Tfw people overseas hate you just for being an American

>tfw people overseas hate you just for being an American

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Who gives a fuck.



apparently your whole country because you're willing to start wars and invade other countries you fat bullies.

>goat is intelligent enough to know what's going down now
>hicks still kill it
Could have had an intelligent goat who did shit on youtube.


>any different than America

You are a shitty version of America.

If you could be strong you would.

If we're so fat why can't people just run away when we invade?

was this pic from a video?

>Burger can't take the bantz

Christ, grow a spine already.

Well as long as you don't fuck up the election nobody will have a valid reason to "hate" you.

People just hate your politicians and the people ignorant enough to vote for them.
Also white hating


And you Hans, are the most hated people of all.


>tfw people overseas hate you just for being an American

>tfw I had to lose weight to join the army

>most hated country
"USA for being an ally of Israel"

oy vey

Pathetic baiting, if only it wasn't so fun to reply..
One day, the anglo too, will be on the right side of history


taste of your own medicine

>tfw people overseas hate you just for being an American

You won't even exist as a footnote in history hopefully.

1. This is not true, anyone who is worth speaking to understands that individuals can be intelligent and based.



They all hate us. They use technology we developed to hate us. They hate us while they crave our food and imitate our music. They hate us in our own language, which they speak because of the business they want to do with us and our allies. They hate us, they immigrate to our country, they yearn for the privilege of becoming one of us, and they continue to hate us even when they are us.

They hate themselves.

It gets a bit annoying when you're traveling, but it's fairly well deserved too. Just look at the history of American interventions in Central American politics. It largely explains why most of those countries are underdeveloped and violent (though still beautiful to visit). Trump isn't helping either. It was hilarious how many Trump piƱatas were on display when I was in Guatemala recently.

When you come from a country with a shitty history of international relations, you have to accept the fallout.

> overseas

Son, you don't need to go that far.

Honestly it's only jealously. Everyone is critical of us because we are the best. Who else gets that much scrutiny?

>I'm deployed faggots. Get over the flag.


The hate is normally justified



>trump doesnt help

only because foreigners dont know shit about our politicians other than a few media headlines.

if they knew their policies they would see that trump is somewhat ironically the anti war candidate. clinton would be fine with war with russia (ww3)

>tfw people overseas hate you just for being an American

Typical Eurodick. Always jealous.Stay mad Eurofag.

There's no reason for others in Central America to like Trump. He's proposing that imports be reduced and that people working in the US (so they can send back money) are returned to their countries where they won't be able to earn money. I can't see any benefit for a Guatemalan person in Trump becoming president.

>1 post

It's s slide thread boys don't reply ty

Who gives a fuck what a Guatemalan thinks?

Recalcitrant and snivelling colonial. I have just returned from a church that pre-dates your wretched country by over 600 years.

You are nothing to me but another wobbling tub of lard, Amerishart.

>People just hate your politicians and the people ignorant enough to vote for them.

Honestly, after being on Sup Forums for a while I've come to hate every American, no matter their walk of life.

If they're leftists, they're the most vile and degenerate kind of leftist you can imagine.
If they're on the right they're probably the dumbest people you'll ever meet, yet have an ego so big that it could rival their fat asses.
Both will try to push their bullshit onto you. Neither can take criticism because they're PROUD of what they are.
Not to mention the tens of millions of shitskins and the 5-8 million (((greatest allies))) that they house, all while becoming the prime example of muh melting pot and racemixing because of their forced cultural hegemony.

If I could make one people disappear from the face of the planet if would be the inhabitants of the second Babylon. I know they're about to croak anyway but their descent to becoming Brazil tier isn't nearly going fast enough.

Just look at this thread if you want to see how far up their ass they are while singing about how great their shit smells. Fucking disgusting trash.

i was mostly referring to europe

besides who cares what mexico and Guatemala thinks they are irrelevant.

It is wrong to assume that people you meet overseas hate you because you are an American. In most cases, they hate you for other reasons.

Thank you, for fucks sake who cause what the mortals think

There are people overseas?


alot of people hate us as well and think we're yanks/poms when we travel because apparently we look, act and sound like yous cunts but honestly they are just jelly.

especially eurofaggots

Too bad the magna carta doesn't even ensure your right to own and use this.

america should get more reality checks like this because too many think our shit doesnt stink.

we're also the worst influence the world could have right now. and yet we laugh when our influence turns countries into SJW shitholes.

>Members of the public may own sporting rifles and shotguns.

Nice try, Amerishart.

If your society had such a massive head start then why are you our puppet state? How stupid are your ancestors to blow a millennium long lead?

