
What was the point of this character?

Why does Hussie hate him so much in an obsessive way?

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We have this "thread" every time. It sucks. You know exactly what we're going to say. Fuck you.


He was an unfinished character, honestly. He had a great thing going for him during his time as the leader of the Hivebent team, but halfway through A5A2 the emotional romance bullshit started to get to him, and being an emotional punching bag slowly went from being one of Karkat's less-shown traits to beinh his entire character.

TL,DR; another would-be great character with wasted potential

>Answering this legitimately.
I wish I was as naive as you.

How so, user? So you can waste your time and energy in pointless discussions over the internet for hours on end?

Moreso just have fun with them.

Not him but it's because it's a meme

Why does it hurt my eyes to look at the updates on the Snapchat?


Who is the beautiful woman? She is now my wife.

having your characters go from mid 2000's chat clients to snapchat is pretty jarring.

It doesn't feel right because it ISN'T right. But hey, that's just the kind of stuff you have to deal with when the writer of your favorite webcomic is a fucking sellout who panders to whatever happens to be the biggest number in his fanbase at the moment, said number being Dumblr in Homestuck's case

>tfw dreambubbles went from limbo tentacle hell where you relive memories over and over, dying over and over, while never remembering to Neverland full of shitty teens and their drama

>I've been kidnapped by rebels!
>Selfie! :B

Especially since fucking no one uses Snapchat just to chat.

Even she knows she's not in real danger.

Basically the same thing.


I was making a joke but come on, user, the plot did what needed to with the mechanic.

I've not been keeping up with Homestuck since Act 7? Have the snaps actually been anything important at all? Any news on Tavros, the ghost army and all that shit? Is Sollux still OOTS? This big-lipped fucking hack has left me so confused.

Out of the stuff you mentioned, all we get is GCATavrosprite^2 appearing in a couple snaps.

Pretty sure there is a tumblr page with all the updates.

I think it'd be fucking hilarious if Sollux just hated Vriska's crew enough that he left to get himself killed.

Ghost Army Remains are getting sucked into the black hole created at the end of Act 7. If there are any that are not they havent been seen

Nothing new for Sollux. Just kinda vanished

Because he realizes that Vriska is a much better "anti-hero" character, then castrated Kadkat again to create Caliborn and then trashed him as the shipping bait who should suck Terezi or Dave's dick.

Wouldnt it be funny if, like, Sollux just started licking vriska's feet? like just for laughs. Haha.

hahahah yeah
Why haven't you donated to this yet?

user, I had something going and you just had to make it weird.

because i'm fucking poor

Lack of interest.

I know Homestuck's got some good songs but I pick and choose alot of the songs I like. Any songs I like I've probably already downloaded and I don't like the idea of donating to a project and getting songs that I may or May not like

>Vriska will never kiss his balls

What if the project gave you a free roxykitten at higher backing tiers

If you liked Strife you will 100% like strife 2. I guarantee it.

What do you mean, weird? I just thought it would be funny. Haha. I think about the characters licking each other's feet all the time, it just cracks me up!

If its in my price range

user..... Please don't bring this into here. It's a Christian image board.

Roxykitten is worth any price

I would NEVER give her a hug.

But would you take one from her?

No, NEVER.... OK, maybe.


What's his name again?

>TFW no very own Roxykitten.
Why live?

You're what lead to her bad behavior.

Wait, no, I'm not a dad.

How did they know?

You are now.

Suck it, nerd

I can't believe that first thread. How can so many people be so wrong?

F. None Of The Above

What do I do?

Learn to change diapers and start a college fund.

Everyone had shitty nuRose on the mind. Who would want to vote for that?

>In the future

user you ain't ever goin' to college and neither is she without a trust fund

education is for rich stupid people now

Am I going to change into a ginger?

I already graduated from college. The real question is what are you doing to help your precious daughter become a world-famous scientist?

But why wouldn't everyone think of Rose when she was relevant and good/ an actual character?

>Rose used to be funny, cute, catty, smart, and clearly hurt in away you hoped she resolved
>Now all she's good for is writing fics where she's bullied so hard for being an orange cone moron that she cries

>Succeeding in STEM

>dashing your roxykitten's dreams

Damn it, how did you know it was me? Why does she have to be a doctor anyway? Because you said so?

Depending on How Roxxkiten is raised by user I see three possibilities

>Starts new business based on selling Alcohol


>Becomes a scientist and discovers the cure for cancer From Liquor

I said scientist, not doctor. She just has to get her PhD in something cool.

Still, scientist. What if I want her to be a businesswoman? Or movie star? Or adult movie star? She is a living nekogirl after all.

What song do you wish got used in flash but never did? For me it's Earthsea Borealis.

>adult movie star

You're a godawful parent.

She could be a billionaire though, user.

Ya gotta teach her what right and wrong user. Its to make sure she chooses a good career

And whatever she learns she passes onto Rosekitten

Morals don't mean anything if you make money.

that's kind of what we've taught ourselves as a species and it's gonna end our lives and future as a race relatively soon geologically speaking so yeah

I prefer Jadebunny or Jadepuppy

Nah, it's the only thing keeping us afloat.

money to the exclusion of morals has kept us afloat?

rich detected, someone gets the knives and steak sauce, we're having dinner

Nah, I'm actually really poor but I'm grateful of my rich overlords everyday.

Shit I mean janebunny

I kind of hope there ends up being a way to find out richposters so they can be threatened with cannibalism and random bannings and the like though

God, user, why do you hate rich people so much?

No war but class war, user.

Tale as old as time. Murder the rich, eat them because they're not actually human, and then laugh as the rest of the suited pigmen cry about their cuck fantasies before they're dragged out into the streets next to become dinner.

You sound both unhinged and not very clever.

I think you need help.
Don't bully the mentally ill, user.

Oh you can call me and say whatever you want, but just remember, no war but class war.

The rich aren't people like you and me, and you were born with the right to murder them for meat and resources, because as non-humans that's all they're good for. That's all.


I find homestuck's use of snapchat as a storytelling medium to be highly unrealistic
there hasn't even been a single dick pic yet

Hussie ran out of ideas and instead of challenging the medium, like all quitters and losers, he instead desperately jumped on what 'The Youngs' find cool and current to use

>, like all quitters and losers
WTF, I hate Hussie now.

this but unironically

Stop taking meth

Glades Plugin

user, think about it this way, if Hussie never existed, we would have never met.

Never had it. Wouldn't mind trying it once. I hear it gets used a ton nowadays cut with other drugs to give them an oomph in more seedy areas of the country. As the midwest keeps dying, you're sure to see a lot of parts of it turn into outright meth lord wargrounds.

She is the love of my life.

I don't like Time On My Side.

I miss Glades. I miss bad and sincere Homestuck jokes. I miss the 2010-2012 years. I miss a community that wasn't gigantic and shitbrained about everything as populist politics smothered it all. I miss all the artists and fun freaks we had hanging around. I miss Homestuck.

I miss you.

>an entire civilization just handed power over to a few 16 year olds

Are they fucking stupid?

Can I have a tubby weeb girl instead of a roxykitten

Hussie isn't exactly writing anything profound or sensible here anymore man, he's forcing out all he can from his bloodied colon before the game flops and we all forget about him