't counting.

>Anyways, I know a lot of Dianes.


Goddamnit, at least I'm prepared for that upcoming stupidity. It's not like the season is very long so I'll finish it, but I think if it keeps up like this, I might just call it a day with Bojack.

>thinking people are mad when they're right
You liberals sure are the sensitive types.

The political commentary sucks enormous donkey dick, but BoJack's part of the story's worth it imo.


she is vietnamese daria

tila tequila has desperation syndrome