Who created the Catholic Church=Pedophiles meme?

Who created the Catholic Church=Pedophiles meme?

This meme effectively destroyed the Church. Even though anecdotal crimes have been reported, this meme is widely accepted across the world as absolute truth.
I think this is the main reason Ratzinger resigned. The Catholic Church lost ALL credibility because of this meme.

Who's behind it? The Muslim, the Communist?

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Who do you think? Jews made the meme and it latched on hard with suburban white moms

The same jews that infiltrated the church and destroyed it in the Vatican II revolution also let gays in, and they molested every boy they could get their hands on.
They never mention that it's the sick, disgusting gays doing the raping.


The catholic church did it. You don't allow men to fap. You don't allow priests to cum inside a woman. What do you expect to happen? They go after the ones easiest to sexually exploit.

South Park has played a big part

>This meme effectively destroyed the Church
it was just more cheap slander from the left thrown at an already weak church

Did you know most of the pedos are active homosexuals and most of the victims were pubescent boys?

ie. The pedophilia was just how normal fags behave. They to fuck teenage boys and think longingly on the time a 40 year old molested them when they were 12.

The Communists seeded the Catholic church with faggot operatives in the 50s.

Any field that gives you access to children is going to be filled with pedos. Teachers have higher rates of molesting kids than priests but there are two differences.

*Teachers are extremely respected by the left.
*They generally get fired when found out: not moved to another school with their story kept quiet.

>What do you expect to happen?
to stand principled, like men in the old days?
its not THAT difficult in that environment


The gays will get what's coming to them with their years of grooming they now have under their belt in schools across the world.
Wonder how many pedo rings are in the gay bars these days. No wonder all those 14 year olds are """"coming out"" of the closet""".

>>The Communists seeded the Catholic church with faggot operatives in the 50s.

best post by a straya cunt on 4channel


>it's not THAT difficult to be celebrate, even though literally every single one of your ancestors had sex and bred
>even though you are the product of countless generations of evolution becoming more and more compelled towards sex because otherwise the line would have been wiped out
>not THAT difficult
this is what catholics actually believe (except the priests and choir boys, who know it's not true)

not allowing priests to marry killed the catholic church

OP has low iq.

It isn't a meme. Ask yourself how degenerates can hide in plain sight? Some sjws are pedophiles too... it is all about camouflaging themselves as decent people.

I love how the religious right is trying to use the fucking mudcunts and sjw's as some sort of argument for their own merits. "We wouldn't let anything like this happen, if WE had our way!"
No shit. You wouldn't let anything outside of a bronze age goat herder's demented musings happen.

I disagree with the second statement but you're right, it's pretty damn difficult and it's meant to be difficult.
Dunno when we decided that our nature can be controlled by simply relying on the system.

the same one who makes the rapefugee meme


Ever wonder why benedict XVI """voluntarily""" backed down? Because of his pretty based "Jews are not the chosen people" quote

>Who created the Catholic Church=Pedophiles meme?
The gays who infiltrated the Church and raped all those alter boys.

The Protestants. The biggest catholic haters are the protestcucks jelly about the power of The Church. Most of world culture comes from protestant culture so it meme has spread across the world.

There are homosexual pedophiles, who have an attraction to young boys.

There are heterosexual pedophiles, who have an attraction to young girls.

And the two don't mix, there aren't pedophiles who are attracted to 'all children'.

Now, those are the facts, but my theory is that homosexual pedophiles attempt to fix their double bang sin with religion. But can't, and trying to 'fix' their pedophilia with religion only makes it worse.
And from an orthodox standpoint, if they acted on their homosexuality with a full grown man, that would be a worse sin than doing so with an 'innocent' child.

The Boston Globe newspaper started this re-investigation of past cases, with a prejudicial notion that the nature and severity of certain actions had been concealed by the Church.

The Boston Globe has a history of prejudice against the Church dating back to the days of the abortion and birth control pill protests.

At this time the Globe had been taken over by the heavily jewish New York Times, and also the NYT generally concealed the fact that these action by priests were involvements of homosexual men (priests) with homosexual boys. The NYT also does not want to anger the homosexual communities of NY or Boston by calling attention to this.

