Gandalf The Grey is capable of defeating a balrog of Morgoth

>Gandalf The Grey is capable of defeating a balrog of Morgoth
>Gandalf The White can't even defeat a dinosaur


Thankfully this shit was cut from the theatrical edition.

Because when he went from grey to white he got nerfed.

Balrogs were one of the weakest and most common maiar.

Bro, the balrog is like ten times bigger than the dinosaur, and he has a flame whip and a flame sword. Gandalf has no excuse.

>wh*te being weaker
whats so weird about it?



It was the Witch King that was the problem.

Gandalf knew what the balrog was. No one knows what the flying creatures the black riders ride are. Reason: fear of unknown

One drunk tolkienfag told me that it was all because of prophecy and some shit. And also Gandalf had an OP artifact in a battle with Balrog.

The bitch king kek

Witchking is the problem, not the ride.

He started lusting after the Dark Lord's ring and subsequently lost his white power. It's an allegory for the destruction of the white man and a warning against racemixing.

Yeah, the most powerful man in the world didn't stand a chance against the Witch King. A stronk womyn, however...

Based Tolkien. Was he /oneofus/?

He died againt the balrog tho
Technically they both lose

This is your answer OP. There is a prophecy in the book after the witch king flees from a battle against one of the king's of arnor. An elf (don't remember the name, glorfyndal maybe) says no man will kill witch king. Also marrys sword was specifically made to kill the witch king (because people in the barrows fought witch king). Ultimately prophecies are fulfilled when marry (not a man but a Hobbit) stabs witch king in leg which removed his "shield" and allows Eowyn (not a man) to finish him. Technically gandalf isn't a man but he didn't have barrowite sword to make hurting witch king possible

That's fantasy prophesies for you. It went something like "no man can defeat him", I don't recall the exact wording, but in the book Merry was just as big of a part in destroying him, Merry not being a human.

But the wording is such, just as it is with every fantasy prophesy that you can make it as you want, basically, if you just decide that man means human men but not women.

>the most powerful man in the world
One of the weakest maiar, you mean.

Oh, what a spectacle these films were. A random screenshot like that is so visually striking that it almost looks like a painting.

This is the future of cinema that we were denied. Why?

The Jews. It is ALWAYS the Jews.

wh*tes are always the weakest

>merry deactivates the witch king's shield

where do you people get this from? Glorfindel doesn't say 'no man can kill the witch king', he just predicts that no man ever will, doesn't mean men are incapable of it. If Eomer was there after merry stabbed the WK in the leg and opened him to a strike he could've killed him, but it wasn't fated. Also Merry stabbing the WK succeeded because merry had a strong will (like all hobbits) and the blade was forged for the fight against Angmar.

This. Merry's blade essentially undid whatever dark magic that held the witch king together in physical form.

Are you retarded? The fact alone that Gandalf is more powerful than the Balrog is enough to establish that physical appearance is detached from power in the LOTR universe.


>Are you retarded?
Yes. Fuck you for throwing that in my face, prick.

I was trying to explain it in terms normies could understand hence the shield thing
>Sword was made to defeat angmar
Yes and more specifically the witch king, I explained that. And yes the sword is the reason he is able to be killed, the book says it. Merry is just able to stab him because he has a stout heart, this doesn't mean he can kill him with anything
>It's not prophecy
It was. Anytime a king of Gondor or arnor fought witch king, he would escape or kill the king. He is beaten by a Hobbit and a woman, it's prophecy
>But but I wanna be a fadgit