What the heck is hollywoods problem with nonliberals?

What the heck is hollywoods problem with nonliberals?

what did he mean by this

Meanwhile Rush Limbaugh calls Hurricane Irma a liberal hoax.

shes still upset about her nudes leaking which means she can't get a huge deal for a nude scene

I would assume he intends to keep going until the janny gets bored and leaves the thread up.


>banging your director to remain relevant
Top kek

>last devastating hurricane was under Bush
>Under Obama we remain hurricane free for 8 years
>First year Trump is in office get hit by two hurricanes worse than Katrina and a third on the way

Man for as much as you faggots love to pretend God exists you sure seem to be intentionally ignoring this

>hurr durr hurricane sandy never happened

Was not even remotely on the level of Kat, Harv or Irma

>claims no hurricanes under obama
>hurricane sandy
>hurr durr not on the same level
2/10 shitty troll

moving the goalposts

Floridian here.
Every time, EVERY FUCKING TIME there's a hurricane, some shitmonger goes online to say it's God's punishment for some inane shit. It's God's punishment for gay marriage. It's God's punishment for Trump. It's God's punishment for taco trucks. Something, literally ANYTHING. It happens on both sides of the political spectrum, and it's fucking irritating.
Weird how when they make natural disaster movies, the disaster is completely out of nowhere and it's tragic and terrifying, but in real life, it's God waving a finger at us. Fuck off.

It's God's punishment for being stupid enough to build so extensively in a places where hurricanes are prone to hit.

Yet you don't complain for the 9 million pickle rick threads that the mod stickied

Really made me think

i can't respect a woman once i've seen her anus on the internet. her opinion is less than nothing.

No he didn't, you giant nigger lipped asshole.

Most of what was fucked up was South Florida which voted Democrat. Same with Houston. So maybe it is God's punishment for voting for Hilary.

Not her.

As someone who went without internet, electricity, and hot water for two weeks, and dealt with having my apartment flooded, suck my cock.

Was King of the Hill the only show on television to portray conservatives as human beings?

It is though, and there's really nothing you can do to prove it isn't. meanwhile, my proof consists of a bunch of naked pics of her, sooooooo.

Oops. Meant that for this retard

>asking someone to prove a negative

>pics of her drenched in semen
>pics of her smoking a bong
>pics of her flashing her vagina in mystique makeup
>b-but that asshole pic can't be hers guise
You can't be this delirious can you?

I'm sure she's heartbroken that some virgin she'll never meet (or fuck, kek) doesn't care for her opinion.

>the hurricanes are because of the gays
>the hurricanes are because of trump
who am I supposed to believe

hollywood would never lie

Lol remember, now that hurricanes ravaged them Texas and Florida are considered liberal states...

pretty much yes, also the only show to have a conservative voice of reason I can think of

they need to appeal to a global market, the only way to do that is by having zero values

The existence of your dick is a liberal hoax

>pics of her face on all those
>not this one that existed before the fappening
>n-no it's totally her because these other pics exist