He doesn't support Palestine

>he doesn't support Palestine
explain yourselves, zionists.

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Fuck muzzies

I support Palestine.
Just as long as all the Muslims are sent back to Middle East, I'm fine.

I don't support Palestine
I don't support Israel
I do support fucking nuking the entire subcontinent.

>supporting sandniggers


It's not so much "supporting" Palestine as it is opposing violations of human rights and war crimes committed by a US funded occupation. I would probably disagree with almost all palestinians on most subjects (science, homosexuality, economics, religion, etc;) but i'll vehemently defend the right of innocent people to not be massacred. Especially when the massacre and occupation is funded with my tax dollars.

>Supporting a Shariah state who wants to unironically massacre the jews for not being cucks living under dhimmietude

Fuck islam and fuck you ahmed, gtfo of France..


just because elite jews are bad does not mean terrorist swine and swine spawn should live

i pray for a brutal gaza war every day. the palestinians get btfo all the time

>Year of our Lord MMXVI
>Not supporting the only rightful rulers of this land

Dune coon is dune coon and if the dune coon follows the sect of satan he even deserves more to be pieced, hanged and burned.
Palestinians should all commit sudoku at once, would solve a lot of problems

I'm a zionist.

>He's in bed with Hamas
Looks like France needs another Nice or two.

Supporting Palestine is a meme at this point, also, fuck Israel.
You know what would be awesome? Nuking them both.


Ok, so as long as muslims exist (which they do), would you really say that they have no right to live in freedom just because they're muslims?

The historical origins of the conflict are morally vague, but I can say this for sure: the regime imposed upon the Palestinians in the West Bank is a great injustice.

Israel has no right to impose this unjustice on the Palestinians and demand, in order for the Palestinians be released from it, that they first submit to it completely, for an undisclosed duration of Israel's choosing.

I lost any sympathy for palestiniggers some point around Cologne.

Sand niggers are trash and are subhuman. Rapists, murderers, terrorist, etc. Fucking muzzie scum.

I only ever supported them to get back at the Jew anyway because of the Jews machinations against the white race.

Also I instinctively just have more sympathy for the Jew because they look like me. Like recently when that Palestinian killed that 13 year old Jew girl, even though I knew logically that she must have been evil because she was Jewish I still felt very sad emotionally because she looked like a white girl. I can't seriously feel any sympathy for Palestinians because they are brown.

You unironically feel into this meme. So long as you doesnt understand the core of islam and how muslims must strive for a world where Shariah rule everwhere.. you gonna remain ignorant. Muslims push this false narrative on stupid westerners that "we do this jihad thing because they did that thing first". They know westerners will buy it beacuse of our worldview. The matter of fact is islam will keep going nomatter what we do, they would feel even stronger then. Go watch raymond ibrahim on the tube.. go read page 30 of ISIS magasine nr15. Go read the quran and hadith

What a fucking cuck. I bet you feel sorry for indians too.

This. When i think of it so im i. 1state solution for the win. Muslims can go to any of the other 6776775766788 muslim countries around, remember that Jordan is a Palestine. Palestine would never in a 100000 years want a 2 state solution. Its in the core of islam

10% of Palestinians are christian. So if you take your prejudice blinders off for 1 second, can you see how living under Israeli occupation for 49 years is an injustice?

I would rather you genocide them than make them live in a fucking cage for ever, you nasty kike.

this to be desu

You're right, Swedebro. It were the arabs who objected to the two state solution in 48, after all.

I would love this

Gotta agree with shlomo on this one.

You sound like a major league faggot. And Muslims are not people.

Neither of these are an argument. You think that their being muslim is justification for treating them like shit. That's retarded.

T. Guy brainwashed by pallywood/PCmedia and feel for the false narrative pushed by muslim

I always just hope they nuke each other desu.

fuck muslims
fuck jews

>implying Indians don't live on reservations all over America
>there are more Indians alive today then there were in 1500
Nice "genocide"
Honestly every genocide except the 6 million, the Armenians and the Rwandaniggers is a meme

what kinda world do I live in... People supporting the jews on Sup Forums kill me now

Can someone make a short Version why Palestinians should be allowed to have a state and why not?

I'm Ashkenazim but never gave a shit about Israel, why should i care?

Jordan is Arab Palestine
Israel is Jewish Palestine

The geographic region of Palestine is divided at the River Jordan between an Arab TransJordan, and a Jewish Israel.

>Ten millionth muslim shithole
>Actual democratic normal coutnries

This, desu.

"Palywood" is one of my favorite pro-israel talking points because it seems to be implying that palestinians control the media and are using it to falsely portray themselves as victims. The irony kills me.

USA should just let things play out naturally and not get involved. If Israel can't defend themselevs they dont deserve to exists. Same thing for palestine.

I thought hue-mon rights was a code word for gay wedding cakes

I'd put the next round of pints on me for this lad but I'm poor lel

Because I hate Arabs like you.

> never gave a shit about Israel, why should i care?
Goyim are only waiting for the next economical collapse to have some excuse to rape every minority around you,
You're a minority,
All four mothers burried here, you never visit, they still love your white ass though.

They have a country. It's call Jordan.

Also fuck hajis.

>not personally donating a portion of your income to the eradication of Muslims

JIDF is just satire by Sup Forums. Everyone here hates Jews. You have to be retarded not to.

I support Israel because if you are nice to Jews they are nice to you and give you all kinds of privileges

How do you have 4 mothers?

Someone explain Jewish reproduction to me plz.

hey leaf

USA is Israel
Israel is USA

It's an ancestry thing:
Jacob(Israel)+Rahel and Lea

At sum: three fathers, four mothers,
seven people total who are just saying that Jephet's children are currently making new types of metal alloys,
but are totally okay with the way you choose to leave your life....... even though you never call.


I support Palestine because I realise that jews are the cancer of humanity

Sup Forums

yuo must choose now

will you pick dirty hamas sandnigglet

or wil you pick 120 iq askhenazi Western jewess


I despise all muslims. However, I still think we should support Palestine in order to weaken Israel.
The muslim invasion of Europe is only a symptom. Jews are the disease.

Why do we have to take sides

are you sperging out on numbers again

You do realise that nuking them both means you get glassed as well right? (...Stupid fucking arab)

Don't get me wrong, the jew is pretty awful.

It's just that the mudslime is worse.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian. They are a made-up people.

I'm okay with this. Kikery and slimes are more trouble than they're worth. We should not suffer them to exist.

That is literally propaganda

OR biological warfare

That way we can spare the oil and Jerusalem, maybe even reform the Persian empire while we're at it. Zoroastrians were pretty cool.


So sad to see so many delusional retards responding to this post. They cannot fathom what decades of perpetual war and interference does to a nation.

Right now, people in the arab world must choose between US endorsed regimes and the taliban. Both organizations, such as the ANA in afghanistan, the corrupt government of hamid karzai, and the taliban exploit and rape across the countryside. The people do not have a good image of America, primarily because America supported Karzai and Karzai's government was composed of primarily thugs, drug traffickers and psychopaths.

When they do fight for the taliban, it is reluctantly.

Whether or not you want muslims in your country is an entirely seperate issue. The poster is right.

If you're an American, what is happening in your name across the middle east is basically the prolonged torture and destruction of an entire people. Using your money as well.