Fracking is horrible and needs to be stopped

Oklahoma, home to hundreds of fracking sites, is now more earthquake-prone than California.

Fracking wells create significant runoff into groundwater systems.

Each fracking project in the United States requires as much as 8 million gallons of water to complete. Taking the U.S.’s 500,000 fracking sites into account, with each site being fracked 18 times, that translates to a whopping 72 TRILLION gallons of water to maintain every fracking well. That's over half of the water in Lake Erie.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that as you deplete water supplies by the trillions of gallons, there’s less water in the ground to continue the natural cycle of water. An interrupted water cycle means less water in the air, which means fewer rain clouds, fewer crops, more deserts, and entire population centers without a critical resource, leading to widespread social instability.

Companies drilling new wells looking to skimp on labor costs have been caught trucking in undocumented workers to do the hard labor. These workers are often paid poverty wages and put in unsafe environments

Pennsylvania, which houses the Marcellus Shale, is home to thousands of fracking operations. As more companies come in to drill new wells, they often displace entire communities of people who are then left homeless and broke, forced to uproot themselves for an out-of-state industry.

Fracking is an industry that’s capital-intensive, meaning most of the investment goes toward the equipment and technology, rather than the people. And when fracking wells become profitable, most of the profit goes to the owners of the equipment, not the workers who did the drilling.


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B- but muh low gas prices.

stfu its fine

Don't worry the invisible hand™ of the (((free market))) will fix it.

Stfu we want Yellowstone to blow and low gas prices

I agree. Fucking fracking is terrible.

it's a disaster. They tried it here, created more than 300 earthquakes in a few months in a place without any previous seismic activity and had to close it down

Just buy more bottled water senpai and make sure you pay your healthcare premiums. I sure hope they cover thyroid cancer.

oh my God, we're all gonna die!!!!

Uh, no

I do agree about the increased earthquakes though, that's legit

>Stick water in the ground
>The water vanishes from the earth never to be seen again
You do know that with the massive amount of groundwater draining that's happening these days the problem is that we're going to have too much water at this rate.

It'll raise the sea levels higher than climate change at this rate.

You're retarded.

OP's pic captures why people stopped watching the Simpsons. Really became too preachy of liberal agendas at the expense of a more neutral form of humor.

Futurama was similarly preachy.

Get out you red diaper enviro commies. Reeeeeeeee

>Groundwater contamination not a thing with fracking
>'What's in the water Mr. Koch?'
>'a mix of company secret, and vitamins'

Hydroelectric generation also involves hydraulic fracturing.

Okie here, felt the 5.6 today, my bed shakes harder when I fuck my gf. Don't speak for us, oil business employs thousands in this state. The tremors are incredibly rare and almost completely imperceptible most of the time.
how'd you frack them dubs?

nvm I figured it out ;)

Fascinating, but is any of that actually true?

dude idfk I was hoping people would see past the obvious bait

Last night the earthquake was predicted.

There was a 4.0 in Wyoming in Yellowstone.

This dude predicts earthquakes. Its awesome

Hit the motherlode!


How these quakes even caused real damage?

Im sures youd be suprised to see how much water is used in other insustrial processes

Displacing, and creating communities has been the way mineral exploitation has worked forever, oil boom town, coal towns. Imagine the displacing that solar will do.

>As more companies come in to drill new wells, they often displace entire communities of people who are then left homeless and broke,
they get paid

they aren't just thrown off their fucking land, they're given literally M I L L I O N S of dollars to leave

The landowners make MILLIONS.

They just get a fucking pumpjack in the backyard and a path to service it, all accordig to the contract where they sold the mineral rights for a huge cut of the profits or outright pay

>Hydrocarboniggers don't want to harness the emissions-free yet industrial need-satisfying power of nuclear reactors
>Hydrocarboniggers don't want to harness the near-unexhaustible power of the sun

Dude let's just take this flammable shit and burn it lmao


Not important.

Notice how nuclear isn't in the list of things I said no to.

Solar is absolutely shit. Make it better and I'll embrace it.

>And when fracking wells become profitable, most of the profit goes to the owners of the equipment, not the workers who did the drilling.

well no fucking shit sherlock. They are the ones that took the risk buying the equipment

Maybe its the lead mines where tree roots grow through the ceilings. Hell half the Okies state has fucking huuuge manmade caverns underneath from Lead mining.

From your blog post you have no idea how fracking works. Water that goes down hole comes back out the whole. In a perfect world. I have seen a frack job where they losted 10000 barrels of water. But your pretty dumb

Fucking leafs...

>t. saskechawnantonaplughh

I don't like that the companies fracking almost never say what the hell they're putting in the ground, and that it's been linked to causing earthquakes.


>500,000 fracking sites
>if it only took 1 person to operate and maintain 1 of these gigantic mining operations, apparently 1/600 americans work there

Are you retarded?

That earth quake this morning was crazy. My whole house was shaking.

>fly over states
>think people care about them
Pro-tip: no one does. The twelve of you who live there just aren't important.