What does savino think about our new president?

What does savino think about our new president?

Get it?

he will pretend to hate him because his voice cast hates him. But given his personal background he seems to fit the average voter pretty well.

>voice cast
Which ones? I thought only tara strong and her fat tits really went out of their way to hate him in the VA business?

I'm fucking tired of seeing this fucking bean faced bitch.

one of them has a "gay" 9 year old son that did a coming out in school.
A kid that hasn't even started his hormonal maturity pretending to know his sexual orientation.. yeah right.

Savino is our guy either way. Laun a shit though.

Who fucking cares what talking props think?



I liked guys then too, calm down.

Thanks man. You should still up your game though. She is the worst sister, followed by lamp.

Bump the Cump
Dump the Fump
Gump the Hump
Jump the Lump
Mump the Nump
Pump the Rump
Sump the Tump

How does it feel know you have terminal shittaste?

After her recent episode? Pretty happy with my taste actually. Complete worst girl. Jealous over getting smashed by her brother at jokes. Only relevant because he was hired for a party outside his demographic.

Linclon was the narcessistic bitch who stole her thunder

>dedicate your life to comedy
>get schooled by a kid who can't even win a viral video contest
You should drop Luan while you can. Perhaps go for someone happy and cute?

>Perhaps go for someone happy and cute?
Who do you have in mind?

>he doesn't know how happy a cute Leni is
Man, I don't know how to help you.

It would seems the US is Trumped

I started to have a faint bit of sexuality by 9, but I was probably early. I was one of those boys who's taller than everyone in middle school but ended up average height at best.

So, how about those Republicans?

Make cartoons great again.

Best older sister