Why did British colonisation thrive while all of the others were relative failures?

Why did British colonisation thrive while all of the others were relative failures?

British colonization had the best management. When there was a wide empty land like Australia or America, they settled it with families, when it was a populated place like India, they indirectly ruled over it through puppet local leaders. Compare this to the Spanish chimpout in the Americas and the subsequent tanking of their economy, I'd say the British did very well.

Anglo superpowers. Also not totally enslaving the natives, but trying to fit them into our infrastructure. Life under us was better for most of them.

Don't mention the French treating their subhuman subjects as equals.

*not to mention

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The colonies in Quebec were more feudal than actual France was at the time. It was a miserable place. All France really did was fur/pelt trade, which was fine enough for them, but they didn't really get anything out of it other than a small annoying minority in Eastern Canada (which is still loyal to the Queen.)

It's one of the reasons why the EU should have been led by the Brits and not the Germans. British are just better leaders.

Germans are too autisitic and single minded, if they get an idea in their head they will pursue it relentlessly no matter the outcome.

Anglo colonization was driven by people fleeing persecution and going there with their whole family. You also had Germans and Huguenot French doing the same thing.

Spanish and Portuguese colonization was driven by a will to pillage and evangelize the native population. This lead to race mixing as women from Spain and Portugal did not emigrate in significant numbers, with the predictable degradation in the level of civilization.

French colonization was mostly about fur trading. The numbers remained extremely small despite the vast territory. Again women were not really invited to the party. At the time of the French and Indians wars, the thirteen colonies were outnumbering New France in population by something like 20 to 1.


Treat the inferior races well but not as equals.
Also, let the truly exceptional among them join your ranks, becoming honourary Brits.
Don't treat all of them like you would a white man, but when you get the odd genius or whatever you accept them with open arms.
That way the plebeians can dream about their sons & daughters getting a better life even if it's denied to most of them.

When you keep the entire race down with zero hope for improvement other than revolution or escape then you have a bad time.

Because they had plenty of white people that wanted to leave bongland


The only British colonies that thrived were the mostly white ones.

You don't consider Guyana, Yemen, Kenya or Uganda to be a great successes today do you?

Trade routes to support and cultivate economic dominance

Because Anglos are the master race

Tuton scum just ruin Europe

That's why.

Explains why they lost both world wars. Brits are quick to adapt and change, Germans are not.

The East India Company had a vested economic interest in things going well in the colonies.

Replace the native population or administer it. DO NOT half-arse and mix with it. That way lies half-civilisation which is no civilisation at all.

They were when white men ruled them.

>Why did British colonisation thrive while all of the others were relative failures?
The British and Americans invaded all the other colonials.

Autists in ITT with retard explanations.

The Spanish economy collapsed because they didn't understand inflation, they found too much gold and became rich too fast.

>Brits are quick to adapt and change
Doesn't explain the Battle of the Somme

industrial revolution.
Cheap goods produced in britain meant trade was more profitable than plunder
As such, Britain set up trading infrastructure in its colonies while the other european powers simply stripped everything of worth

the honest answer is genocide

but no one wants to think about it

The British Empire had many success stories but we shouldn't forget places like Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Belize, Jamaica etc..

Simply destroying isn't profitable, it's knowing when to use force to achieve your aims with trade.

The British empire started as a trading empire after all.

The Dutch and Portuguese don't get their due credit either for their empires.

Difference in Mentality.

The British were a Naval Empire. All the other European powers were Land Empires.

For Britain, the goal was not to control the land. The Goal was to control the sea, that brought the wealth of the Land back to Britain. How the Lands wealth reached the Sea, where it could be taken back to Britain was immaterial, so long as it did so.

This meant the British were less concerned with "controlling" their colonies as they were with controlling their colonies access to the world market. This had two major affects. In their weaker colonies, the local puppet rulers were happy with profiting off of Britains mercantilist power, and established strong local institutions to support that money machine.

In their stronger colonies (see, the 13 colonies of North America) these restrictions were seen as an affront to the rights of Englishmen. So while the system did cause the fall of the First British Empire in the American Revolution, the Second British Empire adapted for its predecessors failures. The end result was an Empire that had strong independent local rule subservient to the economic power of the Empire.

When the Second British Empire ended, there was no real transition because the existing power structures simply continued on their merry way. For the other European empires, this was not the case, as they were ruled as Fiefdoms, and there was no local power structure to replace them fallen empires.

Coz we're the master race niqqa