Is this true Sup Forums? is this the reason there are no good right-wing comedians?

is this true Sup Forums? is this the reason there are no good right-wing comedians?

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His nose is distracting

>larry the cable guy
fuck off moron. Also humor is subjective for the most part, and I sincerely doubt what a college liberal from the coast finds funny is the same as what a working class plumber finds funny.

That comic strip is never funny it's just words

Yeah, a blue collar worker would like dick and fart jokes.

that comic is dull of more diarrhea, than the toilet I'm sitting on and I'm currently coaxing out large quantities of ass piss

>the point of satire...
He totally does not understand the point of satire

Right Wing comedians can be funny. Scalia had the best humor out of all the justices despite being a conservative. It's neo-cons and social conservatives who can't crack a joke. Then again, Liberals aren't funny either, so the point is moot.

Kids laugh to fart noises.
Comedy is a joke.

Did you just assume my humor?

Polite term is bum pudding...
>thank me...

If Jerry Seinfeld didn't have Jewish nepotism on his side, he'd have never gotten anywhere.

I just know that the type of people who would bemoan the fact that British comedy is superior to American comedy would ignore that most British comedians before the year 2000 were conservatives

it's close to truth but not quite. It has nothing to do with privileged - buzzword definitions or not - comedy is about surprise and camaraderie. You need to be a part of 'something' to have a sense of humor. Humor is about others and other people. Alone on on island? All the jokes are about imaginary other people.

So you have two people on an island. One is boss and one is slave (basic Friday/Robinson relationship) can one make a joke equally with the other? YES. Humor is universal. So the premise of the fucking comic is GARBAGE.

I agree, I never found Norm Macdonald to be funny

Blue collar Gen X'er's love peak Simpsons. Libshit Millenials love Dick and Farty

Comedy has an inherent counter-culture element, and the more you see the regressive left bully people with their thought policing, the more you will see good right wing comedians.

Hell, that's half the reason that Bill Burr is so popular, and he's not even all that right-leaning.

Why is he implying that satire is the opposite of conservatism? They are two totally different things?

A right-wing professor once told me that the reason that there aren't that many highly conservative comedians is because there's a correlation between conservativism and the psychological trait openness, and it's precisely this trait that drives forms of humor such as satire.

Sounds fishy to me. I for one conceptualize reality as a constant and all-encompassing power struggle between the oppressed and their oppressors, where jokes are liberation if made in one direction, and oppression if made in the other. This comic is 100% accurate.

>I for one conceptualize reality as a constant and all-encompassing power struggle between the oppressed and their oppressor
shitty trolling m8 nobody's this retarded

It really makes you think?

>A right-wing professor once told me that the reason that there aren't that many highly conservative comedians is because there's a correlation between conservativism and the psychological trait openness

A negative correlation. Yes, this is true.

In terms of the big five personality traits, conservatives tend to be high on conscientiousness (i.e impulse control, goal oriented behavior, organization) and low on openness (imagination, insight, abstract thought). While liberals are the the reverse.

Given that comedy is an inherently creative endeavor, from a cognitive psychological perspective this does explain a lot of the discrepancy.

Right wing humor elected Donald J. Trump President of the United States. It's the politically correct perpetual victims on the left that have zero sense of humor.

This comic kind of exemplifies that.

>No no, you're being funny wrong, I don't like your jokes, you need to tell them this way and only joke about these things

Firm yet sensible policies are hard to defend because the explanation for them isn't simple. It's harder to explain why a country needs some form of taxation than it is to just mock the entire system, and comedy is a place where in-depth explanations go to die.

Imagine 14th century people arguing over the shape of the earth. "No Matthew, the earth is round, this can be proven by the curvature of-" is quickly shut down by "HA, THIS FAG THINKS THE EARTH IS ROUND." Followed by the thunderous applause of hands hitting each other excitedly. It's not funny to explain why the earth is round, it's logical and requires math. Describing why immigrants should have to visit legally is quickly derided by accusations of racism, appeals to emotion which are easy to mock, snappy, and can be used to control impatient audiences.

could it be that some people don't feel the need to ham-handedly shoehorn their political beliefs into their creative endeavors?

>Rightwingers not needing to ham-handedly shoehorn their political beliefs

>>The point of satire is to comfort the afflicted by afflicting the comfortable.

Of course, who is the afflicted and who is the comfortable is decided by the liberals I guess, huh.

