Is using amphetamine salts (adderall) degenerate? I'm using them for learning. I'm not full retard but this helps nigga!

Is using amphetamine salts (adderall) degenerate? I'm using them for learning. I'm not full retard but this helps nigga!

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I would, if I could get some. Any non-prescription cognitive aids? I'm already maxing daily caffeine intake.

>amphetamine salts
Why not just call them adderall, tweakboy?

If you have to ask an internet board how to live your life you have no hope

ok questions

1. what does the 32 signify?

2. why is your keyboard different colours

3. where do i buy adderall for my autism?

If you take it you're a useless person.

>using meth for learning programming basics
>I'm not full retard
Funny because that's exactly what you are

Use modafinil

It's like adderall without the tweaking

32 is probably the number of that loaner laptop his university provided.

He's probably a comp-sci major who took Sup Forums's /mechanical keyboard general/ advice to make himself appear more 1337


No way it's even 1/20th as effective

Adderall is a meme. Work out

I got mine legally. They are the best for helping me work 8+ hour shifts in a warehouse.

Only draw backs is I forget to eat.

Enjoy your brain atrophy.

>WASD keys different colours
>I'm not full retard
What did he mean by this?

You're fucking with your brain chemistry in an unhealthy way but whatever bro
Enjoy possibly permanently becoming more aggressive and psychosis
t. ex pillbilly

You can buy ethylphenidate on the Grey Web and it kinda does the same as ritalin
2-fa is aderall like and also legal


the site screams bait

You're a cheater, no different from a minority getting a shortcut from affirmative action

>Grey Web

How do I get there?

Do i have to be a spider?

Soon undrugged warehouse workers will not be able to compete. They will be out of work, displaced by whatever the drug they gave the D and E classes in Brave New World

Depending on your personal chemistry, Modafinil is possibly more effective than amphetamines, practically, but not nearly as much recreationally

Perhaps it's less effective, but long term use won't wear you out like it does with adderall.

That he can afford a nice mechanical keyboard with replacement keys made for gaming.

Go ahead just be careful. For me it made me a nervous wreck and eroded my personality when i took it. I prefer to just drink coffee or kratom tea if i need an energy boost.

Got into med school on them. Still take them.

Almost been a decade. I feel smarter than most, helps me keep off weight. Just be careful, dont smoke ciggies, i did for 5 ears and addies can bring out the compulsions to want and smoke every half hour. Thankfully I quit with chantix

>inb4 pharma shill.

How does it help your learning?

Watch out for addiction bro, that shit can get you hooked up pretty easy.
t. One year of ritalin use/abuse

How difficult is it to get a script for them? I think I may need them, but I want them more than I care for alternative treatments.

I don't have any history of seeking treatment for ADD, I'm not prescribed any drugs at the moment, and I haven't even really been to a doctor in years. My friend got on them by visiting a specialty place, but was referred there while working with her primary care doc who was trying to change the meds she was on. I'd be going in fresh so I'm not sure how much more difficult it'd be.

>I'm not full retard

Just enough of a retard to be ignorant of image orientation.

>makes claim
>provides zero evidence


Seeking validation from anonymous people on Sup Forums over obscure shit like this is one of the most degenerate things you can do you fucking faggot

how do i get a prescription? I was diagnosed with ADD as a child and adult but I have a history of substance abuse, so they always give me worthless crap like Wellbutrin

What are you "learning"

>5 hour energy
>pick two

nigga i got tunnel vision when i hit that shit. its real good

degeneracy score of 3/10, do it for the cause

Unless you are a little kid with AD(H)D symptoms probably pretty difficult. A psych will likely have you try a number of other drugs like ritalin and stratera with less abuse potential before giving out an Adderall script

Yep. It's degenerate. Get a grip, Christopher Northcutt.

if it's not prescribed to you it's degenerate as fuck.
and ive taken vyv for about a year and my advice is to make sure you drink enough water and get enough vitamins/food into you even if you have appetite loss. you can prematurely bald if you are a complete amphetamine junkie and combine it with vitamin deficiencies

The drug will create a dependency in your brain and body.

I've known people who've been taking it for a long time, they can't operate without it anymore.

Thank fucking god I got off the stuff in just a couple months when I was a teen because I refused to be medicated.

