What is the point of Connie as a character? She was great in S1 she just seems like a self insert

What is the point of Connie as a character? She was great in S1 she just seems like a self insert.

>self insert
what does that even mean

For Steven to stick his dick in.

Re-read your sentence and try again.

So the audience has a cute pair of feet to jack off to.

She's Stevens connection to his humanity, also a semi-love interest. You'd think that'd be obvious since the entire show is about relationships and its main protagonist is a 14yo boy.

>She's Stevens connection to his humanity,
steven is more sociable than connie is.
He doesn't need her to "connect to humanity" he can do it just fine on his own.

Connie is worthless from a narrative perspective.

>That picture
Har har har

There are plently of reasons for connie.
>Steven needs someone to relate to. The gems sure dont 'get him' fully
>Creators probably felt Steven needs someone his own age as a character
>So the audience has a cute pair of feet to jack off to
>Steven needs a human to connect with. It gives him a personal reason to want to save the earth and those who inhabit it besides feeling pressure via legacy.
>because romantic interest
>Connie adds a layer to the combat. Raises the risks as it were.
>Creators probably thought it was important to show female empowerment that wasnt an alien.
>Important to parallel Stevens odd life to humans in a deeper form than weirding out or annoying townies (the lack of school, not understanding books, etc)

Reread my post and then rethink your statement, because they're incongruous.

The author inserting him/herself into a work by making a character that behaves like they would. A good example is Brian in Family Guy before they started being meta about it and made him a douche on purpose.

Steven doesnt connect to any of the townies on a personal level like he does with connie. Even greg distances himself from aspects of his son. Remember how steven tried to once personally express himself to the cool kids and was entirely unrelatable?

Just cause stevens a social-able dude doesnt mean he connects with people. Except when he invades their dreams i guess, but thats pretty one way with him basically playing fairy godmother.

Connie is not steven's connection to humanity. stop this meme

>So the audience has a cute pair of feet to jack off to

Connie has nice feet?

So what exactly makes you think that connie is a self insert?

>Memeing the meme meme about Memeing memes to meme memes

what a crock of bullshit

>connie learns the most about gem shit because she's a main character

stop overthinking this show

He's a better question. What street has Connie been shitting in all this time?

wait how does that relate to what i said?

I don't think she's a self-insert myself. I just wanted to define the term for you.

I think she's latina, not indian.

So she throws her shitty toilet paper in the trash instead of flushing it. Same difference.

>Connection to humanity
Which one of you Connie-fags coined that phrase?
That's all you fuckers can say when someone bashes Connie's role.

I'm fairly certain that Connie *Maheswaran* is indian.

Her last name is Maheswaran. which is Hindi/Tamil and means “Lord of Universe”.

Her mothers name is Priyanka, which is a common Hindu name, which means beautiful, beloved, lovable act and symbol.

Also, Ian Jones-Quartey confirmed they are of India descent.

Ha! You Indians and your rape!

>Steven Universe
>Connie Maheswaran
>Connie Lord of Univese
>Connie Universe

They aren't just made for eachother, they are also named for eachother.

God this show sucks hard.

Connie can get an education and practice fighting while Steven plays video games and writes songs. Then, when the gems have to do something important, Steven can just fuse with her and suddenly he's an equal team member.

Shut up,Misha.