>no good convervative comedy
>Sup Forums exists

You think I come here for films?

pretty sure the point of satire is to mock people for being wrong

true but if your hands are jellied ham you don't need a shoehorn


>Malcom X


Dan Carlin destroys this fag cartoonist

or you know? Drugs?

>haha no you totally DO do that, because you DO!
wew i guess i should take a page from these adroit liberal cartoonists. you can tell their jokes are so good because they feel the need to textually exposit at length, while still leaving a tiny bit of room to draw the caricature of "dumb guy who believes bad thing" in there as well.

What kind of rifle loads like that? Wtf?
Why didn't the artist include Mandela, was it all the "necklacing"? It was the "necklacing" wasn't it?

no it's still technically right. He was killed after he switched his point of view, but karma got the best of him because he inspired violence and once he wanted out his own followers killed him.

Dave Chappelle does nothing but make fun of the "non-privileged" though so there goes that argument.

Assuming this is about nuclear weapons/small arms, the metaphor does not translate. Weapons are life-threatening while water balloons are fun, so what did the cartoonist mean by this?

>breakdown rifles
I want one now.
But no the carcano was just a normal bolt action mag fed. Artist is autism.

I suppose there's a correlation there too. Psychedelic drugs can lead to a long term increase in the psychological trait openness, possibly even a permanent one if it's an ego-death level trip.

The American liberal vs conservative binary seems like some seriously entry-level shit. As far as I can tell, every good comedian I've ever seen has had politically incorrect opinions.

Wow, I hate self defense now.

Mandela wasn't assassinated.

The main mechanism of humor is subversion of expectations, ergo the dumber you are the more easily you will find something funny as you have poorer foresight. Being conservative itself implies more foresight.

user, I have some bad news.

This comic is retarded, what about Hitler, Lenin, Castro, Franz Ferdinand to name a few?

Wrong timeline friend. Mandela lived a lot longer and died of a respiratory disease in this universe.

Do you have anyone in mind? Off the top of my head, Monty Python made a skit about a cross-dressing lumberjack, a subplot in life of Brian about the foolishness of partisans and zealots, and lots of other irreverent, iconoclastic jokes.

Stephen Fry is gay and tends not to align with culturally conservative topics of any kind.

Hugh Laurie and Fry together did an entire series ridiculing the foppish upper class for being foolish and out of touch.

Rowan Atkinson and the other cast members of Blackadder ended their WW1 arc with a very much intended critique of the utter idiocy that war represented and, again, the foolish upper class that drove them to it.

Douglas Adams was too intellectually unorthodox and fond of new age philosophies and agnostic humor to be religiously or socially conservative.

Terry Pratchett was undeniably opposed to conservatism, although he also had an interestingly Ayn-Randist strain in his writing, especially the later books. The things he borrowed from Objectivism had nothing to do with conservatism, though.

Maybe you grew up watching some different set of staunch conservative comedians from the U.K. than I did. The ones I knew weren't "leftists" by any stretch, but they were socially tolerant, free-thinking, irreverent people that loved to push the envelope and fly in the face of accepted tradition. That's not conservative.

>Terry Pratchett was undeniably opposed to conservatism
How so?

>understanding methods of deterrence this poorly
water balloons present no sound risk to usage against others under normal circumstances (using them on a playground), while firearms present a huge risk to usage against others under normal circumstances. if two people have water balloons, they will likely try to throw them as quickly and accurately as possible at each other without much attempt to avoid the water balloons. if two people are in an even standoff involving firearms, a compromise occurs to resolve the matter, one defeats the other, or they both kill each other. if the attacker only has water balloons/a gun, then the attacker has all of the power.

When and how

Stop misusing 3 dollar words to try to sound smart

seriously this comic might be the most condensed example of leftist delusion i ever saw.

Not even arguing the point that there are few right-wing comedians (there are few right-wing "artists" in general post 1960) about every argument here is highly debatable.

The worst is probably how this guy thinks that the "non-privileged" correlates to liberalism while the "comfortable" belongs to conservatism.

Its the poor and struggling working class thats the most conservative and that includes minorities even though they vote differently.

The whole reason why Right wing comedians never make it big, is purely because of Hollywood and the entertainment industries being dominated by left-wing types.

huh? what are android cartoonists?

>when your gender studies leaves you ill prepared to make cogent arguments

le persuasion man proves ya wrong.

