In 50 words or less, please explain how Jews control the economy

In 50 words or less, please explain how Jews control the economy

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We tell the Goyim to not do something
They do the opposite
The opposite ends up giving us more money


The cunning jew. kek.

Anyway the reason why jews control the 'world' is because this means the 'financial world'

Jews don't understand the real world. They hate it because they're basically human computers and born technocrats. They'll never enjoy the finer things in life. That's why they're so disgusting and degenerate I think. They can't enjoy subtle things like 'family' and 'picnics' and 'tea'

Through financial institutions. Today, economy is nothing without finance. And look up Fed chairmans, arguable the most influential organization in finance

If you don't think I'm right, look to the archives and find any member of the Rothchilds or redshields that we've ever talked to on Sup Forums. They're all miserable. They're all disgusting and enjoy animalistic torture and bisexualism etc. All the money in the world can't buy them happiness. They are misers par excellence.

>They'll never enjoy the finer things in life
We enjoy shilling Goyim
Is there anything finer?

And the world enjoyed the killing Jew,
There is nothing finer.

Maybe to you. But ask yourself are you happy? I'm being completely serious and unironic. I think most jews I've ever met are neurotic and miserable. They're too left-brained. They're all like beetles from a Kafka book. And Kafka is a good example. Neurotic, dark, trapped, scared and scary critters.

Soro's, Bloomberg, Rothchild, Greenspan, Rockefeller, Blankfein, Bernanke, Madoff, etc

I'm am happy


A strong family unit centered around self control and thought.

A lot of emphasis on education


>tfw all of you will be slaves to the yellow monkey's savagery and soullessness.

Jews don't have the spine to get "dirty" like the Chinese do, and to think that the Asians have the highest IQ is kind of scary.

1. Open google
2. Type any "[insert any corporacy name here] CEO"
3. Open his / her wikipedia page
4. Check ethnicity
5. Get depression

I don't even know why I bother asking. heh. You are funny in a way. But funny in a way that makes me hate life and myself. Is that funny really? I don't black humor, I guess.

I'm completely non-jewish, sir. And the weird thing is that I look sort of jewish and people call me out on it all the time. Sometimes I even pretend to be jewish and I have some jewish...'friends' because of this. I think deep down you're sweet and loving but you hold it against the goyim his popularity and beauty etc.

You needn't be though. Half of the 'nazi' threads on here are commending you in a way. I think that's why you come back. You are being praised. I don't know you personally, and you don't know me. Do you really believe that you are like genetically different from me such that you can really call me goy, etc? I know you'll probably give me a bluster answer like I gave you above...but it's a shame. I'm actually quite curious about you all---and I wish you could see the strengths of people like my family for what they are: 'beautiful'...not something to be leveraged or cut to pieces or flayed or sold...

I realize again you'll probably throw this back in my face...but here we are.

Don't hate yourself
It's degenerate

I know it is..but these threads are all like you're playing the part of Shylock from a shakespeare play or something...Do you actually think this way? I have a hard time believing that you're actually like Iago in real life to people you know like me...


my best friend when I was a child was a jew, and my favorite teacher was a jew. There's no way you're all evil etc. That's just Sup Forums talking. All I'm saying is you don't have to keep up the act all the time. It's stultifying. And it scares the poor lads.

The Federal Reserve.

>Oy vey goyim let us handle that money for you
>Oops we charged some interest on that fiat currency better pay up goy
>Thanks for the taxes goy but that wont pay the debt so continue to borrow and make us richer muahahahahahahahha.


They don't. lol. You cucks are so beta I'm ashamed of even talking to you.

this vid made me hate China...

With lots of money

It's always the first post that gives the truth. Thanks Shlomo.

So... imagine a society that is smarter and more capable that you with 20 times the most important resource.

Don't hate China, China is only a reflection of it's situation. Oddly, China will be God's rebuke of his creation. Get ready to cook Swissfag, those mountains ain't going to keep you safe from the Hell they are going to bring.