Japan are throwing their weight around over Brexit pre-G20...

Japan are throwing their weight around over Brexit pre-G20. 15 page report published basically threatening to go to continental Europe upon Brexit if single market access isn't retained.

Anglosphere-Asia trade war now? c:

Report summary: twitter.com/i/moments/772383518156550144

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>Country with 20 years of stagnant economy with demographic bomb currently in the process of exploding tells us that there are dire risks if you dare to cut ties to an equally stagnant trading bloc pretending to be a superstate

Hoho, quite the Japanese humour there.

Do Japanese companies not operate as independent entities?

Is their even going to be any Japs around in 40-50 years time?

The relationship between the government and corporations has always been closer in Japan than in most developed countries.

Don't worry I'll still pirate anime.

No. Literally everyone in Japan is at least 50 years old. The last child born there was in 1966.

Fuck'em. We still got China on our side.

And how about instead of squeaking at us they figure out what procreation means.

Japan isn't relevant anymore, not that they were anyway.

All their industry and business has gone to shit internationally world over.

They do know they are a couple of months late with all the threats right?

Japan is weeding out their weak and useless, don't underestimate benign and passive nature of east asians, they're definitely up to something

based Japan
UK should retaliate by sending Boris Johnson to talk to them.
Do it for the lulz

A cruel race.

What? Did you even read this?

stop stalling, Brits, trigger the 50 or...

Sounds pretty diplomatic to me. Why do white people have such oversized adrenal glands? Are they truly closer to negros than far-east Asians?

So thats how you afford to be weebs, i always knew that but fuck, will they be able to produce more if thats the case?

Pot calling the kettle black.

They should add fuel with south korea through conquest, i want nintendo and anime so bad.

>Japs say we should carry on getting immigration from the EU
Fuck off you slanty eyed noodle niggers, try suffering immigration yourself before saying we should carry on dealing with it.


What's this uppercase Brexit all about Japan?

>"Hey, Japan here, just dropping by to say that if Brexit actually happens I hope great care is taken so as to make the transition as smooth as possible, we would love to continue trading with both Europe and Britain and it would be a shame if problems were to arise in the future."

Things are going to get bad for the UK

If brexit goes through, the globalists will put full pressure on UK to return, this pressure will be completely fucking up Britains economy.

So there will be two things:

Britain will go through a period of economic hardship and this will reignite a nationalism movement and Britain eventually becomes quite a lot better off than the EU by being a locally governed entity.

Britain goes through a couple years of shitty economy and begs to be let back in to the EU.

I can only see Britain begging to be let back in- this is even if brexit goes through, my suspicion is that it will be something that never goes through and is forgotten from peoples minds in a couple years that it ever existed.

5 years down the road:

"Hey, didn't we vote to get out of the EU? Wonder what ever became of that."

What a moron you are

His name is Horito btw.

Good kid.

Can't tell if trolling or just doesn't follow news

They're going to look like fucking retardo goblins once Brexit goes off without a hitch AND we become better off for it

This hysteria is hyperbole of a most foul sort


you're alone in this, inbreds


The globalist establishment has money.

That's it.
They're not really that powerful, and they're not smarter than average.

They'll try to do something.
But will they actually succeed?

I doubt it'll amount to much in the end.

Caps lock is cruise control for cool. Abe doesn't want to appear lame at G20

>China on our side

Make no mistake, you are on China's side.

Buissness leaders in the US have already opened trade agreements with us.

Obama has been anti-Britain from day 1. He's full of shit and clearly hasn't got a clue about his own country's trade. He'll be gone after November anyway.

Do you even know why the brexit is supposed to cause economic damage

Obama has nothing against the UK. Obama thinks the UK is better off with Britian for his own reasons. Obama won't even be president when brexit happens.

you aint close to being brexited yet.

>be Jap
>take 0 immigrants
>throw a fit when Western countries try to take less of them

So much for being "based"