Nordicism and How it Ties to our Political Economic System

So most of you are probably wondering "what the fuck is Nordicism?". Nordicism is the ideology that the Nordic race should remain pure and that almost all of human accomplishment is because of Nords. All great civilizations were founded and run by pure Nordic people and fell when they became mongrelized. I will be taking questions about Nordicism and just answer some common ones right now

>But Nordicism can't be true because Rome, Greece, Persia, Egypt, China, and India were advanced while Scandinavia and Germany were inhabited by barbarians!
First off there is nothing wrong with being a barbarian, they lived very good natural lives, worked less than us, and the average barbarian was stronger, taller, and richer than the average citizen of those nations I just listed. Secondly the people of those advanced nations I listed were pure Nordic. Egypt, Persia, Rome, and Greece were all pure Nordic before mongrelization. The word "Iris" came from the Greek word for colour, if almost everyone had dark eyes back then it would make no sense for them to title the ring in your eye the "colour". Only a people who have many eye colours would call it that.

>Are you a Nazi?
Not at all the Nazis were a bunch of Cucks, they allied with the Japs and the Wops (big mistake) because they wanted to end the war, you don't win a racial war by allying with shitskins, that's something they didn't understand

>What about Darker skinned geniuses like Einstein and Nikola Tesla? Doesn't that debunk Nordicism?
No, first off Einstein was an idiot. He went from anti-war to working on the A-Bomb when it suited him. He never discovered E=MC2, that was already discovered by a German scientist a few years earlier. About Tesla he was actually Nordic. I know he had darker tanned skin like a Southern European but there are rare occasions where Nords have that. There was vikings described as "swarthy" in the Sagas. It is Possible to be darker skinned Nord like Tesla

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So you are probably wondering how this ties in with our Economic Political System. Well the truth is the United States started heading down the tubes the moment we started putting non-Nords in charge of things. A perfect example is Andrew Jackson. The United States was doing fine with Nordic Washington, Jefferson, John Adams, but once it elected a park Irish President that is when everything started going down the tubes. Jackson didn’t know what the hell he was doing! He paid off the debt only to make it skyrocket latter almost bankrupting the United States gold treasury. Abraham Lincoln another non-Nordic part Irish President started a civil war turning the United States into a shithole. Then we have Woodrow Wilson who installed the Federal Reserve.

The Solution to the United States problems is not Trump or Hillary as both of them are non-Nordic. Trump is part Scottish and Hillary is part Welsh, although they appear Nordic with their blond hair and blue eyes they certainly aren’t. This is why U.S presidential elections should not be elections at all, they should be competitions on who is the most Nordic. The more Nordic someone is the more power they should hold. This is the key to shaping society. Everyone has a role, but the importance of that role is determined by Nordic genes.

A perfect example of this is the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan was pure Nordic, he was described as “green-eyed and red haired”, can you imagine a mongolian today with green eyes and red hair? Probably not, that’s because the Mongols today are a lot different than the Mongols of the past. The Mongols of the past (at least the upper class) were pure Nordic and the Empire functioned great until Genghis Khan’s grandson Kublai Khan married a non-Nord and that fucked everything up. Empires fall when Nordic genes fall.

Another way Nordicism ties to our political system is with international Jewery. The truth is the Jews today that run everything are not the true descendants of Abraham and Isaac, they are Khazars and only converted to Judaism in the late eight hundreds. The real Jews are are the NORDIC people. We descend from the ten lost tribes of Israel which all came together in Germany and Scandinavia and eventually became the aristocratic class of Europe (along with the general population of Germany, Scandinavia, Holland, Belgium, and eventually England and Northern France).

What I’m saying isn’t just the rambling of an insecure welfare bum who wants to feel good about himself *cough cough Afrocentrism cough cough*. But is the result of uncensored intellectual truth from some of the brightest minds in science such as Frederick Nietzsche, Madison Grant, Varg Vikernes, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Henry Cabot Lodge, Thomas Henry Huxley, and Dylan Roof

>Posting from Canada because his nation was cucked beyond recognition in both world wars.

Yet we still won in the end despite having a fat drunk degenerate leader (Winston Churchill was a Drug addict)

Americunt here, am I Nordic or what? Being American I have no idea what I am. Only that I'm mean as shit.

What country are your ancestors from? You could be Nordic it's hard to tell. If you are from England, what part? Ireland? Italy? Depends what part. Same with France as well. There are some Nordic parts of Sicily, Iran, Egypt, Russia, even some African countries have Nordic roots (Mali Empire). Just tell me what your known ancestry is.

>Yet we still won in the end despite having a fat drunk degenerate leader (Winston Churchill was a Drug addict)
Only kikes like Churchill, he was no better than a dumb nigger. He was the reason of Britain losing the whole empire.

