Should masturbation be blamed for the decline in masculinity of the European people?

Should masturbation be blamed for the decline in masculinity of the European people?

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i blame romanian gypsies

i blame filthy romanian gypsies

I blame romanian and jews

Peacetime and female liberation is to blame.

Retards, handicapped and mental illness are being kept alive because of this.

The human species have always fought each other. Biologically humans are not ready to live in permanent peacetime.

Just look at middle east or other 3rd world countries. And then you've got people in the west comitting crime and doing drugs because a peaceful life is not natural for a human being.

War is bad. But war is necesarry to bring out the brilliant minds of people and achieve technological progress.

We wouldn't have made it to space if it wasn't for the cold war tension between super powers is one example.

the romanian gypsies are the real problem

fingol-leaf-baguette tag team in defense of fapping


perhaps Romania is the problem?

yes, I didn't know how reliant on fapping i was until I started no fap last week.
I relapsed twice.
This is hard, and i feel weak willed.
I did notice i had more energy on the days i did not fap though.

What were you asking?

Excessive fapping, porn (fucks up your dopamine levels) and xenoestrogens

I dunno what problem the OP is on about, I didn't read far enough. But I can almost guarantee its the Romanian Gypsies' fault.

All discussion of this topic which blames men -- ie, porn or video games -- is part of a dishonest victim-blaming campaign. OP here is the third thread of this type I have seen in the past hour. This was a complex attack involving chemicals, diet and aggressive socialization in the schools, plus employer collusion and no-fault divorce. This was not the result of one of its symptoms, it was the result of elite social engineering. They wanted people to be more docile and tractable, and therefore less masculine.
Saged and hidden.

Nope. It's political correctness that causes the testosterone drops.

Mammals which back down in submission always get a drop of testosterone. Humans in a political correct environment are constantly censoring their words and their thoughts, and constantly submitting to women, fags, and protected minorities. That's why white men have started wearing skirts.

this is /x/ tier shit

>ooh if you don't jack off you'll be able to get chicks and vibrate through walls

fucken lol

>until I started no fap last week.
>I relapsed twice.
lmao that's most men's normal rate

Gyppos belong in ghettos

>Tfw the longest I've ever managed to go without masturbating since I discovered it when I was 12 is 3 weeks. I'm 27 now.

I'm a fucking degenerate, I can't stop fapping. How do I stop? Porn isn't even the problem. Honest to god, I dont even look at porn. I use my imagination.

No, Japanese children's cartoons are to blame. If you're older than 13, and still watch it, well I don't know, man..

And perhaps masturbation helps this ill state of peace by making men not react.
I can assure you that romanians in general are more masculine than the three of you.

>decline in masculinity
>legitimization of misandry in pop-culture and academia
Think about it

lol i fap twice a day atleast

All of this and other problems would be solved if y'all submitted to the only true God, Allah and accepted the revelation that He has given to His last messenger, Muhammad (PBUH)

Romanian gypsies are to blame


Xenoestrogens are the only real reason, everything else is rhetoric to obfuscate that fact.

I literally can't even get a boner now from porn and masturbating

wtf should I do? I think I broke the part of my brain that controls my dick

i think your obsession with what other men do to their cocks is what is making europe so effeminate

stop watching porn immediately

nofap if you feel like it. buy l-arginine from amazon and start taking it. worked for me



Have you tried not jerking off?

>I literally can't even get a boner now from porn and masturbating
>wtf should I do?

a few days should be enough to bring tolerance down by atleast half, just stop mastubating and you'll soon find things to be restored

After what day did you start to feel the effects of nofap?

2 days in, is when i first noticed.
I was driving to work, some faggoty old lady was driving slow.
So i rolled down my window and yelled out "stupid old nigger cunt"

there is no effect, user, it's just pseudo-science crap made to make losers feel like they are accomplishing something

You'll probably feel it in 2-3 days. Then you'll want to fuck something bad. Just fap every 7 days if you want to maximise testosterone.

You have dick cancer
I'm sorry

>what is tolerance and diminishing returns

18 Year old male here. Hypothetically may be 2 years less.
I've masturbated every day since I was 14. Does it really decrease testosterone? And if so how do you guys control the urge?

Nice projecting, loser.

>And if so how do you guys control the urge
Honestly, if you can't control your hands whenever you get a hard on then you don't deserve to live. I have never understood this problem. Just put your dick back in your pants. How hard can it be?

nofap is definitely real. maybe it doesn't affect you but that's like saying since you don't have hallucinations that schizophrenia doesn't exist.

depends how long you've been beating your meat. for me, even 3 days isn't long enough anymore. I need like 1-2 weeks.

No. Women caused it almost exclusively.

The only thing men did wrong was allowing women any kind of rights at all.


Exactly the opposite is truth

male energy is stored in your balls , scientific fact that when you don´t jerk it - you´ll be more focused and alert.

having sex regulary is the same as nofap but also a more hormone balanced behaviour.

so it´s not X and you are retarded if you jerk it everyday more than once , 1 jerk per week is great if you really can´t handle the hornyness.

I hate porn but holy fuck

That's your sister, you silly billy.


The same thing happened to me a few years ago. I think its from the porn but I don't know.

porn induced impotence. The stranger the shit you desensitized yourself to the longer you have to wait without fapping

Is this a No Fap thread?

