Okay, serious question. Was this ending SUPPOSED to be funny? Or is Darabont really that tone deaf?

Okay, serious question. Was this ending SUPPOSED to be funny? Or is Darabont really that tone deaf?

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if you didnt like that ending you are not a fan of movies

Fuck off, OP. Filth. How dare you insult this movie.


The message here was if you lose faith in america you deserve what happens to you

Yes. It's dark humor. Ironic juxtaposition. You see the mist clear and you realize what you thought was rational behavior was actually some asshole being crazy. It's like a thief dropping a faberge egg after stealthily breaking into high security vault or someone punching a pregnant woman.

Why couldn't at least two of them line up and take the same bullet?

How long were they driving? What were they doing with their piss and shit?

because the mist was actually Hell

this reminds me..

wtf was the point of this scene!?


Shut up...just shut up.


No you retards, it was interdemensional moth monsters bringing the mist in from a portal that had been opened. This cuck lost faith in the American army and that's why his kid is dead

if he hadn't shot them the mist wouldnt have cleared

Wasn't the Mist from the same place as IT?

Back in the '90s a bunch of nigger kids got in trouble for laughing at Schindler's List when their school showed it to them. It's not uncommon to be autistically or moronically heartless, OP, especially not on Sup Forums. It goes beyond the mere shitty personality that edginess suggests: having a normal, not-retarded brain is a predicate for empathy, and art is empathy.

I sort of laughed and exclaimed at the same time when I saw the tanks show up. I've never reacted that way in my life before or since. It messed me up for a few days after watching.

>Back in the '90s a bunch of nigger kids got in trouble for laughing at Schindler's List when their school showed it to them.
I think I remember hearing about that incident

like why were they in a hurry to die? even the woman wanted to die. there wasnt even any monsters around them at that point. does the mist have chemicals that make people crazy? did he want to kill the kid THAT fucking bad?

Fuck off faggot. The chewbacca yelping he does after he shoots everyone would be hilarious to anyone.

Would a revolver like he had be able to go through 2 people's skulls to painlessly kill each of them?

It was a unique scene, subpar movie but the scene stuck with me. Horrifying, crude and hilarious at the same time.

>bullet maims instead of kills them
>Jane now has to climb into the backseat and choke them to death

only the youtube version with all-star playing

But it's not funny?

It is not from a planet at all.

The entire film is evidence of his tone deafness.

>You see the mist clear and you realize what you thought was rational behavior was actually some asshole being crazy.
You are very stupid.

Not at all my friend. This was literally the point of the movie.

I hated it. If we're gonna call Deus Ex Machina contrived for conveniently solving a character's current conflict, I think this ought to be called contrived for conveniently making a tragedy to end the movie on. It just feels fake and stupid.


As I recall, in the book it ended with the main character hearing someone talking about some town to go to on the radio, which gave him hope.

The movie ending was quite different, but it kinda worked as well for me.

Close but no. At the end when he gets out of the car he hears a monster roar and turns around. The roar was from a mist monster beating down on him and killing him. Everything after that point with the military showing up is him in Hell.

>fight tooth and nail throughout the movie to survive
>suddenly give up when they are closer to freedom than ever

Didn't make sense to me.

movie ending was like a Twilight Zone twist to make you think deep thoughts and shit

Realistically, I truly believe Sneed was involved in this somehow. Too complex if an ending for Chuck imho

Honestly the book ending is much worse for everyone. The world is basically fucked unless they can close the portal which doesn't seem likely if no one is even trying anymore. As tragic as it turns out for the main charaters in the movie, the outbreak was contained and the military is gunning down all the monsters.

They ran out of gas.


what is this pic even supposed to mean?

it's distilled autism
don't stare at it for too long

is it chuck shills? it's not his store anymore and they need to move on.

>red pilled kids laughing at the exaggerated fantasy called 'the holocaust'

what's the problem?

they were normie idiots who had no idea how to survive, and never thought of waiting for rescue. The bourgeois artist MC is smarter than literal fanatics so he decides he can't be wrong and that there's no way out for anyone.

Watching the film again it's plain to see that Wally was the brains of the operation, Drayton never really succeeds at anything throughout the film. After Wally dies David completely loses his voice of reason and is revealed to be either crazed or a complete idiot.


No, the mist escaped from a dimensional crack from where IT was.

No it was probably the point. We see people react in dramatic ways to tragedy in movies, but more realistically they can react a bit awkwardly, in ways that might make one laugh normally. (like bawling in a strange way).

Reacting to tragedy isn't some performance to give an observer the 'right kind of feels'. It's an expression of pain that's uncomfortable and sad.

The scene is a subversion of our expectations, to show that movies have skewed our basic humanity.

How is the viewer supposed to tell the difference between subverting expectations and a plain wooden performance?

Did you hear it with the original soundtrack?

It's supposed to really fit at about 2:20 youtube.com/watch?v=u4nZUEkAsw8