>hated, absolutely hated, the monarchy and all forms of hereditary authority
>hated the upper class/gentry for the same reasons
>was strenuously anti-war, devoted an entire book to the premise that wars are autistic dalliances by out of touch elites that don't suffer any of the real consequences
>deeply opposed racism and made it a centerpiece of most of his books in Ankh Morpork
>made Death himself an endearingly human character to play with and subvert themes of morality, religiosity, and mortality
>scorns the baron industrialist class as a throwback to criminals and slaveowners, makes one of them the biggest villain in one of his books (Going Postal)
I could go on, but the point is he's about as strongly anti-conservative as I can imagine. Doesn't mean he's a Marxist at all though.

>jesus was assassinated
That's really stretching the definition of the word

>"Let me tell you, I am so socially liberal, even the liberals don't know it."
>"I think we should let women decide for themselves on the issue of birth control and abortions. It's not our place to decide."
>"none of us experience the same reality; there is no objective reality that we can all share. Everyone sees things though their own biases."
These are slightly paraphrased but they are all things Adams said in a podcast or wrote on his blog. He's aligned with Trump as a huge game changer, not because he's a bible thumping tax cutting warmongering Reaganite, at all. Which is why I like Adams so much

Seriously, stop. You sound cringey enough to be a 15 year old

How would gender studies not prepare you to argue? All they do is argue with everyone

libertarian is right wing.

are sam's pretty funny

His humor is 100% apolitical, so he's not a right wing comedian you dipshit.

Sam Hyde


Fuck your seinfield is legendary the show I mean

>humour is about helping the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable
How far up one's own ass can one go? This is why the left can't meme. Everything has to be about the proletarian revolution, no exceptions.

hmmmmmmmm really made me think and reconsider my stance on this issue.............

lol tv shows




>comic about people who were assassinated
>Why didn't the artist include Mandela
Stupid fucking Sup Forumscuck.
>This comic is retarded, what about Hitler, Lenin, Castro
Not as retarded as you, apparently. Stupid fucking Sup Forumscuck.

>the incentive of not getting hit by a waterballoon is the same as the incentive of not getting nuked

It's about guns not nukes you idiot.


norm macdonald is right-wing, case closed

>implying the incentive of not getting waterballooned is the same as the incentive of not getting shot

>norm macdonald is right-wing
So you have to resort to lying to make yourself feel better?

This comic is wrong on two points. One, humor really isn't about 'punching up' at the oppressor, it's about being creative and surprising. Two, liberals can't even stand on that moral highground, because they've now started defining working class white people as 'oppressors' and everyone else as the oppressed. It's not as if they're only attaking CEOs or politicians anymore.

not very effectively

I don't know man the nazis make me laugh pretty regular.

>cogent argument
not just argument

I really don't understand this I've never played a racist, homophobic or transphobic game in my life and I play a lot of fucking video games. What kind of games are these people playing?? maybe some games I've played are sexist because of like women in skimpy clothing and shit but even that's a huge stretch I really don't get these people

The second point is not necessary because the first already kills their point. To leftards, everything is revolution, reality be damned. This is a deliberate ideology. Your average SJW sees literally every action someone takes as part of the class war.

other than his ted talk he's about as funny as that comic m8

>le geek cultur xdxd
Pls. kill the Redditor who made this.
He voted Trudeau.

A modest proposal isnt exactly "comforting the afflicted"


Hitler, Lenin, and Castro were all the targets of assassination attempts. Since the point above was about the intent behind the act of assassination, it's irrelevant that they failed.

Sam and all of MDE are pretty much comedic genius' but it's hard to find the really good shit since they've been making videos for like 7 years and it's all spread out all over the place because of the YouTube format. Most of the shit you probably seen is Sam being a shock jocky i think it's hilarious but to you it's probably disturbing but whatevs to each their own.

Basically any game that doesn't have a black transgender Muslim protagonist is sexist, racist, and transphobic.

>the point of satire is to afflict the comfortable
True, but not in the way that the author intends. Nigger jokes are funny because niggers are lazy good-for-nothing welfare leeches who live comfortably because of white tax money. They deserve to be made fun of because they don't do anything of merit and still get along just fine. That's the absolute definition of privilege and comfort.

>the point of satire is to afflict the comfortable
And what accomplishes that better than offensive and/or controversial speech?

I watched their whole stupid show. If they have funny material squirreled away somewhere, why didn't they bring it out for that?

black people make fun of black people and mexicans make fun of mexicans, does that count as conservative humor? what is liberal humor?

Did you try checking up your bigged hipped fat ass you belligerent faghot

>he says on Sup Forums which has become Sup Forums 2.0 because those faggots arent wanted in their own board

Sam is funny as a concept