Let me explain this figure for you cucks out there

>I'm a geneticist well PhD student

The Y axis is the Allele Frequency. This is between 0 and 1. If the allele frequency for blue eyes is 25% in a population. That means that for 100 people there will be 6 people with blue eyes

>Remember humans are diploid, need two alleles.
>This is assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium p^2+2pq+q^2 = 1 given p + q = 1 (q in this case is 0.25)

The dashed lines are important. They are the allele frequencies of modern Mormons (CEU), Britons, Iberians (IBS), and Italians (TSI). They are controls

White skin: See how everyone but Spain (kek) has fixed white skin allele frequency at 1? Notice the Cro-Magnon Hunter Gatherer) and the early Farmers (from Anatolia/Central Steppe maybe) did not have pure white skin????

Blue Eyes: Are blue eyes the mark of an Ayran? Well what do you consider Aryan? You must have white skin but clearly only the Steppe (Proto-Indo-Ayran speaking peoples) have white skin ... but their blue eye allele frequency is low.

However it's the DARK hunter gather with nearly fixed allele frequency (fixed means at 1) that has blue eyes.




Other urls found in this thread:



race is more than skin colour.

go on


Blue eyes are purely European but Aryan is a different thing. The Aryans were fair skinned, blonde haired and tall.

What do you think of the Silver Fox, and dark skinned Eskimos are thus, because they don't have room in their lifestyles to reward new genes?

How do I poke OP in this place?

Burger speaks wisdom
Eskimoos are not too dark and I think with their diet having lily white skin would not be advantageous

I know more about human genetics and genetic diseases. AMA about those

Shills sliding this thread..


I would say about 70-90% of the posts I see about genetics are wrong on Sup Forums

AMA about your genetic questions

Turks are aryan tho

>ancient anatolians


turks speak an altaic-turkic language

POOs in LOOs are more Ayran than T*rk

Are Slavs human?

*northern poo in loos

Since they can breed with all other known H.sapiens, yes.

why haven't you fucked off back to le reddit yet?


that's true. apparently all POOs in LOOs might have another H.sapiens.X sub-species not found outside the subcontinent

rebbit is bloo-pilled

>I know more about human genetics and genetic diseases. AMA about those
You don't know so.

Aryan is not a physical appearance or a culture or emotional standpoint it's a state of mind that race is something people are born with and should be proud of and love and self identify with all races are the same but they mean different things to different people and some people are ashamed of their race so they try to project it unto others and make it look bad

I barely understood your question potato niggress

>What do you think of the Silver Fox, and dark skinned Eskimos are thus, because they don't have room in their lifestyles to reward new genes?

If there is an advantage it will probably show up. If white skin was vital to living in areas that far north then it would have to appear. Since there are people with darker skin there is some compensation (if you assume white skin is required). The compensation may be genetic as in another mechanism to say produce Vitamin D. Or environmental like eating offal of hunted animals which provide vitamin D (if you accept the vitamin D hypothesis of white skin evolution)

I wish Hitler could read this

All I get from this data plot is that Anglos are the whitest based on controls. And that 6% of the world population is white.

Typical burger education.

The controls are all at 1 but they didn't overlap the lines.

This is allele frequency. It's not a 6% of the world is white. That was an example. The points on the plots are ancient genomes. Showing hunter gatherers (Cro Magnons), Farmers (Europeans that migrated from Middle East/Annatolia before Bronze age), and Steppe peoples (Proto-Indo-Aryans)

Wow, you're an automaton incapable of individual thought.

This is not an AMA, it's listening to an answer phone session.


please enlighten me o'great spud

I've seen this and there are some inaccuracies

like the no-continuum on the PCA. It's a PCA it's not showing a continuum but variance.

There is a continuum, to the common ancestor. But that was a long time ago


I don't know for sure if that's true, but even if one data point is false it doesn't really challenge the whole concept. There are any number of measurements that prove the reality of race.

6% percent of the world population is white, if you take the white populations of the world's countries from census data, you'll find that the figure is around 6.7%

Figure 3 plotting the FSTs is probably due to gene length.

If you took the GO categories and took the genes within them and plotted the lengths of the genes it would strong correlate positively.

What does this mean?

It means that longer genes tend to have more mutations. This is due to random chance.

No one knows why genes regulating brain development are so large. But this is a major factor in the genetics of psychiatric disorders (my thesis) since these genes are more prone to mutation (and thus sporadic disease)

Science doesn't say there are no races. I work with this consortium and they obviously say there are many human populations, but we all came from one common ancestor. You can see that with the genetics.

