Why do you make fun of people for being anti religious?

Why do you make fun of people for being anti religious?


Define religious.

Sup Forums is a Christian board

partial trolling, partially because the human condition to lob ad hominem attacks and react violently those who challenge your belief system with an equally logical ones

...which is why religious people war all the time...hehehe...

because most of the time they don't understand religion at all, they think it must be proven in a laboratory, by scientists in lab coats, completely forgetting the spiritual aspect of it
they also act superior for "not needing some book to tell me how to be good", forgetting that they were raised by their parents and society with purely biblical principles and morals in mind.
tl;dr they're pseuds

It's usually overshilled garbage like Rick and Morty that are made fun of

spirituality and religion are two distinct things

conflating the two is where a lot of problems are made

What do you gain from being anti religious? Being not religious is fine and normal but why go out of your way to attack people because of their beliefs?

Because atheists are such smug cocksuckers, being patronizing assholes at every turn

"ooh, you worship some man in the clouds!"

So yeah, basically that's why. Atheists ALWAYS start it. Because they just HAVE to let everyone know how enlightened they are, because they "don't practice some tribal ritual"

Because most atheists believe they are more intelligent than others simply by not believing in a higher power

I wouldn't make fun of someone who wasn't religious

People who are anti-religious are self righteous edgelords hell bent on convincing the world that God is dead so they can happily slip into oblivion on their death bed, despite life being meaningless (lol)


because anti-religious people are mostly Democrat SJW Communists who still think it's 2005 and being "anti-religion" is somehow cool, when it's never been associated with anything else other than pic related

In the Bible it says to circumcise your child on the eighth day and then much later it was scientifically proven that the eighth day is the best day to do it, some thing with the blood cells iirc

oh please our society isn't bound to "biblical morals", that morality existed long before the bible. The only reason you give the bible any power at all is that it has convinced you that without it we'd be a bunch of chimps throwing shit at each other and murdering indiscriminately

I feel like that's partially true. People like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins can be really insufferable. But it also sounds to me like you're a fragile little princess who can't handle the fact that someone disagrees with you.

not him, but how are they different?
religion is just a form of spirituality that is focused on a single deity

It's just edgy contrarians

If you believe in god you deserve to be patronized. It's exactly the same as having an imaginary friend, completely absurd behavior for an adult.

Because of the actions of anti-religous people?

at the end of the day it's because they're scared of nothing happening to us after we die. They see no benefit in being an athiest, even if they don't realize that whether they believe or not doesn't make God any less not real. That's why they refuse to entertain the possibility of God not existing, because if you put any serious thought into it whatsoever it's the only logical conclusion.

i don't care what their religious belief is, it's just that most of them are so cringe. I'm not even religious but i'll be reading through the catholic literature thread on /lit/ for different theology recommendations or whatever and half the posts are some gay shit like
>still believing in fairy tales xD
the fedora meme is real.

it was cool and edgy to be anti-religious on Sup Forums some 5+ years ago
because anti-religiousness has become rather mainstream now (again) it's cool to bully the anti-religious neckbeards

some people are literally so old that they are "outgrowing" their atheism and search for meaning in religion again, since they can't handle the nihilism that comes with it
hence the rise of christian threads and shilling of Jordan Peterson vids

It's just a phase
give it 5 years and the islam shills will be the majority

That's because they are fairy tales. I guess you're mentally handicapped so you don't have perspective to understand how ridiculous religion is. It is literally a fairy tale that you somehow believe is something other than a fairy tale. You actually believe in something no more plausible than LoTR or Harry Potter. If the Harry Potter books were written 2,000 years ago you'd be calling people fedoras for telling you that they were fiction.