Could i become a hollywood star?What kind of movies you think i could star in...?

Could i become a hollywood star?What kind of movies you think i could star in...?

with this post i am reminded to shave my beard

thanks user

Not a star, maybe a blob fits you.

Georgie Boy? Virgin Messiah?

>Internet Nazi #2
>A Very Special SVU: Terror In Charlotesville


Gay biker

in my bed :P

This person has good skin.

hmm maybe not a hollywood star, but you have a better chance being my boyfriend :3c

The next Tom Hardy ....

Citizen Kane parody movie

Mwaaaagh, the French....

Lose a little weight and we've got a handsome guy on our hands here

bald and balder

You look like someone I'd take to hotel room with me only to bring your friends Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt and send you home.

Be a self-depreciating comedian. Hire a ghost writer if you're shit at writing material. Learn perfect delivery and timing in comedy. Audition for a few children's movies and commercials. See where it goes from there.

You could be Fat Guy #3 in The Cuckold.

whatever this guy starred in

fuck you're good at this

Is this kino, i dont want to star in some pleb shit...