I'll just leave this here.....


Eat and sleep more. If you keep not going hard try to do some sports then take a break. When I ve started to eat and sleep like normally I was getting horny af, started to do some sports-murican football training- I was normal again. Then i had to drop training it made everything worse, I was on my gf, grinding whole day. Sports and hobbies are mostly answer to all kind of depressive things.

That's the problem. I can't stop jerking off. Most I can do these days is maybe a week IF I'm lucky. I just gotta man up and stop touching myself.

Go outside and socialize optionaly.

if something only works if you believe in it then it's probably a...


>3d faphero
>host is an old hag
>no bottom beat bar
>beat doesn't match the rhythm of video
>horrible music choice
>no actual fucking happening

You fucking disgust me.

6 days after i stopped i had my first boner in class in years

>haha. No fap is fucking stupid
>spending an hour a day watching high def mongolian lactation porn and touching myself instead of pursuing actual sex is totally healthy and natural bro xDDDD
>i can totally stop anytime i want xDDD

me on the left

>boner in class
I miss that so much

too bad her cunt looks like a punching bag.

Not masturbation itself, but the ease of access to increasingly explicit pornography. Fapping using the imagination is perfectly fine.


Masterbation is healthy and prevents prostate cancer, so all there is to blame are Romanian gypsies.

I jerk off upwards of 10 times a day.
Sometimes back to back to back, and I shoot big loads each and every time. I have plenty of energy too.

Seems like you faggots just have low test and want to blame masturbation for your failures.

nice meme faggot. and I can assure you that Romanian gypsies are more masculine than german cucks

You are not wrong

I was talking to my mum about this the other day (she's an ex-feminist) and I said that Gender Roles always exist, Man was meant to fight and provide and Women were meant to reproduce and take care of the young.

The entire west lives a backwards life that isn't natural to the Human species, that's why the west is in decline because men aren't fighting anymore and women sure won't fight.. the youth are growing up with slack mums that don't know how to raise their kids properly and only reproduce for government benefits

I have faith that the world will one day wake up and things will go back to the way they used to be. What comes around goes around.

holy kek

Fuck I blame the Romanians and the Jews


>how hard can it be?

fuckin ell m8 how do u even av time for all that wankin?

But I only have a brother...

Dubs don't lie. He's right you cunts are a bunch of fags.

Jerk off more.


you do realise what the Xeno part means right?

no; the decline of masculinity came when the united states of america started

Im on fucking day 4 of nofaps and I already texted my ex trying to warm her up for a good dicking. I also have become much more foreward with women at my workplace.. this is a fucking bad idea so far but im crashing this plane with no surivors

I fucking love porn and my boners are still going strong.

whadup with all the low test sissys who can't get it up anymore?

Damn, that is a beautiful pussy. Would smack lips for.

absolutely man
thats what a pussy is supposed to look like



I masturbate every day and still get random boners. What does I mean?

Everyone needs someone other than themselves to blame their failings on.

No fap in a nutshell:

People get relaxed after jerking off.
People equate not being relaxed with being energetic, which is false.

I heard it has to do with americans having broken dicks from amputation and they use the death grip or some shit to feel anything at all.


You should fap though, it helps your prostate. Don't use porn though, you get like the relapsed cat.

I went just over a week without fapping and I got way too tense and high strung.
I felt really strange and unnaturally nervous when I was just trying to relax. I couldn't concentrate on anything because I was always aware of my genitals aching for relief.

It was okay for the first 4-5 days, I had more energy and felt motivated but the negative effects ramped up exponentially around the week mark. I recommend not fapping for short periods of time. once every 5 days is enough. It does make fapping a lot more satisfying and enjoyable when you do finally get to do it.

Everything in moderation as they say.

>male energy is stored in your balls
Most retarded shit ever. Your male energy is focused in your gut. That is why the world's greatest men have beer bellies.

Jacking it now and then is fine, just don't edge yourself for hours on end while you keep looking for more and more fucked up porn.

how do we solve the romanian problem?


I would also like to remind everyone else ITT that if you're a betakek and believe your betaness comes from porn adiction, the internet is also addictive as well and a huge part in your betaness and cuckness so you ought to cut Sup Forums and porn all-together.

>be me
>come back after years abroad
>don't masturbate for some days
>find a qt girl
>we click but also no fap helps me being strategic and focussed as fuck
>get to have sex super quickly
>no need for my hand as she takes care of everything
>no fap starts being awesome
>always horny but not too horny 'cause she obliges
>my hornyness attracts other girls
>I have some flirts and even a hj as I date further girls
>omg my fitness and Chadness is sky-high
>I will keep this coming
>I don't even feel the need to browse gif because suddenly my life feels meaningful and fulfilling
>suddenly all my nood disorders disappear

1. porn is evil
2. no fap makes you adult and focussed on real goals
3. I don't think fapping alone is wrog or evil per se... but,like everything in life, too much of something can become a crippling addiction -- especially if associated to other things

I fap every 30 minutes or so.

>tfw fap 2-3 a day every day since 8 years ago
>no aspiration to do anything with life

On top of no porn try eating better and exercising. Test from exercise helps a LOT