Admit it /pol. It's now confirmed that Hillary is ill...

Admit it /pol. It's now confirmed that Hillary is ill. Only Hillary's sudden death before the elections could save America. Then Bernie will get the dems nomination and will easily beat Trump. Think about it:

>free college
>universal healthcare
>end of racism
>change in police
>free internet
>no more stupid wars around the globe

This man is the future.

Young people also love him.

bernie's plan would work if USA was 100% white, but it's not so it won't


Well Canada ain't 100% white either but this works there right?

Well not exactly free but still it's much better to waste taxpayer money on this rather than meaningless wars.

we have free healthcare

we still have plenty of racism, police brutality, pay for internet/college, are a member of nato

I know if america got free healthcare middlemen would take advantage of the government's failure to regulate it and rob the government. I have doctors who call me in for an appointment to tell me a test came back negative (which not only could've been done over the phone, but i knew because i can access the data online) he gets paid by the patient seen and doesn't care about wasting anyone's time.

>Then Bernie will get the dems nomination
Wouldn't it be Joe 'Biden' His Time' Biden? He's been giving a few cry baby faggot speeches about the working class lately...

Realistically, if Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire all seceded at once and formed their own little homogeneous country, his policies would work very well and he'd be a great leader for that type of country.

For the U.S.A. in its entirety, as it is now? Nope.

The DNC would never under any circumstances capitulate to Bernie

If Hillary couldn't run, they would use Biden or even Al Gore or anyone really, but certainly not Bernie or Warren.

Really? I thought that dems loved him.

>end of racism

You bloody idiot. 'Racism' will only ever truly end if globalists get their way and turn us into some Egyptian looking mother fuckers all across the world.

Please don't embarrass other Brits by posting stupid socialist shit under the glorious Jack.

Are you a racist?

>free college
2 years of state school doctrine
>universal healthcare
Unless you're middle class or wealthy, then you pay out the ass to make sure the poor are insured...nothing changes
>end of racism
I thought race didn't exist to you people...
>change in police
No change needed, stop promoting nigger mentality in all facets of humanity
>free internet
The UN won't give up free Internet, silly
>no more stupid wars around the globe
Can't stop that, that's like trying to stop the sun from shining

The only people that love bernie are kids, hippies, and manchildren in college. The higher ups in the democratic party would rather have a republican than a socialist.

Except he's no longer a democrat, so your story is just that.
A story.


Wait... What the hell is Bernie's plan for ending racism?

Unicorns and ponies for everyone

>free college
>universal healthcare
>end of racism
>change in police
>free internet
>no more stupid wars around the globe

What do you take to be this stupid? Is there a drug? If so, I'm interested.

the moment Bernie steps in is the moment media does a 180 and goes 100% Trump. There's no way big business is going to let a socialist ideologue into the white house


Taking down Sup Forums for the start.

>Bernie Sanders
>Democratic Nomination
pick one

Bernie would not get the nomination. That's not how it works.

I thin.

I don't like this commie faggot but it killed me a little bit when he slurped Hillarys massive cock down.

>free college
lol no
>free healthcare
lol no
>end of racism
oh yeah, with nigs and spics getting all the gibsmedats from the rich, there definitely won't be any racism against them
>change in police
yeah, they'll stop patrolling in non-white neighborhoods
>no more stupid wars around the globe
We'll have one in our own nation

Capital hill dems despise Bernie

There's a difference between a commie and a socialist.

Do the retards that made the Rick/Bernie shit even watch the show? How the fuck could anyone whos seen it think Tick would support socialism?

You're forgetting how much of a cuck he appeared after selling out.

Fuck Socialism. Go move to Venezuela if you like it so much.

Sanders is a joke.

How can anyone other than lazy, entitled, misinformed useful idiots who don't want to pay back their loans like him?

Socialism works fine in Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.