>Secondly the people of those advanced nations I listed were pure Nordic. Egypt, Persia, Rome, and Greece were all pure Nordic before mongrelization.

I'm told German but who knows what got mixed in after that

>brightest minds in science such as Frederick Nietzsche, Madison Grant, Varg Vikernes, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Henry Cabot Lodge, Thomas Henry Huxley, and Dylan Roof

>Only kikes like Churchill, he was no better than a dumb nigger. He was the reason of Britain losing the whole empire.
Exactly, I'm saying we won the war despite having a shitty leader like Churchill

The proof is right here

Ok well so far you are Nordic my friend, any Irish, French, Italian, Spanish, English Portuguese, that is where it gets complicated because Nords make up certain populations of those areas for example

Many Coast Irish descend from Vikings

Normandy is Nordic, Brittony is pure Celtic, the rest is a mix

Some people among the edges are Nordic

Some people on the coast, even in Sicily are Nrodic due to Norman raids

Same as Spain

England is mainly Nordic due to anglo-saxon raids but the Corinish are Celtic

You're a terrible troll.

>"Dylan Roof"
Nice bait op

How is it bait?

>Abraham Lincoln [...] started a civil war
overdosing on blue pill

didn't read the rest of your bullshit.

Well if you are putting mass shooters on the list for greatest minds where is Sam Hyde? He looks Nordic.

Which areas of italy have nordic influence?

This thread is embarrassing as a human being.

Now, I'll agree that Nords are not the barbarians that some people make them out to be, but you're really giving them more credit than they're worth.

LOL the redpill is that he started the war blue pill is MUH SLAVE OWNERS

whoops, just finished reading :^)

The confederates were red pilled af Lincoln literally put jiggaboos in power in the south how is that not bluepilled?

>Exactly, I'm saying we won the war despite having a shitty leader like Churchill
Tbqh it was Russia who won the war and US who ended it. Britain was just basically letting its troops killed because of Churchill
India was fighting for both Empire and Nazis/Japs.

Shit I forgot to put him

There are some Nordic people in the North due to Vandals and in the Deep south due to Norman raids

No it's true, you've just been cucked by propaganda

Yeah because Churchill was a Jew

I was trying to hurry up the post due to not wanting people to get bored but North Italy has Nordic influence too.

I'm blonde with light green eyes and U have Swedish ancestry but it's mixed with Anglo-Saxon and some other Northern European stuff, am I still Nordic?

I don't get it. Are you saying that all great civilizations were Nordic, but collapsed from mongrelization (due to altruism, I'll assume). Does that include Indus and Huang?

>we wuz romans n' sheit




Another divide and conquer shill thread by the usual role playing ((("""""Nordicist"""""))).

From what I hear yes. Swedes and Anglo-Saxons are both Scandinavian Tribes. Anglo-Saxons actually came from Denmark. But let me ask what is the "other stuff" you speak of? Is it Celtic?

Yep, they were Nordic too

Didn't know that.

Funny you say "lel divided and conquer" yet the ZOG controlled media is the one stating "ITALIANS ARE WHITE" and "GREEKS CHECK THEIR WHITE PRIVILEGE". When America was run by Whites the definition of whiteness was very limited, now that Jews controls the media the definition is widening, the purpose of this is so whites mix with mongrels weakinging our purity.

It's all on

Am I still white if my toilet looks like this?

also do I look like a cancer patient or a skinhead?

You're a degenerate and an honarary Jew

Skinhead I thought you were one

Retard who doesn't understand Genetics

Genetics are a Jewish science


Nordicists are this dumb


non-Nords are this dumb

its true though I traced my ancestry back to Irish Kings


You look like an Anglo and your eyes are brown looking

You're a bad troll. I can trace my ancestor back to a German King in the 1800s who descends from Henry II who descends from Irish Kings

>you look like an anglo
I am Anglo-Saxon

>your eyes are brown
They are blue. Are you jealous of me?

Literally embodiment of a leaf, Mediterraneans are not Nordics, Nordics are not real, They are lighter Caucasoids

>Mediterraneans are not Nordics
Obviously, no shit

>are you jealous of me

No I have grey eyes and light brown hair

Haha epic thread op
have this as a thankyou for your awesomeness

Are you Nordic?

>wanting jewish currency and not Gold/Land

Romans are mediterraneans

They were not my friend.

Yes I'm half swedish and half scotch-english, I'm sympathetic to the idea of nordicism but alot of times it borders on pseudo science if you don't have good evidence to back up your claims, I tend to believe nordic people make the best leaders, not necessarily because they are the most brilliant, but because they are the most noble in character and selfless

You know they are Celtic right?

