I believe the christianity is the most damaging concepts for the youth of today

I believe the christianity is the most damaging concepts for the youth of today.

I'm not even talking about it's jewish origins, history or original purpose, but about the fact that kids today will most definently shy away from right wing ideologies because they are mostly endorsed by people who also advocate christianity.

People with an ounce of critical thinking will most likely reject the idea of an imaginary friend for adults, and thus will be shamed by the right wing communities. And so, they will be guided to the more "open minded" ways of life such as hedonism and liberalism, which is a horrible thing, since right wing people will consist of less intelligent people.


perhaps, but I think the right is becoming less obsessed with muh jesus as time passes.

>critical thinking
>the world came from nothing

>open minded is accepting everything, even if its bad

Are you familiar with The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey? It might interest you. It walks the fine line between social Darwinism and liberalism. A few of its leading philosophies include responsibility to the responsible, kindness to those who deserve it and vital existence. Worth a flick through, if nothing else.

Open minded is giving everything a chance. If you don't like it in all its glory, fair enough, but consider more than pigmentation, orientation, background, religion and other irrelevant coincidences.

>not believing in god=believing the world came from nothing

I am quite familiar, and I think it's a great example of what can christianity do to the youth - make them turn to egoistical and perverse philosophies that break down European morals, ideals and ideas. All in order to distance themselves from christianity.

What you're saying would be more valid if we weren't living in an age of atheism. Parallel the rise of degeneracy with the decline of Christianity.

Christianity doesn't turn people away from Christianty. Cultural Marxism turns people away from Christianity.

There is no right-wing without Christianity.

Africa and Latin America are mostly Christian, but are degenerate as fuck. The rise in degeneracy has far more to do with the decline of nationalism.

poland is also mostly christian and they are far less degenerate than almost every european country

>There is no right-wing without Christianity.

What are you talking about?

Conservative many conservative social and economic policies make sense without christianity.

Tying the right wing to christianity was good when america had a huge fundamentalist voter block.... but that's changing now, so the right wing should distance itself from that.

I am speaking in regard to the West.

All that is right-wing about Christianity(family values is derived from pre-Christian European values, through syncretism.

In the middle ages people were forced into being christian in fear of punishment. Now they are able to chose, but have no direction.

>Christianity doesn't turn people away from Christianty

It does though. If you look at the world as presented in the bible, and you look at the world that you live in... you see they aren't the same.

It's very easy to think "anyone who believes this is an idiot"..... therefore right wingers must be idiots.

You know there are other quotes in the bible right?

Like not casting pearls unto swine or dogs, lest they turn and tear into you?

This entire thread is a straw man, and I'm supposed to take the word of a disgruntled user over the fact Christians remain today, to be the largest right wing voting block group?

>Now they are able to chose, but have no direction.
They do though. They have Jew media and public school brainwashing.

But Christians aren't idiots. They're just portrayed that way on TV. And if you want a smarter alternative, that's the responsibility of atheists. They should offer a right wing alternative. Unfortunately, most of them are Marxists. Christians aren't at fault here.

You say this is straw man, yet you yourself do ad hominem. Just nevermind the quotes, I'm talking about the general idea of advocating facts just because a supposed higher power told you so.

Christians may not be idiots, but Christianity is idiotic, just as homosexuals.

>And if you want a smarter alternative, that's the responsibility of atheists. They should offer a right wing alternative.

I half agree with you, I think right wing atheists are shamed into keeping quiet about their beliefs, the same way left wing christians are.

I think, especially with the way the party is going to change if trump gets in office, there's going to be a religious realignment as well. There are many outspoken christian neocons who are going to joint he globalist team.

I think atheists can be easily persuated in darwinian terms on the importance of nationalism for the survival of a group.

>What are you talking about?
Subversion completed

Yes your pic is a strawman, period. If you wanted a legitimate discussion, you shouldn't have made your beginning initial hostility before discussion, so clear.

The idea that one would reject God out of a rational response, yet embrace Marxism/Leftism through an emotional one due to "victimization", is such a Leftist idea, I understand why most Athiests become Democract stooges.

>embrace Marxism/Leftism through an emotional one

