Where we go after Avengers; what those 2020 films are...

>Where we go after Avengers; what those 2020 films are, we’re pretty sure what those are going to be… but if I tell you that, we’re getting into spoilers.

I don't care about any of that shit except the Punisher TV series.

>dr strange was mediocre compared to what it could've been
>no dr doom movie
who the fuck cares

aka manufactured hype

they're going to make more origins flicks

His lies, I don't believe them

>eh... we don't know what to do next, so SPOILERS!

He's finally going to do Inhumans?



Only surgeons are allowed to do anything inhumans.

>aka I have no clue where to go after that so i'm going to be mysterious and make people think we have it all planned out

my dream is Annihilation

but they don't own the rights to half of the characters.

They should do a movie about that time Spiderman talks to a kid about when he was molested.

Annihilus could have been replaced with Thanos, but I doubt they'll use for a long time after IW.
Even if they did have all the characters needed to pull it off, I'm sure they'd fuck it up.

That was one of Zack Snyder's ideas for Batman.

Really? /tg/ posters do inhumans all the time.

I hope they acquire Doom and instead of Doctor Strange 2 they do Triumph and Torment

If you are talking about reproduction inhumans then it would be semen.

Fox might finally face facts with their FF rights and make a deal similar to what Sony did with Disney for Marvel to use them. Especially if Spider-Man: Homecoming is a hit.

Fox is clearly not making any money with the FF rights as is, they might as well make the deal and make those rights worth something.

>dr strange



They've still got a decent amount of IP's that could prove to be popular.

>Moon Knight
>Ghost Rider (again)
>Ms. Marvel
>Give Netflix characters movies


I don't know

can you repeat the question?

They'll just start releasing Star Wars spin off with the Marvel label on them alongside a tie in comic book released at the same time to boost ticket sales.

I hear this word excessively associated with the MCU lately.

It kinda was

I say this as an MCUfag

So it's gonna be Marvel's Flashpoint where every actor with an expiring contract gets replaced by a new one?

You're not the boss of me now

You're not the boss of me now

Probably something like this.
Just make Thanos' defeat involving the destroying of the infinity gauntlet, so you can have a big explosion that will reset reality.

You're not the boss of me now

You're not the boss of me now and you're not so big.

Life is unfair...

It could've been better than it was, but it was definnitely not mediocre for a marvel movie. Easily in the top 5 of marvel movies

Fucking this. Goddamn.

Ideally it should have ended with Avengers.

The concept was so novel and cool that it has literally spawn almost every movie studio to do a cinematic universe.
But sadly, as long as they keep making money, they won't stop making them.

>saying it's top 5
>as if that is suppose to be impressive
>in a universe swimming in mediocrity


Marvel will buy Capcom and turn Street Fighter into a international group of people with super powers that will act as a replacement for the X-Men. It'll be basically the same thing as Inhumans except replaced with characters people recognize better.

It obviously means that they don't want to give away who survives Infinity Wars.

Can you repeat the query?

you know im right

I would like to see Moon Knight on Netflix series than a movie. That way you can get dark and gritty. I feel Marvel movies are playing it safe for kids and you can't do that with Moon Knight.

I bet you can expect what's going on in the comics.
Recasts of major characters. Female Thor, Captain Falcon, a female Iron Man as Marvel moves to be more PC and diverse which has been a complaint from lots of people.