DNC concerned about losing black votes in crucial states

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>WASHINGTON — When a handful of liberal advocacy organizations convened a series of focus groups with young black voters last month, the assessments of Donald J. Trump were predictably unsparing.

>But when the participants were asked about Hillary Clinton, their appraisals were just as blunt and nearly as biting.

>Adding to the worries is a separate poll of African-Americans that Mr. Belcher conducted earlier in the summer indicating that Mrs. Clinton is lagging well behind Mr. Obama’s performance among young blacks in a handful of crucial states.

>“There is no Democratic majority without these voters,” Mr. Belcher said. “The danger is that if you don’t get these voters out, you’ve got the 2004 John Kerry electorate again.”

>What frustrates many blacks under 40 is Mrs. Clinton’s overriding focus on Mr. Trump.

>“We already know what the deal is with Trump,” said Nathan Baskerville, a 35-year-old North Carolina state representative. “Tell us what your plan is to make our life better.”

>And the leaders are more diverse. “It’s not just heterosexual men,” she noted.

>Not only are younger black activists reached in different ways, they also have far higher expectations on leaders, dismissing boilerplate pleas for racial equality and justice as insufficient.

>“Gone is the day of patience,” said Tony J. Payton Jr., 35, a former Pennsylvania state representative. “No longer should we accept systemic racism.”

>Yet when African-American voters in the focus groups were shown campaign fliers and asked to rate them, there was no mistaking what was most effective.

>A pamphlet with a picture of Mr. Trump that read, “We have to beat the racists,” fell flat with young black audiences.

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Wtf i love stein now

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It's also tranding right now on teh twitters, idk if some of our twitterfags wouldn't mind amplifying it.

>What frustrates many blacks under 40 is Mrs. Clinton’s overriding focus on Mr. Trump
lmao, not only she spent millions on her smear campaign it all blows in her face

There's some batshit insane black entitlement at play in the article as well.


>spend most of your campaign pandering heavily to a demographic that only makes up ~10% of the population and usually has a bad turnout

What could possibly go wrong with that plan

i'm a black dude in his thirties and i don't know any black family members or coworkers who are for hillary. I've even heard black friends and family express concern about Trump getting lashed by the media for no reason.

I actually got to meet hillary, bill and chelsea ages ago and have always had somewhat of a soft spot for the clintons, but she still comes off as a POS.

we don't need the democratic party, smug liberals, #blm or the media speaking for us anymore. i wish they would just fuck off and quit using blacks as some kind of collateral in their war against anyone who doesn't agree with them. oh yeah, fuck the blacks who fall to their knees for Queen Hillary.

You can't really blame her, it worked well for Jeb... and Marco... and Ted... and...


>Black men have had 8 years of Obama
>Obama promised to make it better for brothers
>instead he pushes for more mexicans in their hoods
>Black men getting WOKE and turning on the DNC because ole white bitch gonna be more of the same but worse

>“Tell us what your plan is to make our life better.”

1) It's the same plan as the last 60 years: They won't.

2) Make your own fuckin life better, idiot.

Good on you! We gotta win no matter what.

>Not only are younger black activists reached in different ways, they also have far higher expectations on leaders, dismissing boilerplate pleas for racial equality and justice as insufficient.

>“Gone is the day of patience,” said Tony J. Payton Jr., 35, a former Pennsylvania state representative. “No longer should we accept systemic racism.”

Niggers are just so fucking hopeless.

Fast forward 200 years from now, and it will be the same exact story. They will still be focused on 1 singular issue because they will still be failing in every aspect of society, and it will still be blamed on 'systemic racism' and a need for 'social justice.'

Everything niggers think about is through the lens of being a nigger.

It's all so tiresome.

Dem niggers don't know what's good for them.

Why don't niggers tackle the real problem?
The fact they are born in a dysfunctional family and in a bad neighborhood?

If they did more to encourage niggers to remain as an actual intact family and if police were more funded to clear out the nonstop waves of criminal activity in those neighborhoods I'm pretty sure that is all it would need.

Niggers are too stupid to vote for anyone outside of the democrat plantation.

They'll vote democrat or not at all

i want to make her suffer so bad

>beta bitch making anyone suffer
Shoo away man child.

>Fast forward 200 years from now, and it will be the same exact story.
There aren't going to be any niggers in 200 years. If we haven't wiped them out, the chinks will have done it.

she deserves it

No, not this one.
She is pure.

> 2) Make your own fuckin life better, idiot.
Trips of wisdom. You are solely responsible for your own life, what gibs you get are a blessing.

Exchange blacks with whites and you might have something there.

I like this black guy.

Good. Everyone needs to realize that the Democrats are a fucking scam.



>>What frustrates many blacks under 40 is Mrs. Clinton’s overriding focus on Mr. Trump.
>>“We already know what the deal is with Trump,” said Nathan Baskerville, a 35-year-old North Carolina state representative. “Tell us what your plan is to make our life better.”
Never thought it would be blacks who oppose a candidate for their campaign being completely based on ad hominem attacks.

wtf, im into sucking bbc now

Better than Leaf

In all seriousness I'm native and completely on board the trump train. I don't know any of my folks who are with Hillary. The media has spent a retarded amount of time trying to play up every minute thing they can dig up on trump meanwhile completely ignoring the fact that Clinton has spent her career jailing minorities and pushing social programs that destroy communities. Fuck Hillary and the Dems. This is the first election that my family won't be voting for them.

This election has had an unexpected unifying effect. Everyone's wising up to the empty pandering of the Democrats.

It seems the whole world is getting sick of politicians assuring us that everything is fine while they continue to stab their own people in the back.

>systemic racism
Isn't that the racism that certainly doesn't exist due to law?
I can understand arguing against personal racism but this shit's retarded