In which Season did The Simpsons became bad? I'm having a hard time thinking about it

In which Season did The Simpsons became bad? I'm having a hard time thinking about it.

It's in contention between 10, 11, and 12 but it's generally accepted that those are the last seasons with more good episodes than bad episodes

There is no definitive shark-jumping moment, episode, or season for The Simpsons. But the typical range for where people like to say it happened falls between Seasons 10 and 12. Anything after Season 12, however, is generally considered "Zombie Simpsons".

I say season 10.

Season 9 is the last season that most fans agree was good. Season 10 is where the process began.

Wht does Al Hean continue to run the show? Why don't they shuffle showrunners like they did in the first 12 seasons?

Season 9 was good, but that episode where we learn Skinners is not the real skinner was the first real fucked up thing of the show.

honestly I feel Simpsons didn't become truly bad till Season 15, up till then there was still at least a couple good episodes each season

The moment it had to start competing with Family Guy is when it lost its way.

Suddenly the Simpsons now had more gore, rape, etc. to try and get that "edgy" demographic that was moving toward Family Guy.

Never recovered.

season 1

The general consensus is 10-12 was a steady decline and 13 onward is the dark age.


cannot stand it

Happened gradually.

Everyone probably has a season that's a point of no return for them, but if you compare that season to the one immediately before there are still some similarities. Like, 12's not significantly different from 11 and so on, even though compared to something like 3 it might as well be a different show. All depends on whenever the slide away from more grounded stories, the exaggeration of character traits, and the style of humor moved far enough away from whatever you see as ideal Simpsons.

Season 7 is probably the first one I don't really like, but then I think the show peaked earlier than most seem to believe.

If there was a single episode that could be considered the shark-jumper, I'd place my bets on that one.

Everything after this book was published

>gore, rape,

Wait what?

Skinner's character never recovered, that's for damn sure. Which also left Bart without a real authoritarian to rebel against, which ultimately weakened HIS character.

Skinner was in rough shape even before that. They really needed to explore the Vietnam vet angle more instead of the prissy mama's boy

The Simpsons hit its creative peak in the 90's. After 2000 is when the quality of the show started to decline, which as previously mentioned would put the turning point at around season 11/12.

The New York skyline wasn't the only thing to change after 9/11.

>The New York skyline wasn't the only thing to change after 9/11.


Or just have it be both. Like that's what made the mama's boy so funny, that Skinner was hard as fucking nails with everyone ELSE.

depends what you mean.
do you mean when the bad seeds were planted then season 5.
do you mean when the bad became clearly visible then season 9.
do you mean more bad then good where in seasons 10-13 had a few good episodes but the badness had mostly overtaken it.
Or did you mean full on bad which is season 14+.