/ROMANIA/ general

/ROMANIA/ general

welcome guests: based serbs and ukrainean qtties
not welcome:everyone else

Other urls found in this thread:



Go fuck yourself subhuman mongrel anglo scrub.

>gypsy general

Still waiting for the day when based Magyars btfo gyspies from europe and take back their rightful clay


great orthodox crusade when?

>and one more romanian thread
Is this the 3. or the 5. romanian thread just today?

>Former republic of MyASSecodia talkinga bout rightfull clay

/Gypsy/ general

Soon brother.


Honestly i enjoyed the last thread.
Because even though you had 3 "romanians" and 2 """"moldavians""" shitting up the place their only posts being insults.

There were 3 other romanians that actually understood the current situation and that gave me a little hope.


1. How's the corruption in your country?

2. How's the labor market in your country?

3. Do you have any export firms controlled by your countrymen?

4. Do people flee Romania?

How can you fit 10 people in a 5 seater serious question

ma cac pe coliva de arpacas a lui ma-ta


Not only do you have underground junkies in your capital, but they also have robbed my friend, arising from the beneath and beating him. Fuck Romania.

My gf is Romanian. Thanks for the donation of girls.

Shit man, the other one just got archived 5 minutes ago.

Romania isn't that interesting.


Cine /dac/ aici?


Is Romania a good place to raise a family? I live in Nigger-Town Central here in America but I want a big-assed Romanian qt to start a family with.

Nigger tier desu.

The origin of the holy Romanians:

As the legend says, there were two brothers: Romulus and Remus. But through the history, people have forgotten the third brother Romanius.

Romulus and Remus got fed by the female wolf, but they didn't left space for Romanius. Romanius was hungry, so he found a male wolf and started to suck on it's cock. There comes the name dako-roman (dako means cue, which refers to penis). After Romulus killed Remus, to avoid death he went to Wallachia, where he met a wagon of gypsyes. He joined their family and became their leader.

Source: Gesta Romanium

fellow gypsy reporting in

not long til i return to the motherland. hungary has much more tourists than romania.

how are you, my fellow gypos? What have you stolen today? If a wallet, how much Euro did it contain? Phones? Cars

I made 260 euros in less than a hour today

I said nothing about aids, filthy gipsy. You won't see literally undeground thugs robbing people in downtown Moscow or any other European capital except for your shithole

Romania is a pretty wholesome place. Just make sure not to give gypsies money.

You are free to annex the Bucharest underground anytime, mongol.


Around where I am it's contagious.

1. Pretty massive.
We have a type of corruption know as "coruptie de cumetrie" as in relatives and kinda stuff like this.

2. Shit. IT is doing well but it's like an enclave. And some manufacturing is also doing rather well.
Just looking at statistics shows that the private sector was fucked up by corruption and lack of infrastructure.
Most wages in the private sector are actually minimum wage like 40% of it.

3. I really don't know this. We export industry stuff mostly but not many people work in that field.

4. Yes they are extremely entitled. They expect large wages while being very unqualified.
And since the private sector fucked up by corruption it wasn't worth it for most so they left.

Gonna pee on the flag brb

I have ancestors from Transilvania. Can I stay? Is it normal to have this blood lust as Transilvanian?

Romanian ancestors?

So, you are hungarian

a german having transilvanian ancestors means you still most likely have german blood.
i think svabs? or how do you call them in german.


>hide bucharest travel plans
>avoid roads through bucharest
>ignore suggestions to go to bucharest

There is no city i hate more in the whole country ...than our capital

All capitals are terrible. This is a universal truth.

Hello there gypsies, how are your scams going today?