The Church invited this to happen by turning a blind eye to the known homosexual elements in it's community of priests and hierarchy.

implying men in the old days actually followed those rules.

Forcefully containing sexual ages mentally fucks up most human beings no matter what background. Ie. Rapefugees Muslims

Bs. I'm an Atheist and I consider this a heinous meme created by someone a few years ago to discredit the Church.

The proportion of pedophile priests is very low. Equating the Church with Pedophilia is a meme and it's the most powerful I've ever seen.

In every discussion about the Church, when this meme is brought up the Church apologist automatically loses.
The Church lost all credibility to this dumb meme. Who's behind it?

Wouldn't surprise me to hear about bisexual pedophiles desu. Slippery slope and whatnot.

based flip crew
tell your bros to quit playing with their smart phones at mass, will you?
The only thing Protestants can agree on is how much they hate Catholics. If they're not a creation of the jew I don't know what is.

Fuck off you scum. Child abuse was systemic in the Catholic Church, it was also a problem in other organisations but the Catholic Church was the only one that fought so hard to keep it all under raps, interfering with criminal investigations, harbouring the criminals and wide spread corruption and intimidation all so everyone who got diddled could have justice or compensation

World is going to shit for protestant faggotry. What mindset would give birth to libertarianism aside of cultural Marxism? Yes, right, protestantism.

>Ever wonder why benedict XVI """voluntarily""" backed down? Because of his pretty based "Jews are not the chosen people" quote

What's that inernational money transfer system called? SPRINT or something like that?

I hear that they rigged it so the Church's ability to use the system got shut down. They couldn't move money anymore.
A condition of them letting the Church move money again was he had to step down.
Now he lives in the Vatican Gardens, or something like that, kept close and dependent in case he tries to speak up.
The Church's gay mafia and international finance pushed him out.

Most are. They just want to fuck kids. Look into any busted pedo ring and they simply took what they could get, with preference of one over the other,

Look at this one. He tells it like the Church is a Pakistani pedophile ring in Birmingham. Look at the meme.
This shit destroyed and discredited 2000 years of White history.

>the Catholic Church was the only one that fought so hard to keep it all under raps

I'm almost willing to accept this but look at cases like...

Jerry Sandusky.
Jimmy Savile.
That guy from "Hey Dad."
Dan "Get in my Van" Schneider.

It seems like there doesn't even have to be a pedo ring involved for people to look the other way and cover it up.

It was actually the nazis who made some all catholics are pedophiles propaganda, dude.Nice trips btw.

>Who created the Catholic Church=Pedophiles meme?
The Catholic Church. Seriously, it's an abomination to prevent a man from marrying and deny him sex eternally, it turns him into an insane degenerate deviant.

reminder that a lot of the conduct by the priests occured in the 1970s and extended into the 1980s.

A lot of things were "loosening up" in the 70s, including the post Stonewall gay lib movement, the groupie scene of underage girls, general falling of all taboos against any adult sex behavior. Can't imagine a film like Pretty Baby being made today, with published nude of underage Brooke Shields.

The Reagan revolution in the 80s was partly a backlash against this.

>Don't know a shit about catholic church
>writes about it

Too much radiations, my dear Hiroshi?

The Catholic Church created the meme by being a bunch of pedophiles and then covering up their pedophilia.

The catholic church lost all credibility when they worship idols

>Who's behind it? The Muslim, the Communist?
The masons, satanists and luciferians (all of them are the same shit anyway) They already infiltrated the church a long time ago.

Alta Vendita - Freemasons Conspiracy Against the Catholic Church and Christ


The Enthronement of Lucifer in the Vatican (Bp Williamson, Bp Fellay, Fr Malachi Martin, Fr Amorth)


Says the pedo.


Ratzinger resigned because the fact that he covered up abuse when he was a cardinal was was well documented. Of course he lost credibility, as well as his job.

Ratzinger resigned because the fact that he covered up abuse, back when he was a cardinal, was well documented in letters he wrote. Of course he lost credibility, and his job.

The heretics and the rabbis