Also that PCA plot is old AF

ive been telling dumb Sup Forumsfags this for ages.

the first waves of greeks were brown and the roman empire was brown, many many years after the first greeks came to europe.

lmao, another sourceless picture provided by a double digit IQ sub human Sup Forumsfag

I'm a product of SPQR. My last name comes from one of the largest Roman cities in the East. And my 23andMe says Im 15% Italian (I don't have any known Italian relatives).

Actually user they were dark but not really dark. The white gene shown in the OP entered Europe before the Bronze age. Since the Greeks speak an Indo-European language they were probably white (but obviously like a lot of Greeks darker than Finns)

the blue eyes meme was created by the jew after the holocaust.
btw the aryan has nothing to do with color nor build, its about aiming for the better.

to make things more clear accepting the flaws is the oposite of arianism.
>btw your post has made it clear that browns=outdated kek

Obviously there are a lot of Greek words that are not Indo-European. Like maritime words and words of religions. This is probably from the people living within the area when the Indo-Ayrans came.

These people were darker


we wuz europeans

this has been known for a while

in any case, those forager folks looked so specifically Europid you'd hardly mistake them for anything else even with brown skin and black/brown hair

Yeah they were not KANGZ but were dark "whites"

Actually this study was published last year I think ...

You are full of it.

nah we've known for more than a year that pretty much all western HG lacked both the main genes that lead to depigmentation in modern Europeans, with the exception of some scandinavian ones who were already white and blonde(motala iirc)


No I'm a PhD student and my life sucks
Yeah that's true about HGs. I was talking about the larger study with Farmers and Steppe people

Most of this work comes from the Reich lab in the US (there's a lot of work coming from Paabo in Germany too). I would like to work in his lab one as a post-doc. Maybe do structural variant analysis

oh for the steppe guys to be added then yes, it's pretty much last year stuff

Test. Bullshit.

Yeah that's what really productive labs do, just add on to existing data. I've been working with the same genomes for 3 years ... but will get 3 papers from them

Here's a WIP figure for a paper I'm writing

Found the insecure shit-eye

Sorry bud, you'll never be a part of the master race.

>master race

Master race is a mutt of dark hunter gatherers with blue eyes and white rapey horse men

Germanic languages might have a Semitic substrata (Anatolian/Middle East farmer background) look at the conjugation of Germanic verbs not found in other Indo-European languages (like sit, sat, drink ,drank)

Semitic languages do that...

Ironic that the concept of a master race pretty is in itself an inferiority complex. You have to feel that you are born better, programmed better. Why? To satisfy your own inferiority?

youre right and this thread is awesome

Do you have a question about genetics?

I have to leave soon

>Aryan is not a physical appearance or a culture


BASED posts seriously




lol not @ the top of my head but good thread man, hopefully it woke some people up to the disinfo being shoved down our throats everyday

Then what do green/hazel eyes mean?

Eye color is strongly influenced by one haplotype associated with the SNP in the OP

However there are other genetic factors in play that contribute to eye color. Many are not understood.

Height for example has complex inheritance patterns; it's not a simple one gene sort of thing

Blue eyes is almost a one gene thing but there are other factors.

Are some races not 'better' than others?

>I would say about 70-90% of the posts I see about genetics are wrong on Sup Forums
Could you give us some example please? Like what's the biggest gene meme you find people believing?

proto european groups were great but it looks like their hybrid combos were even better

Why are animals that can breed with each other called different species, but humans that can are not? Why is it that the definition of a species is deliberately inflated for humans?

Is it legitimate to call certain races separate species?

No some races are better at things than others.

>Asians: Math
>West Africans: Sprinting
>East Africans: Marathons
>Whites: Shooting schools

Don't simplify and meme it. I'm looking for a serious answer hear.

'Certain things' is a step to essentially 'better'. What world exists where marathons and sprinting are necessary?

I have to go soon, but a lot of whats wrong is assuming genetics is all Mendelian. A lot of genetics is complex in inheritance. Behavior, certain diseases, intelligence.

Also the concept of purity is silly too.

This argument is semantics. My scientific opinion of what a species is a breed-able pair. A horse,donkey, and zebra are all the same species but sub-species of each other

If you want to call certain people sub-species why not. Neanderthals used to be its own species but now it's a sub-species. A lot of this argument is semantics. It's racially charged in some instances tho. It's not scientifically interesting to me or the community really.


The sprinting "gene" is produces more fast twitch myosin. This is better for short distances. Maybe the time immemorial ancestor of West Africans needed to sprint to survive. Now nearly all West Africans have this "Sprint Gene".

East Africans it's probably something similar too but for a different environment.

>'Certain things' is a step to essentially 'better'.