Romanians invented the word Cuck, when they would see the handsome pale skinned Hungarian men go about their day they were desperate to get the same white skin in their family so they offered their women to the Hungarian men.
The Hungarians were repulsed by this offer because bestiality is a sin, so 1000 years later the greatest Romanian thinker got a brilliant idea to just rape a Hungarian woman.
Unfortunately their 3 foot tall bodies were not powerful enough to hold down a Hungarian woman to rape her so they had to settle with raping deers.
The offspring of this deer-Romanian hybrid was extremely intelligent and highly evolved compared to the pure Romanian which is why today, after 300 years of breeding with deers Romanians are capable of speaking a human language and have grown to an impressive 4 feet 5 inches tall and finally have an IQ in double digits, their IQ being 9.5

even fucking so it's the only normally and reasonable developed region in the country.
because especially of the private sector. Cluj might be booming soon because of IT bubble.
But the rest of the country lacks completely.

post polish qts

What's the deal with "Romania does not need extremists parties"? Anyone has any insight on this? Saw it yesterday on TV said by a politician, but didn't caught his name, was just a quick phrase on those strolling labels at the bottom of the screen.

In you face nigga :D.

tsigani imputit

Typical gypsy, no matter what you say they just keep begging. Play your accordion and maybe I'll give you something.

Sunt nervosi ca au incercat sa faca ilegale toate partidele nationaliste de dreapta anu trecut (asa s-a desfiintat TPT-ul) si au inceput sa reapara (PRU ,si noua dreapta s-a legalizat anu asta ..au vreo 2 consilieri locali prin sate)

Basescu e ala care s-a luat de PRU ca e extremist apropo


historically we never had them technically.
the Iron Guard pre Horia Sima was extreme nationalist but not far right or far left.
Extremism has a bad conotation everywhere so the only politician you see risking it going either far left or far right are the ones with legal trouble.

Numai vorbesc ca PRU ala cu romania unita unde s-au dus pesedisti e doar un cal troian sa plece unii pesedisti care strica la imagine din partid
si sa incerce sa fure niste voturi de la fraierii care ii cred nationalisti.
toti psdistii au fost cei mai mari "cucks" pe politica (daca excludem UDMR)

You left out a key point mate.
Romanians are Siptars. They are called this because they drink black juice, or more specifically continue the traditional of their founder by sucking black cocks whenever available

Deci, in practica, nici in ziua de astazi nu avem un adevarat partid de dreapta. Trist, speram sa nu fie nevoie sa ne frigem ca vesticii pana sa cream si noi unul, pentru ca mai apoi sa ne lovim de aceleasi obstacole clasice de "hurr durr rasism" "hurr durr nu este european" etc.

Nu stiam de partea cu PRU, mersi de info. Le-am citit platforma cand au fost alegerile de curand insa mi s-au parut foarte atragatoare, chiar nu ma asteptam.

>me on the left

Esti un tip mare

cine /Capitanul/ aici

Cumpara-mi si mie un M4 Carabine de la tine. Platesc eu posta atlantica


pientru tini

multi din psd cu probleme legale s-au dus acolo
Mihai Sturzu (fost Hi-Q) s-a dus acolo ,Sebastian Ghita best friend cu Ponta tot acolo.

E clar un fel de cal troian. Daca iau voturi si intra ai sa vezi cum fac unire cu PSD.


Pol Book Collection 1

Pol Book Collection 2

State of Knowledge Collection

ma roadeti la pula cu tara voastra

((( )))
sugi pula tigane/jidane
sper sa-ti fie placut sa concurezi cu negri pentru salariu de saracie

ai ajuns spalator de wc-uri in franta si acum te crezi mai bun decat noi?

you should read this, too

merg doar dupa trendul european in care nationalismul e in crestere. Cum a zis si ponta azi, "Decât în tribună cu un partid mare, mai bine pe teren cu unul mic"
Romanii nu suntr extremisti, ii cam doare la cocos de islamism, refugiati si alte alea atat timp cat au mancarica si bauturica lor. De aia si avem atatea minoritati pe aici plus tiganii care fac cam ce vor

Do not reply to obvious shills and trolls.
They get payed by the (You)s they receive.

I am in possession of that writing, thank you.
That link seems phishy though.

just so you know the iron guard/legion movement after Codreanu's death is a meme.

1 thread
9000 butthurt nations
only on Sup Forums

Where did it all go so wrong

in afara de gratii, e mai ok aia din stanga. Simpla, fara "arta" care sa arate statusul social.
>am bani si am valoare pun statuie la intrare

Dacă i-ai făcut legal ai tot dreptu să te mândrești cu ei . Doar nu suntem egali cu boschetarii .