They honestly can't. Best employes are the pill poppers. My boss turns a blind eye to it since we are the more efficient workers.

I'm leaving this year so it's gonna suck going to withdraw from them.

Go to a family doctor who knows your family and it's easy, take the personality quiz and say you were depressed as a child and start tons of projects but never finish them etc. Note: I have legit ADHD just saying that it's ez

>"I'm not full retard"

also permanently altering your brain chemistry to learn programming basics doesn't seem wise

Takes three days to clear it. And normal functioning will yhen ensue you fucking pleb.

>1 post by this ID

>not taking them every other day with a 2 day break every week to completely avoid building tolerance

Which keyboard is that? I'm in the market for a nice TKL.

I'm reading up on it, a lot of people just say it makes them feel weird. Can't go back to Adderall since it makes me twitchy and I've ground my teeth into nothing, so an alternative would be nice

It's a c++ book that goes over everything in the language. You can't call me a retard for recently starting out

dopamin jebem te glupa, izbacuje dosta dopamina i serotonina između neurona, a dopamin je između ostalog i zaslužan za pažnju/pamćenje. serotonin čisto eto tako malo srećica da te pukne, zato fino radi
t. med student jbg

That's what I'm imagining. However, adult ADD is a thing, and I've had two friends with no history of childhood ADD get scripts for adderall and vyvanse respectively with seemingly little issue. Now, both of them were on antidepressants and other medications at the time, so they had a history with some mental stuff going on. I got a script for zoloft about 2 years ago, but only took it for 2-3 months and then never went back because it made me feel like shit. I'm not even sure what it was officially prescribed for at the time, probably just anxiety which I don't think will help my case, but that was a while ago.

Yeah, the most recent friend who got on it was referred to an ADD specialty place. She did a series of tests and then got the script the same day. Unfortunately for me, I don't have a family doctor and we moved around a lot when I was a kid so the most recent doctor I was at was about 2 years ago, in a totally different city.

I guess my plan now will be to meet with a psychologist or something and then ask to be referred. I have the patience but I just want to hear some input on what would be the most effective course. It sucks that it's such a taboo topic. Outright asking for the drugs won't work and probably will get you kicked out. You have to kind of game the system in just the right way.

1. The piece of paper that has 32 on it is a piece of receipt I tore off to use as something to block my camera on my laptop so hackers can't view through my web cam, even if they got access to it

2. It's a customized mechanical keyboard.

3. Go talk to a doctor but only if you really have ADHD or autistic values.

I've been off meth for a month now and i really want to get into some good gear.

But yeah good luck with that, there's this little devil called tolerance, it starts out fantastic , you've got everything figured out but eventually our wonderful brains learn to adapt to this and the euphoria and powerful motivation degrades into anxious stimulation so you constantly up the dose to chase it until you're completely off your face in top gear but if it's anything like meth, at that stage you end up just obsessively repeating common behaviors with almost no self awareness or you dont care because it feels so good, like jerking off for 10 hours or spending 10 hours rewriting the same function over and over to make it "better"

t. med student popusis mi kurac majku ti jebem u picku nemas pojma osecam da si prva godina
ucenje se desava na nivou sinapse + ako ce bilo koji neurotransmiter da ucestvoje to ce biti glutamat

Instead of putting the top of a Mc Donalds reciept over your webcam, just disable it and remove drivers. Also get rid of the games. If you have a keyboard with the WASD keys highlighted in different colors you are probably a person that plays too much. Stop eating shit and you will have more energy and stop playing games for more time.

Pharmaceutical Amphetamines are the proper drug for the white race.

Vyvanse is better, imo.

Our predilection toward the use of such stimulants finds its beginnings in the ancient Aryans, who conquered both India and Europe.

In the Rig Veda, there are entire 'chapters' devoted to the reverence of Soma, which is described as having 'red berries' that are then pressed into a beverage.

The ephedra plant, known to the Chinese as Ma Huang, produces such berries and contains the chemical ephedrine, which is used as a precursor for meth, and as far as I know, the precursor for the original synthesis of racemic amphetamines (I could be wrong about this, however). The fucking feds have outlawed this innocent plant, the fucking bastards.

Anyway, pharmaceutical amphetamines are the best drugs that exist in the world, and also the least degenerate.

