Of course that's your contention. You're a first year grad student...

> Of course that's your contention. You're a first year grad student. You just got finished reading some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably, you’re gonna be convinced of that until next month when you get to James Lemon, then you’re gonna be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That's gonna last until next year, you’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talkin’ about, you know, the Pre-revolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization.
>Well as a matter of fact I won't, because Wood drastically underestimates the impact of-
>Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth..." You got that from Vickers, Work in Essex County, Page 98, right? Yeah I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us—you have any thoughts of—of your own on this matter? Or do—is that your thing, you come into a bar, you read some obscure passage and then you pretend, you pawn it off as your own—your own idea just to impress some girls, embarrass my friend?

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I think the sequel did a better job

This. Cuts right to the point.

Why didn't Matt Damon just tell him to fuck off? Instead he went on a long diatribe coming off like a self fellating Faggot.

>Citation of an actual page number
Is this what it's like to see a smart character being written by dumb people?

Do you like apples?

Because Matt Damon is an egomaniacal sociopath who unironically wrote himself this uber smart character as an intricate way to stroke his ego

post the film version of this

>picking up girls by being autistic
I don't think that works.

It works if you're Chad Damon

this movie was for youth with potential that waste it out of fear, you fucks.

>Serving fries is not unoriginal
What did he mean by this?

minnie driver was so fukin hot in this movie
chad damon just had to be a turboautismo and start REEEing at her instead of moving out and pounding that pusy all day long

Why am I picturing you having a Katana collection behind you, on the wall whilst you typed this?

Will Hunting is basically Matt Damon's fantasy version of himself

The entire movie is like the opening to Rushmore

>you're just aren't that good. Will hunting.

he married some brown spic solid 7 and is raising another man's daughter

for the longest time I thought the movie was called Goodwill Hunting

>Work in Essex County, Page 98

I thought it was a hunting movie or had something to do with hunting, either metaphorical or otherwise.
It's a fuckin' dude's name, holy shit. Last thing I expected.

I assumed Glengarry Glen Ross was some story about a tranny for some reason, way before my Sup Forums days.

Fuck, me too
I think it was because I was aware of Glen or Glenda before Glengarry

This movie is retarded and made me hate Matt Damon.

his character was a janitor

A janitor who's "smart but lazy," memorizes economics textbooks and solves impossible math problems for fun

This scene is stupid but I wish people wouldn't keep saying stuff from shit they read like they thought of it, just say where you read it and you thought it was interesting, don't be a smug asshole.

Whose fault was it again?

You were completely retared *before* Sup Forums. What, in the Seven Names of Fuck, are you now?

don't even have to open the link to know what it is

>i don't like the sound of them apples, will. whaddawe do?

This is a pretty stupid movie.

Because swords are cool?

I always thought this was kind of out of character. Isn't he supposed to be uneducated but a genius? But then he comes here and turns out he's educated as fuck and reads college textbooks for fun

Yeah I think he also did it on Rounders if he wrote that. I am not sure but I think it always happens when someone self inserts in any form of literature.

A whole movie about finding a cool table and some old movies for a few dollars each

Smart enough to be able to spell my disabilities which is a hell of a lot better than you, "retar"

That's the thing though, he isn't educated.He's read a lot of books but he's not trained in deducing things from it or learning the lessons stored within the information, which Robin Williams points out.