What's better what's worse. Evolution has no direction but responds to stimulus.

Definitions are important, and they are of importance to scientists. If two separate 'species' can reproduce and then still have offspring, are they still separate species or not?

Why then, if this is the case, does this not transfer to humans from the animal kingdom? In what respect are we special?

Explain to me how is defining if niggers are a separate species is going to cure disease? ??

For the specific argument for subspecies/species in humans it's not relevant.

Yes, but not ancient Anatolians. The turks came into Anatolia just before the first crusade one thousand years ago.

>What's better what's worse. Evolution has no direction but responds to stimulus.

Yes.This does not diffuse the notion that perhaps it is desirable to breed, or cultivate certain traits towards a certain end, and which then adhere closer and better to a culture. A world now exists where certain genetic traits are irreverent, and so they are pragmatically, even ethically, irreverent.

I feel as if you are trying to put an is as an ought, and what you have admitted, which I respect, is that science is an amoral method of investigation.


It is relevant because it is disingenuous of scientists to curtail their views. Truth is truth, regardless of opinion. To curb oneself otherwise is to say that science is open to compromise.

I did read somewhere where Richard Dawkins said himself that there is enough evidence to classify humans into difference species. It begs the question as to why this is not the case.

evolution takes a long time. eugenics is not going to work in 25 years. you need 1000s of years lots of generations

unless.... you genocide user

So exactly where do you prove that Europe was dark skinned and at what time did the specimens come from? Or is this just a sensationalist bait title with no backing?

neanderthals, denisovan, erectus, heidelbergensis, etc are all humans but are different sub species.

Hey op what about green hazel black eyes with a orange hue, what am I if I have this am I white.

Not necessarily, no. But I am not arguing for eugenics either, not in an authoritarian sense.

Just questioning you, since you're an academic.

took two seconds

I'll just leave this here.

or it's useless

an orange hue, you say??

Yes I have some orange in my eye color

i heard sapolsky talk about the domesticated silver fox in one of his human behaviour biology lectures it was quite interesting. about how in breeding them to be tame they became cute like pups and in the process lost the nice coats

Why does this matter? If you go back far enough we were all unrecognizably different.

The point of preservation of "Aryan" features is the continuation of our lineage. Not to reset to prehistoric genetics.

Your contention is that we shouldn't use the term "Aryan"? Are you trying to be controversial? I don't understand what this thread is about.


What does it mean is orange hues in eyes mean something.

>Dismisses things as semantics
>"But you shouldn't call yourselves Aryans"

Typical scientist conflating an is an ought, as they tend to fallaciously do these days. Comes with a lack of philosophical understanding. They feel the need for a moral belief system, and attempt to manipulate an amoral system into once that's prescriptive.

Whya re you such a faggot? Are you triggered that the guy made good points?

He is saying the idea of an aryan homeland with blonde haired blue eyed people never happened.

and lol @ your idea of what the "point" of aryan features are.

aryans are from central asia and russia they are not nordic and furthermore, the entire north is our homeland not just europe.

Also what are you a retarded muslim? the guy is telling you FACT it doesnt matter what the politics are this idea changes our entire idea of european idenity and the past.

Also that means were not the same, blondes and blue eyed people are not the same race. we should encourage people who want to preserve the old cultures, i dont see why youre so salty about it

I don't understand if you're disagreeing with me or replying to the OP's argument.

Talk to me about genetic distance, and what it means

OP's comment.

They will unironically say that philosophy is irrelevant, which is itself a philosophical meaning-based statement.

I'm making another point, don't worry.

>Not to reset to prehistoric genetics

This is actually what the nazis wanted too, theyw anted to return to the thule/aryan way. hitler was an occultist obsessed with the aryan homeworld and aryan identity..he is the whole reason our aryan meme exists and its rampant on pol and in other "traditionalist" circles like varg, etc..theyre all promoting pseudo science why should people stay quiet about it. People from central asia who were "aryans" have more history to discover and preserve because people who are descended from these people tend to care about it.

I'm wondering what his point is.

Preservation of blonde blue eyed people is the preservation of our recent genetic legacy (northern europeans). Preserving who we ACTUALLY are. Nothing OP said can be used as an argument against this goal.

Autists seem to have trouble actually making points. They seem to dwell on details and semantics.

When the hell did he say that though?

He didn't, I inferred it by being finicky over terms, and then accusing me of being finicky over terms.

Maybe wrongly, but whatever. I feel like spazzing out atm

lmao you're retarded.

nothing has changed. preservation of the white "aryan" race is still a valid goal. I'm sorry you get so upset when people use the incorrect terminology. must make socializing difficult.