You're doing speed, OP.

Things you should know about speed:

- It increases your motivation to do tasks you normally wouldn't want to do.

- You won't actually perform those tasks better than you would without speed.

- You're pretty much guaranteed to put yourself on a rollercoaster that ends in a multi-day majorly depressive crash because you'll fuck up the dosage.

- You will be utterly convinced that you're kicking ass, and people around you will be able to tell that you are convinced of this even though you're not actually kicking all that much ass. It will turn you into a geek monster.

- After about a year of that, you won't actually see any benefit over your initial baseline productivity, but you will be dependent on the speed.

You're much better off exercising and eating plenty of eggs and broccoli.

Hope this helps.

won't that affect behaviour? also, have there been any long term studies done on it? the releasing of "a lot of dopamine" sounds like a recipe for disaster. has there been any link to parkinsons?

Yes it's degenerate. All drugs are. It will kill your libido and you will eventually build a tolerance to it and it will no longer be effective enough to be worth the side effects.

At most you should use it once a week if you really need to cram or you just can't get the motivation to do something necessary.

Building better lifestyle habits will go further and do more good for your life in the long run. Eat right(cut out all sugars, simple carbs, processed meat, inorganic dairy), exercise a lot more, spent less time in front of a screen etc.

Yeah I got prescribed it as an adult and it's a pain in the ass. Even just going to your mom's doctor if she has one may work. Unfortunately with the psychologist the new fad is to call autism and hand out anxiolytics or a number of other things so avoid that diagnosis if you can.

debilčino dopamin roka na hipokampalne neurone koji su jelte zaduženi za pamćenje, spušta im mirovni membranski potencijal, ergo brže pale akcioni potencijal ergo šljakaju trista na sat

>not full retard
>needs medicine to understand basic programming

I don't think so, its like a more effective coffee aside from the abuse potential. I got my hands on some one time in college and spent the next few weekends studying like 10 hours straight.

not really, parkinson's is as far as i know mostly genetic, also there is a feedback loop to prevent a dopamine overdose, at most you'll get temporary hallucinations, but that's only the effect on the brain, you can get a heart attack from too much speed

It was perscribed to me. I'm only on 20mg a day and I feel like I'm on a level playing field.

8ers gon 8

Methamphetamine and amphetamine are not the same thing. I'll never take meth in my life

It is degenerate. Taking them as a student is degeneracy.

Nope , kurcino glupa dopamin je povezan sa nagrada-kazna tip ucenja tj. ako uradis nesto dobro dobijes dopamin pa se osecas zadovoljno. Dugotrajna potencijacija je to sto dovodi do pojacanja pamcenja a kao posledica nastaje veci broj dendritskih spina , vise kanala za glutamat i povecava se sinteza NO. Dopamin nema nikakve veze sa tim.Koja si godina uopste?Gde studiras?

Lepi mica

>I'm using them for learning
you need meth to learn? god damn you have to be retarded

Don't listen to any of these fags homie.

If you are anything like me you give zero fucks about anything. When you take this pill, it actually makes you do things that are conducive to making money and providing yourself a better future. Its ok to experiment with them.

My tips:
>take 2 day break every week if possible

>withdrawal effects clear after 3 days.

>you will feel extremely tired and unmotivated for 3 days and then you'll replenish the brain chemicals you had put into overdrive and return to your baseline mental capacities.

>dont tell anyone you take them, they turn into little fucking fiends. Unless you need the dough... be smart, its a felony offense.

>your wee wee could become more of a "grower". Sucks, but you'll still achieve full size when aroused. If it makes you uncomfortable you could try Arginine.

Adderall does not cause impotence. Some SSRIs can cause impotence though.

I haven't tried that but Ritalin(methylphenidate) seems very effective with way less side effects.

>While both amphetamine and methylphenidate are dopaminergic drugs, it should be noted that their methods of action are distinct. Specifically, methylphenidate is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor while amphetamine is both a releasing agent and reuptake inhibitor of dopamine and norepinephrine.

>any non-prescription cognitive aids?
You're a fucking leaf. Pretend to a psychiatrist and you'll get 8 different prescriptions in 5 minutes.

