This is considered good kino?

It's literally "TheBible lite" with androids and a bunch of new age theories crammed in.

Not really.

>This is considered good kino?

The radiohead arrangments are the most fucking r.eddit soundtrack I've ever heard. Not kino by a long shot.

Shopped, This is the original

Sup Forums love-hate cycle, right on time

I wanna like the show but why do i hate it? I liked the plot/ideas but the characters and the plot itself were so unlikable.

Waiting for S2 to see if it is a kino.

This. I thought the main plot (i.e having the robots aquire consciousness through repetion) was pretty interesting. It's just that everything sorrounding it was mediocre and boring.

The general plot is interesting.
But putting that in practice is really retarded, as they make is seems like "Beyond the starting town.. is when the ACTUAL shit happens!" when no shit actually happens and noone would leave the starting town as it has everything.

it's because Jonathan Nolan and he stinks when it comes to creating loveable characters and actual human dialogue and relationships.

Shit man, I was saying "not really" to the assertion that the show was the bible lite. I'd say it's a 7/10 show overall, maybe not kino but definitely watchable.

Radiohead are reddit.

Main problem of the show is that the logistics are confusing.

Apparently there's this huge part of the setting where bad things happen but at the same time they have surveillance covering all of it.

And it's objectively impossible to prevent any glitch or accident and they only need one fuckup to effectively shut the whole thing down.

I mean the park was opened for some time so there were always glitches, it's like saying that if a roller coaster breaks and kills people they won't re-open it again. Androids and everything else should be on script and guests are warned that they're almost on their own while visiting the peripheries.

>This is considered good kino?
Was is ever considered good?

Yeah but a roller coaster accident is usually an operator error or something mechanical.

When you have androids with guns whose main thing is either touching your private parts or wanting to kill you "malfunctioning" and people using weapons and explosives and so on in an extremely wide area it's just becomes a bit too much.

>almost on their own while visiting the peripheries
No they don't
They may not cover 100% of the guests, but they do cover %100 of the androids.
The androids in the towns at the limit of the park are as controlled as the first you encounter on the starting town.

There is no danger "out there". It's all the same

WTF Is up with Her face?

looks normal

Idiots don't like it, for sure.


I wouldn't say Westoworld fits into the love-hate cycle.
People loved it when it started because it was good, but it gradually got shit and then people started to hate it.
It's not a contrarian thing it was just a huge drop in quality