If you can't carry one of these concealed and use it in self defense then you don't own guns, period.

>tfw girls overseas love you just for being a (white) American

>implying ANY of you english teachers and weeaboos look like that.

You mean the same 4 {{fat girls with colored hair}} memes and some {{right-wing trigger slogan}} they never said?

I never fall for them. But I have noticed something interesting. The BLM movement has a public face that screams discrimination while privately their telling their brother and sister nogs to get their shit together because they know it ain't.

Came here to post this

That feel when I smile, clean my side iron because I just don't give a shit

>TFW people see the leaf and assume everything I say is a shitpost

I see your point, Kinsman (or Piefke, whatever)
America is simply the best example why having the chosen in places of power is a horrible thing...we aren't better of either.
I would argue that people being unresponsive to their own stench isn't only an american feature.
But man you're right about the political shit.
Everything or nothing, that's the american mindset.
Pure Capitalism
Only the furthest left is acceptable, and only the furthest right is the alternative.
If it doesn't allow them to go full apeshit overboard with it they mostly ignore it.
I only regret that they import this shit to evropa now...
I would't want to hate our americans out there, they still have something white in them

why did you travel anyway ? why don't you hate the outside world ? if you don't hate being in a nonwhite country then why are you here ? if you support Trump, how can you be interested in the lesser beings culture ? only liberals travel. travelling is degenerate it's not what Jesus wants from you, right ? why aren't you out hunting for gays in your city right now ?

>I wish people would stop assuming I'm shitposting

Goddamn leafs. Every. Time.

It's the "American thinks that we're its puppet state when in fact it is the other way around and we have been exporting our culture and control since before the American (((revolution))) episode.

Nice try, Juan Ahmed Ngodobwe

>Tfw when hated by everyone who isn't Roman.

better than beying indian
everything is poo in loo,
every fucking time.

dodging the uncomfortable questions are we, Liam?

Everyone is just mad they werent as good at invading as we are.

TFW don't care what sand niggers think



Here, have a Hitler quote

Where's that quote from, do you know?

Adolf Hitler.


>be overseas on military base for 4th of July
>Krauts outside protesting "War" or Helicopter noise or Americans being responsible for the death of their prospective bulls
>want Americans to leave
>few weeks later a refugee blows himself up
>mfw Krauts were asking for it

Smart ass
No, I only have the image and when I found it it said it was a quote by Hitler sounded similar to other statements he made about the US
Not even google image search helped

It's that weird feeling when quotes of generations past still hold truth

(if thats an actual quote, goddamn man, give me something to copypaste or i wont factcheck)

Oh, forgot to mention refugee was in the same town, that is important to mention, but the faggot Germans didn't have the guts to protest their own government policy. Bunch of fucking pussies that will blame other people. Get no sympathy from me.

I'll type it out and do an actual google search for the quote.

Oh wow a Hitler prediction.
How did his prediction of a thousand year Reich pan out?

No dummies it's from Adolf Hitler's table talk.

Fucking newfags.


OP needs to grow a pair.

I travel in Central America because it's fucking beautiful. I like climbing volcanoes and think Lake Atitlan is the most beautiful location I've ever encountered. I like the outside world a great deal. I don't much like how it's divided into different countries. Smart, successful, wealthy people travel. Ignorant, anxious, frightened, and poor people don't. You can keep your Bible to yourself. I'm not hunting gays because I am gay. i just wish that American politicians would help create a better reputation for America abroad.

Why are you even posting on an American imageboard?

>Why are you even posting on an American imageboard?
i will move there someday so you know why

you and i are the same. we're not like the 'ideal americans'



>quotes from the past ring true
>America is the sole superpower in the world

nice cognitive dissonance faggot

I'm not sure if this poster is baiting
Or just very American

The tbqh.

I like Americans and I'm closer to you than the euro cuck gooks and shit skins so don't worry.

>I'm not sure
> not just: not sure

Dumb fucking slimes can't even meme properly. Gtfo my homeland Abdul, goy have to go back.

I mean you have to go back. Look what this place has done to me, thing autocorrect to goy. Its anudda shoah


>tfw I say I'm Brazilian when talking to dangerous looking Colombians

Exactly this

This is how I know you are a true American fucks should be given.

>You Have To Leafe

Sounds like you are having a mental breakdown over a normie messing up your meems.
"You > Goy" kek
You're alright
PS: filename

Feels good because I know they can't stop thinking about me.

This 9000%

Put me in the Reddit screenshot

Yeah seriously fuck them. We don't need to travel to those shitholes anyways. I'll stay my mexican and black ass right here in southern california. America is all I need.

Silly bacon strip

I like you