Heathcliff uses the leaf blower on the pugs

Heathcliff uses the leaf blower on the pugs.

>mistaking the leaf blower for a rope





I don't fucking understand, is this supposed to be funny?

Where's the joke? Who considers this humorous? Why is this still ongoing when literally every strip is just the cat doing wacky shit with a very mundane punchline?

This is not supposed to piss me off, but my blood boils every time I see this stupid cat, goddammit.




>he doesn't get it

I was once a fool too, I have ascended into a higher realm now.


I admit, this one is fun. Because cats are smarts that dogs, you know.

this one may be too advanced for you, but try

The jokes aren't just something you 'get'. They are beyond that. Gallagher has tapped into something greater, something older, a sprig in the morphogenic fields or the collective. From darker places does he draw his muse and from it did he tap into a wellspring. To read Heathcliff is to gaze into a small part of that which is divine, to tap into that small part of you that is hidden deep within your mind in the areas untouched by time. That which kept our ancestors afraid of the dark is where the 'humor' of Gallagher is drawn. We yet only scratch the surface, but we can feel the movement just under the skin.

That is what we get.


>admitting to be hoi polloi

no, its like trump. it is simply there, no one knows why and how.

Heathcliff plays bagpipes on the roof, because it's pizza night.

It enhances the flavor.

>not understanding Basedcliff

Whoever the shitposter is who posts these unfunny strips, hope you realise how crap they are

>no one can answer the question




The joke is that he's a cat, so he hates dogs.

A lot of the jokes make sense if you remember he's a cat.

Holy shit, are you serious?

What's not to get, holy shit. git gud scrub


Why is Heathcliff the demiurge?

Quora isn't exactly made to discuss how people feel about things, although that doesn't stop people from asking stupid questions.

Seriously what kind of answer do you expect here?
>Yeah, I guess
>Not really


Oh hey, a joke

>dress self and two guys in mouse costumes
>walk with mice away from City Hall

>anything I don't like is shitposting

This one's really good! I'm surprised that I missed it. Maybe I should go back and read through the backlog again incase there are any other good ones I've missed.

You stupid or something?

Don't be rude.

Heathcliff is like that one Far Side comic Larson did where the punchline was just 'Cow Tools'. Except every one of Heathcliff's comics are 'Cow Tools'.

Wow I got beat to it.