What would you do with a kilo of unobtainium?


dragon dildo

Obtain it.

How do you weigh a compound with antigrwv properties?. You'd have to measure it in volume, not weight. Pandora might not even have a kilo of it.

you tape the scale to the roof you fucking inbred

it doesn't have antigrav properties, it's being kept floating by a powerful magnet, it still has mass it's just a superconductor

Rename it obtainium

Its not antigravity. It's a room temperature semiconductor. What you're seeing there is quantum levitation/magnetic locking.

it would still have mass, dummy, even if it effectively didn't have weight.

No shit. I have the same mass on earth, on the moon, and in space. But I weigh less on the moon than earth, and nothing in space. Dummy.

The mountains naturally float. Under what conditions can unobtainium be weighed?

I'd bang some alien cat chick

>get box
>put on scale
>tare the scale
>put unobtanium in box

its these little things that piss me off. If the movie is going to shit in my face by calling something unobtanium it had better turn out to be a clever fucking movie otherwise I'll just spend the next 2 hours getting increasingly angry

>that's not a raisin, it's a hydrothermicaly reduced grape

>If the movie is going to shit in my face by calling something unobtanium it had better turn out to be a clever fucking movie
I got u famalamadingdong.

>mineral called unobtainium
>it's hard to obtain

water displacement

at least the core used the term unobtanium properly

... pls be bait

why not?

No it didn't. It should have been called Prettyeasilyobstainedbutonlyitssuperespensiveinum.

it took like 20 years to make enough for the ship

because water displacement still doesn't weigh it

Sell it to the highest bidder. I doubt I could find a big use for it.

you weigh the amount of water it displaces

not obtain it

unobtain it

Prolly fashion some of it into a bullet and just peace the fuck out.

lose it at the local sex shop

that's volume you dummy, not weight

No it didn't. They ask Sesame Seed Cake man what it would take to get enough to build his ship and he says
>about a billions dollars
Smash cut to the ship being prepped for launch.

>you weigh the amount of water it displaces

while I think you are not too smart, but 1g h2o does equal 1 mL, but that would still only give you volume

Maybe you should think about this for a little while.

More like
>it's not dumbfuck sf bullshit, it's something actually plausible

The movie really dropped the ball on world building. In all the supplemental material that came out with the movies fleshed out a lot of the back story and setting and I don't know why it wasn't in the movies.
Earth is basically an overpopulated, running out of resources, and is a dirty polluted mess. They need the unobtanium because its a room temperature super conductor they need to build atmospheric generators and clean energy for earth. Or something like that.
But you know, it might have given some pathos to the human side of things, up the stakes a little since Earth is literally dying for this resource. Create some drama and tension because they flesh out the motivations of the humans to make them a little more sympathetic than evil corporate business guy and genocidal maniac merc general vs. perfect blue space elves.

the mountains float from the strong wifi signal coming from that one tree that lets the planet mind control the animals for the big final battle

If the tree wifi was so great then why did the navi need to plug in to get in the treenternet?

for the same reason you use an ethernet cable instead of a gprs cellular connection

>mfw in Avatar 2 they're underwater
>in Avatar 3 they dug so deep they reach the core and Pandora becomes lava hell