My view is that if you can't do it without aids you shouldn't be doing it at all, though. Ample sleep and a high IQ are all you need to be successful. I only juice when I'm on low sleep and there's an immediate deadline (maybe 3-4 days a year)

Like I just said, adderall is not meth. And like many other things, getting assistance in learning ability and cognitive functions is completely fine. Are people that drink coffee in the morning retards? People that work out? People that take anxiety meds?

whatever retard

I'm with you bro! I'll never let anyone tell me how I feel or what I need. Only I can know.

>- You're pretty much guaranteed to put yourself on a rollercoaster that ends in a multi-day majorly depressive crash because you'll fuck up the dosage.

Vyvanse, which is a pro-drug, does not create this effect. This drug actually contains within its molecular structure the chemical precursors for dopamine, the neurotransmitter released though the use of speed. It is a miracle drug. The only way it works is through absorption through your intestine, which makes smoking or banging impossible. It's the best shit.

>. It will kill your libido and you will eventually build a tolerance to it and it will no longer be effective enough to be worth the side effects.

What is self-control? Don't do the shit in ever increasing dosages, don't do it to get high, do it to be the best human you can be. As for libido, I fucked the shit out of my last gf on both adderall and glass.

>you've got everything figured out but eventually our wonderful brains learn to adapt to this and the euphoria and powerful motivation degrades into anxious stimulation

This is the problem with glass. It's too powerful, and also highly neurotoxic. It destroys your brain and its capability of releasing dopamine. Getting 'high' off meth or any speed is very damaging. A little dab'll do ya, I've heard before. Also sleeping and eating are crucial. Vitamins, too.

If you are recovering from a period of smoking glass (you ozzies call it ice), use some supplements called l-tyrosine and l-carnatine.

These will help rebuild your brain's capability for producing dopamine.

I hope you don't need them to learn coding. Provigil is where it is at, no nasty side effects.

>just stop eating tasty things, drinking tasty drinks and watching joyful shows
Thx bro.

I get wanting to do drugs to relax or see/feel some trippy shit.

I even get wanting to do drugs so you can be amped all night and have a bunch of extra fun.

But why *the fuck* would you all go to all of this trouble to seek out a daily chemical *dependency* for your *livelihood?*

I think you people are crazy, and I think you're all going to top out a lot sooner than someone who just learned some discipline.

>But why *the fuck* would you all go to all of this trouble to seek out a daily chemical *dependency* for your *livelihood?*

Because it helps us achieve our goals in the most efficient and robust fashion possible, user. It makes us into the people we want to be.

This is the difference between white people and everyone else: we use drugs to maximize or optimize our inherent capabilities. Alcohol also has a function in certain situations. It eases social anxiety, for example. It can make you more eloquent.This is probably why Europeans have drank so much, historically.

Speed and booze are the proper drugs for the white race.

>helps us achieve our goals in the most efficient and robust fashion possible

I mean maybe for like a few days. Tops.

And then you better have gotten done whatever you wanted to get done because you're either dependent on speed or fucking useless for possibly weeks.

Nah nigga

Also I take Ritalin plus a nootropic called Aniracetam, everyones different but for me this is a godlike combination for studying.

I'll put it like this. I've had coworkers I knew were using adderall, and all it did was make them act like badasses that they were spewing out a slightly higher volume of significantly shittier work.

And if it's a task that involves more thinking than doing, e.g. designing and writing software that isn't constrained to some twiddly backtracking function or something similar, then good fucking luck.

How do you get ritalin?

How do you make doctor write it to you?

Dude, you're such a fucking cuck.
Why do you need adderal to code ?

I can just sit down for 12 hours straight without eating, no drugs needed.

> you're either dependent on speed or fucking useless for possibly weeks.

Dependency is an issue. If you're the type that hates being low and loves banging work out, speed can highly alluring. It can trap you into thinking you need the shit to work, for example. But it's not like heroin, which makes one worthless and also sick when you don't get your shit. It's not like crack can make you spend your last dollar after your first hit. It makes you focus and work.

There are two forms of amphetamine, the left hand side and the right hand side. Levo- and Dexro-, respectively. Dexamphetamine is the shit that gives you euphoria. It's the best shit for depression, or whatever. Levo- only makes you not tired.

