Self-obsessed americans BTFO

>Americucks thinking their elections matter
>Not realizing the cradle of western civilization is the most important

Europe is ground zero for western civilization, its obvious that its here it matters, America is just a symptom.

>letting females run your countries

>tfw your chancellor literally sucks dick

>seeing women run europe towards the cliff
>gonna elect their own woman in november

can you be any dumber?

also, marie le pen is fucking based, woman or not.

>>gonna elect their own woman in november




Actually US election will be the a crucial factor since US has a strangle-hold on Germany.

The key, however, will ONCE AGAIN be Germany. If Trump can get the Presidency, Germany can hope to be TRULY free. At that point, a replacement for Merkel needs to happen.

Not sure who that would be, but something that would be willing to deport many of the people that have already arrived.

You're a faggot Norway, you know that? Who the fuck wants a woman to run a country, much less a union of them, if they can't even cooperate well with each other? Have you ever seen a mainly based female company/business ever succeed? Do you know why Hillary isn't popular right now? Because they're pragmatic and self absorbed. Overall awful at leading, women will always come second to men, and I don't say this because I'm sexist, it's because time and time again throughout history, men have proven to be superior authority figures. Given that, there still are a few remarkarble female leaders in the past, but they're still outliers. Go back to Syria Ahmed.

Europe is lost.
America is teetering on the edge, but there's still a chance for a purge

The leader for Afd is a woman aswell..
but afd is based though
NPD (national socialist party) won't ever win cause of the stigma

kek, americans obv wants a woman to lead their country, gotta break that glass ceiling ;)

I wish Europe was powerful and controlled the world, I want the USA to go back to being an isolated irreverent country. However that will never happen, California is worth more than any other European country besides Germany, Europe will never be relevant again sadly.

if marion le Penn ran in the united states ameriblubbers would call her a Marxist and a socialist

Keep telling yourself that, but one day living in your own fantasy world will catch up with you. You'll be stricken with a swift blow from reality, and then you'll have no where to run but inside your own self denial. Kill yourself you Muslim trash, and get the fuck off of our board.

Wtf are you talking about?

FUCK OFF. You were lost years ago when you fucking cuck became a "union". Go get nationalist then come back here with your indignity you fucking duece.

>Go get nationalist
pablo please


It's one thing when America, known colloquially throughout the world as a "melting pot" invites disparate groups in, sometimes when most people are against it.

It's completely different when Europe who should know better, who should have had the history of their own country taught to them from birth, they should know not to let the enemy in the gates.

but b/c they threw away their culture, religion and pride they are reduced to embarrassing caricatures of what they once were.

for every action

there is a re-action.

The storm is coming my friend

Posting in a shill thread.

Europe pms that i know of
May : brexit exitement
Hollande: gave up to terrorists
That's all
obama, trump and clinton : 2 aren't even presidents
Yeah, europe is done for

>europe is done for
>own country was never anything

wew lad