Muh Nordic superiority, You are so retarded

You're so retarded. You are trying to take credit for my ancestors.


That's your modern Italian!

>I'm from Italy, Romans were from Italy, therefor we was romans!

You literally have less proof than I do, So yeah, I'm right.

I literally have infinite proof, so yeah im right.

Provide it then.

The Scottish is on my mom's father's side, I'm not 100% position on the genealogy but he's probably a combination of Scottish and English himself, regardless he was a smart and humble man, an engineer, a small business owner and could fix just about anything, worked hard and provided well for his family, nordic genes will only take you so far and it doesn't automatically make you infallibly better than everyone, at the end of the day its your actions and character that matter

Enjoy :)

>nordic genes will only take you so far and it doesn't automatically make you infallibly better than everyone, at the end of the day its your actions and character that matter
SJW alert. nordic genes make me superior to even the most intelligent black.

Not a valid source

If Nordicists are so confident about their race, why do they care to steal ancient history from other people?

Why not just say "fuck ancient history, we'll build something better"?

It seems to me that deep down you know you can't.

Yes it is

Well why do you guys try to steal histroy from us? I went to Greece and people said "our people built that statue" clealy stealing our history

Fucking Kangz... Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, Tesla are Nordic? Who is your Yakuub? Historical revisionism is pathetic, whether its from niggers or snow niggers. Face it, brown Semites invented civilization, dark-ish Mediterranean Europeans developed it, nords profited in the last few hundred years from their work. At least you aren't cucks but you sure are retards, don't make the same mistakes as liberals.

>Nordic genes make me superior to even the most intelligent black

The potentiality to become more intelligent may be there, but there have been black men throughout history and to this day that are more learned, more intelligent, and more accomplished than you may ever be. If your definition of superior is a particular gene set the ok, but thats why I don't like the word, because it's open to anyone's interpretation what superior actually is. On a side note, saying that anything is inherently superior without definitive evidence among an audience or normal people is a surefire way to discredit yourself, just saying, and good luck

>SJW alert

I'm not an SJW and that was just pathetic

As a Mediterranean with blue eyes and blonde hair this thread is fucking hilarious.


Well, it's mostly a backlash at the renaissances huge mega boner for Roman and Greek styles.

Recent Archaeological finds paint a broad picture of culture more and more every day and the importance of the Roman's and Greeks is slotted in more accurately than was presented.

It's this strange idea where Rome and Greece were the only centres of knowledge in the world yet when we compare them; why the fuck do we even register the greeks?

Everything the Greeks did was basically a bastard mixure of the Egyptians and the Persians.

You prolly descend from nords

What im saying isnt historical relativism or whatever it was mainstream in nazi germany and early America

You got to learn all intelligent blacks are not smart they are proped up by jews

>Nordic. Egypt, Persia, Rome, and Greece were all pure Nordic before mongrelization.

They were all nordic

Leaf, you are one dedicated shitposter. You've been doing this shit for months.

The worst thing is that people keep falling for your bait.

The correct term would be Germanic.

Alright I'm done with this thread, next time if your gonna start a thread about nordicism lad, bring some actual good arguments and points to the table, otherwise nobody is gonna take you seriously , believe I'm sympathetic to the idea but this is some grade A we wuz

But we really did be kings


Its true tho

Sorry you arent nordic


nordicism is obviously true, but there's one thing that bothers me. why would nords depict themselves with mediterranean hair and facial features? imo the most likely explanation is that jews have been salting archaeological digs with fake artifacts.



Kek, you don't even know that your actually Nordic and your so convinced of their superiority , all you know is that you've been told your german, and the Germans are only tad Nordic, do a DNA test and come back to us ya pleb, I've already had one and and yes I am, but I don't care as much as you do because I'm humble , which is a fundamental quality of nordics which you don't seem to have at all


Follow your family history faggot, or get a dna test

Obviously they have fashion trends


Lol pleb im not german im english


nah. look at this, does this look ancient to you? looks like it was drawn about 100 years ago by some hook nosed kike to me.

and while we're on the subject of noses, have you ever seen a roman statue with a "roman nose"? a bit of a coincidence that the so called roman nose just happens to look a lot like a jewish nose, isn't it? i bet if you looked in to the history of the term you'd find it was coined by a jew.

Why be a nordicist when nearly all innovation in the world has been by dark haired and/or eyed people? "aryans" are just niggers.

how are western women not disgusted by those sand niggers/literal niggers? I probably couldn't finish my plate if that subhuman was sitting in front of me

I'm dark haired, pretty much black. 6'3, green eyed. Decent build, very little fat. High intelligence. Scandinavian and probably black Irish heritage, am I a Nord?
