This was my first exposure to David Lynch. What the fuck did I just watch? Are the cowboy, and homeless man God figures...

This was my first exposure to David Lynch. What the fuck did I just watch? Are the cowboy, and homeless man God figures? Is the blue box a sort of alternate fantasy dimension/limbo for Diane and Camilla to live happily? Was it all a dream inside of Dianes head? What the fuck.

David Lynch said the only right answer is the one your heart tells you is the right answer.


go away normie

If you wanna be literal, it was all Diane's dream except the last half-hour or so.


>go away normie

>shut the fuck up!

... I watched it for the first time two days ago and it was very straight-forward for the most part. The rest wasn't very confusing either. what is wrong with you, dude, did you even pay attention and thought a BIT while watching it?

The cowboy's interaction with Adam Kesher is Diane subconsciously getting revenge on the man who stole Camilla from her. Cowboys are usually associated with law & justice, and are also icons of masculinity. The Cowboy completely emasculates Adam Kesher, similarly to how Billy Ray Cyrus emasculates him by sleeping with his wife and beating him up.

The homeless man is a representation of Diane's subconscious fear of failure, which manifests itself as the old people (parental figures) that she lets down and disappoints through her lack of success in Hollywood.

Most of the movie is Diane dreaming about a better life for herself in which she is talented, has potential for a promising career in acting and gets to fall in love with Camilla again but in the last 30 min of the movie you find out that in real life she's been cruelly betrayed by Camilla and that her career in acting is mediocre at best. All of the characters in the dream part of the movie are just projections of her subconscious after seeing them at pivotal or dramatic moments of her actual life.

It's not that comlicated user. Camilla Rhodes gets a role in a movie that Diane wanted and she has her killed. Before she kills herself she has a dream about being Betty

did you think it looked like a shitty daytime soap? I did. Naomi Watts auditioning was a truly great performance though.

Makes sense because the first half of the movie is footage shot for an ABC pilot

Pilot for a series?


Ah, the more you know. thanks.

It's one of the Lynch movies that are actually really easy to follow and piece together. Rewatch it and you'll get the general idea of what's going on inmediately. Who the enigmatic figures are is something completely up to interpretation but their mysterious nature does not get in the way of figuring out the plot.

No problem

Funny I just watched this for the first time last night too. I didnt get it at all and fell asleep right afterwards and when I woke up it had clicked and I understood it for some reason.

There's nothing crazy about the blue box. You can actually see it right there in the final scene hiding in the drawer. Have you ever had those dreams where your subconscious takes something or someone that was completely irrelevant to your day and gives it the most contrived importance and focus in your dream?
It's kind of like that

She remembered the box, she remembered the key, she went to sleep and she fabricated all of this connections and meanings.