Vyvanse is pure Dextro- + the chemical precursors for the biological production of dopamine, the active neurotransmitter released through the use of that form of speed.

I've finally, after years of struggling with mental health professionals, acquired a prescription these last few months. In the beginning, I only did it every other day, but now that I actually am doing something with myself, use it 4-5 times a week.

I admit that I don't do much on the days I don't take it, but it's worth the excellence that I achieve through the drug on the days that I do use it.

I, for one, would prefer to be "dependent' on the use of a drug which freed me from a death-like depression and apathy, than live a life of living death.

I have inattentive ADHD
>inb4 doesn't exist
Maybe, but since ice started Ritalin, my life is so much better.

Then it sounds like you have an actual chemical imbalance and are destined to be dependent on something to fix it. I'm grateful that we live in a society that can do that for you, and as far as I'm concerned, you're completely off the hook on everything I'm saying. I'm glad it works out, sincerely.

I just think it's crazy for someone to seek it out because they want a slight edge or because they're bored.

Koji kurac ja tu čitam? Adderal nema direktne veze s dopaminom ni pamćenjem, nego poboljšava koncentraciju.
Uzimo sam to kad sam imo završne ispite pred koju godinu, radiš 12 sati ko zmaj.


You realize it's so much more than just sitting down and typing out code, right? Programming is all logic and done through cognitive processes and executive functions in the brain. People with ADHD simply do not have enough activity in these parts of the brain to succeed as programmers. Never use the word "coder" again.

>I'm grateful that we live in a society that can do that for you,

Ironically enough, it was society that created the crushing depression in me in the first place

Learn Lisp or Haskell you blue pilled faggot.
All danish programming sucks so stay away from C++.

>where do i buy adderall for my autism?

Go to a doctor you fucking idiot. It's free, just look up the symptoms of ADHD on WebMD then tell the doctor you have those symptoms.

I use caffeine instead, or energy drinks.

From what I understand of stuff like adderall, using it regularly can fuck you up. If I'm going to use any sort of cognition enhancement I want to use something I can't become dependent upon.

Also, I hear that the best nootropic is actually modafanil/provigil, not adderall

>took some adderall or some similar shit from a mate to help me write my dissertation about 5 years ago
>just read up on the latest comic before starting
>8 hours and uncountable tabs later i'd read about a hundred plus comic books and researched fucking everything about every comic company

Dude, do whatever you want.
I can code for longer and faster than you can on drugs.

Good luck succeeding in the industry if you can only learn new libraries by propping yourself up on pills.

Everyone I've talked to recommends C++ for anything meant to run fast, and Python for anything you don't care about running fast.

Python was also constantly recommended to me as something to learn first, but I actually wound up studying C++ in my classes instead, before doing self-study with Python.

C++ classes were confusing, doing Python on my own on the side really helped me figure out the abstract concepts. C++ spends too much time on the necessary syntax bullshit that distracts from what you really need/want to focus on when you're learning.

IMO, learn both more or less at the same time, I don't think there's a right or wrong way to learn either, but I do think both are necessary to know.

Don't compare yourself to others like a fool.

>"I can do this and that, and you can't!"

Do you go around telling people with social anxiety that they're just being idiots and you can talk to people much better than they can? Honestly, good for you that you can program just fine without a medication that helps you focus. Don't put down others for having different brain chemistry though. We aren't robots.

This reminded me how much I hate programming

>just look up the symptoms of ADHD on WebMD then tell the doctor you have those symptoms.

There's a little more to it than that.

They know that a lot of people want speed these days, and they don't just hand it out if you wanna lose weight or are feeling down like they did in the 50's (which is probably the actual cause of America's greatness in that age).

You have to take psycho-metric tests, which are not easy to fake. It's possible, though.

Or you can move to a different state and tell them that you had a prescription for speed in the previous state, and go through a bunch of hell and chaos, and maybe you will finally get a script.

Threatening to go back to using meth also helps, if you have a history of meth use. You can always say your were self-medicating for ADD. It works for some people. You need the right doctor.

Also, be aware that the new DSM (5) now considers 'binge eating' to be a valid affliction to prescribe Vyvanse for. I would try and tie your 'binge eating' into some kind of depression, lack of attention, etc. That's what I did.

But it took 3-4 fucking years.