What are some other examples of actors getting too big for their britches?

What are some other examples of actors getting too big for their britches?

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You first, OP.

Bill neye is one of the biggest asshole of all time.

He also thinks he's some sort of scientist just because he was in a few kids shows about science

>ugly brown eyes
>ugly curly hair
>ugly long face
>ugly weird nose

what a fucking kike wouldn't be surprised if he was member of some hollywood pedo ring

Cara Delevingne
He doesn't even have a master's degree, all he has is a BS in mechanical engineering (albeit from Connell) and one of his professors was Carl Sagan.

Take the neck pill

you have to go back

cut your dick off!

ft. assblasted STEM graduates they got played hard.

but he isn't an actor
>too big for their britches
translation "i liked bill nye the science guy but now i'm an edgy memeconservative so i have to hate him because of his netflix show"

t. Bill Nye

He pretends to be a scientist on TV. He's an actor.

do you cucks ever tire of being triggered all the time?


>Bill Nye is not an actor

You are a literal retard and should shoot yourself

do you cuck ever tire of learning how to edit something in your browser and post it every day? it's awful and it shows your incompetence and lack of creativity

hosting =/= acting

>not getting your science education from based paul joseph watson

yes, we all know how you people only communicate in original jokes and ideas. i've never heard of these "memes" you speak of



well he does have making an ass of himself on twitter down to a science

that's because you never leave your echo chamber


Cut your first born sons penis off and employ a carbon tax.

go back kiddo

>posts le BILL NEY HAETS SCIENCE schtick
>tells me i'm in an echo chamber


my god, you've done it. that was the one post this old pile of html code needed to come roaring back to life

Oh my.

Reminder that Drago from Rocky has more authority over science than Bill Nye does.