Help me out. At what point did Evan Rachel Wood went from adorable to obnoxious

Help me out. At what point did Evan Rachel Wood went from adorable to obnoxious

Westworld > Game of Reddit

when she started having opinions you disagreed with you whiney weak WHITE male.

marilyn manson fucked her too young.

So, he raped her?

Pretty much

They made more sense as a couple

Evan Rachel Wood fucked a married man. Gross! Whore!

I dk what it is about her, but nothing can ruin her for me. She has this weird hold on me, that I find myself agreeing with her in everything she says.

Seeing this would normally gross me out, but with her, i just think she was young and made mistakes.

Shes so smart and beautiful and perfect, I cant explain it

hi evan

>She's so smart
would you also happen to be fan of sasha grey

Probably when she had a child and became a matriarch.

Yes, she is the GOAT porn star after all

>i just think she was young and made mistakes

Marilyn Manson is a pretty chill dude tbqh senpai

The way cunts here talk as if this wasn't where the shit goes when Reddit flushes its toilets.

marylyn manson is a pedophile and abuses women on his concert tours . you must be stupid as fuck to have no idea about any of that

she was never adorable, she was always obnoxious

Westwood fangays actually think this snorefest is the next GOT.


your sisters?

its easy to convince yourself you're not a degenerate slut by playing them in movies and pass it off as 'im acting'

>inb4 she stars in a Hillary Clinton biopic in 20 years.

When was she adorable?

Her "acting" in Westworld was terrible, shes easily the worst thing in the show besides the black woman.

It's the haircut
